Where do you see humanity in the next 500-1000 years realistically?
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I won't be here. I honestly don't give a fuck.
>wearing power armor
>in a warzone
>no helmet
i shiggy
Your brain will be trapped in an artificial AI hell.
so basically the same.
Being extinct. I think we have about a 12% chance of surviving the next 200 years.
Mouse Utopia soon.
The world will be mostly black and mocha colored people. We will finally live in harmony and help eachother as one large community, rather than squabbling over stupid things like skin color. The ultra wealthy will have had all of their money redistributed, and many will be jailed and tortured for having been so greedy and hording it all. We will forget the past, as it is determined that the past was filled with closed minds and regressive behavior. It will be a great time to be alive.
Mostly dead
Not sure, but giant mega cities surrounded by endless favelas filled with mixed race mongrels is the most likely outcome, I doubt it will take 500 years though.
Europe = South Africa
Americas = Brazil
Israel = Nuked by sandniggers
Slavs and Chinks ruling the world.
Traveling through the stars, established supremacy.
Niggers , dunecoons and female genes out of the gene pool and replaced by incubators, selectively choosing the genes from which you can make the best soldiers, generals, scientists, etc.
Dead. Completely dead.
In about 100 years the AI will have taken over, no need to look that far into the future.
Elite having fun and colonizing everywhichwere. Everyone else dead and replaced by robot servants centuries ago.
ok in this order
1. a financial crisis
2. 2nd us civil war
3. russian land grab of past soviet republics
4. german-russo war
5. us nationalists win
6. german-russian war ends in stalemate
7. ai is developed
8. super-ai is developed
9. 1st alien contact
10. human subjugation into intergalactic alien empire.
thats the gist of it
are the aliens nice/sexy?
Figured it would be ultra wealthy low population walled off jew cities filled with elites while the other 99 percent being their slave labor mud people the cities who are forced into factory/farm roles and live in abject poverty and misery realizing that killing off the white man spelt their eternal doom and that it's all their fault.
a valid question. checked.
no they are repulsive bug-like things
I will be bones in the grave, not caring what happens, having died knowing I did the best for the future of my people.
we are the beautiful ones
Yeah, that's not going to happen. You have no grasp of human history do you?
History is an endless bloodbath and it always will be. It's in our nature.
it's for art only, codex ensures they all wear them in battle
t. Nigger
Zzzziiiinnnnnggggg, very nice
With the current path near extinct. The invasion of Europe by Muslims will pressure Russia to attempt to extend their borders to provide a buffer between themselves and the Muslim invading forces from the west and south.
Asia will also recognize the threat, however later than Russia, and attempt the same.
Both will fall from the guerilla tactics, suicide attacks, Innocents as shields (the standard Muslim forces tactics) along with the possibility that what countries still have the ability may resort to nuclear attacks against Russia (and depending on when Asian countries) in their attempts to expand to defend from the threat.
This will be the third World War and will not be short.
During all of this the invading forces in Europe will destroy the infrastructure, technological progress will halt. Food production will not be able to keep up, and cities (extending to rural areas) will become shit holes like most of the middle East and Africa.
America, instead of realizing the threat and siding with Russia and Asia, will declare them both enemies. We will send ground forces to attack, but the Muslim Europe forces will use their same tactics against American forces as well.
We will not see real Artificial Intelligence, computer simulations nor any real space exploration. Every white country will be fighting with themselves, each other and the Muslim Invaders.
This will all be very evident in the next 20 or so years.
After that the world will spend centuries fighting with itself. If the Muslims eventually lose ground (or enough numbers) we may have the ability to rebuild.
Each day that more invade Europe their forces grow. Each day they grow stronger. Each day the future of civilization becomes closer to that of the middle East.
But, hey, I am sure this is tl;dr.
I really fucking hope you're right
russia has 20 million muslims, putin loves them. hes a fake nationalist
Digits prove the aliens are nice/sexy thank you user :)
Christ reigning from Jerusalem with an iron rod.
sorry user
Quads beat trips. But he did phrase it as a question. Hmmmmm...
this song is terrible
at least parody his music
China and Japan will see a demographic bomb and their cultures will implode. Both have strong xenophobic tendencies and collapsing birth/death rates.
China will revert to its pre-1900 state of warlord dominated civil war.
Japan will likely become the new Greece, a former industrial powerhouse which now needs to rely on foreign workers & tourism to survice.
Europe will become Arabic. France, Germany and the northern states will resemble Spain. A small elitist group of technocrats managing over a heavily subsidized and non-employed underclass. The EU will implode at the first sign of ethnic conflict when it becomes apparent Germany has neither the will nor interest to defend France or Italy in either a Humanitarian Crisis or war.
Ukraine and the Balkans will revert back to their 1500-1800 history of relying on internal trade on the Silk Road. Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Moldova, having fought Russia for over 20 years in a frozen conflict will start to resemble Israel, having some of the largest and most nationalistic armies on the planet.
Saudi Arabia having depleted all of its major oil reserves around 2150 will implode and Sunni countries (UAE, Dubai, Egypt) will collapse from the collapse in Arms & religion support.
Russia, if it adverts its own population time bomb will likely have a civil war following the death of Putin. If Russia avoids going failed state they will pivot all military to defend Siberia against a destabilizing China as China looks to "Anschlusse" Siberia to offset their own debt burden and population failures.
The USA will likely continue onwards, as the "cleanest dirty shirt" in the world, as the world's industrial productivity continues to stagnate and more people are underemployed the USA will become a giant "Switzerland", with anyone wealthy buying their way into the US. Inequality and disparity will continue between the US Midwest and the Rich enclaves.
Having my consciousness uploaded into a computer where I live in an artificial world with a new waifu every life cycle and then starting over with a new waifu.
Artificial Intelligence will require ever larger Cloud Storage facilities when electrical engineering hits the maximum limit of moores law and is constrained by electron physics.
The need for ultra rare metals will force mankind to take to deep space exploration and zero-g refineries to manufacture ever more complex digital computer clouds to improve productivity led gains. Gains generated by further outsourcing of jobs and human activity to machine learning patter recognition programs.
The freshly laid off and underemployed will be signed up, like serfs in the 1400's to 1700's were shipped to debitor colonies to work in deep space or on mining facilities.
Sometime int he next 1000 years, things will become reliant on just-in-time logistics (The Amazon Model) and technology that a underclass terrorist attack or rogue nation will try to blow everything up with a virus.
Thats all I got.
I don't know I just hope that when I die that I don't have to fucking come back
>endless war
>mass extinction
>entire world turns into Rio
>slite chance we colonize space in any significant way
I'll be gone by then so idgaf
If things continue the way they are, Humanity will mostly become a subjugated slave class to the small circle of people who are considered the Elites or the Judaya. Humans will resemble massive orcish grunts with at most a double digit IQ on average. The world's housing will consist of favelas the size of modern countries, with everyone taking highly technological transit like the hyperloop to get to their jobs at simple machine factories or mining labour. The Judaya will us religion to control the masses in their retarded mental state, claiming themselves to be the descendants of the God or Gods (quite similar to the book Off Armageddon Reef).