How do we fix Western women?

How do we fix Western women?

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Stop using social media

Rise above it

Go back in time; show this to the first Eukaryotic organisms, and convince them that multicellularism is a mistake
Ignore the Black bit though

I'm generally not a religious person. I curse, jerk it to porn, do about anything else you'd expect from someone who uses this site, and by all means shouldn't have any moral objections to things like wanton sex and drug abuse.
But I do. The idea of hookup culture just disgusts me. I avoided the neighborhood bicycle like the plague, when she started making moves for me. The only two people in my immediate family both seem to think that this is abnormal.

We can't. We're seeing their true nature now that the restrictions of thousands of years of civilization have been lifted. They want to fuck the same group of Chads, then complain that Chad doesn't respect them or want to commit to them. The number of marriages and two parent families as a share of the population is declining, and the birth rate is below replacement. Allowing things "because it's natural" is no way to maintain a civilization, and will lead to a collapse, and we will eventually be replaced by a more traditional culture.

>shilling for niggers
Why am I not surprised...

There is no fix, in the terms that you're speaking of, nor a need for one.

Time is the greatest ally of any philosophy, morality or ideas of virtue.

We need Time to lay bare the consequences of the far too hastily progressive modes of thought of the past 20 years.

There are some good modes of thought included, but the overwhelming bad will only be reflected in the dismay of those who realise they are immoral husks dancing to the false song of deceptive virtue.

Time is our greatest ally, enjoy the show, learn as much as you can from the mistakes of your peers and wait for the inevitable cacophony of regret that will spew from mislead minds.

ban abortion

the natural penalty for being loose is pregnancy and new found responsibility

>implying single mothers take that responsibility

White women will just use birth control, so that solves nothing. Blacks will still be too stupid to use birth control, so all you're doing is increasing the black population.

The only way to solve the problem is to take away women's suffrage, but since they are the majority of voters this will not happen peacefully.

ban that shit too

sex should be treated for what it is

underrated jej

the woman/child emotional bond is the strongest in the entire natural world

if the woman is remotely normal she will most certainly become attached to the child and want to take responsibility for it

The plane is all ready in free fall user, I suggest partying until it crashes.

>if the woman is remotely normal
She's not. The overwhelming majority of single mothers are complete basket cases. There's a reason the statistics for their kids are so fucked.
Usually they do the bare minimum that'll keep them from going to jail for neglect, a shitty home, but a safe one. Turd Flinging Monkey talked about his own during a podcast. She'd take all of her alimony/child support money, party that away, and then walk up to the father and go "I need more money, or else your kids are going to starve."
And then she'd just feed them with food out of a dumpster.

Beatings. You can fix any psychological problem with a swift, open-palm blow to the head.

It's not a coincidence that the western world fell apart as soon as we deemed striking women morally wrong, despite it being super effective and ultimately beneficial to society as a whole.

>The overwhelming majority of single mothers are complete basket cases.

>assuming the same women having children now would be the same if abortion were illegal

of course many would be shitty still. this is real life nothing is perfect

the point is reintroducing the natural consequences of lewd slutty behavior

>Nigger gets abortion in January
>Keeps the niglet she's pregnant with in Ferbruary
>Still ends up with 600 kids

Do you think the reason American nigger populations aren't exploding in the same way African niggers are is because of abortion or because of the disproportionate amount of them murdering each other on a daily basis?
Take your half thought out logic somewhere else please.

this is the real solution

First, ban women suffrage. Ban abortion and birth control, and pass laws that strip citizenship from white women who marry and/or consort with non-whites.

>western women
That was written by a nog. A self-respecting Western woman would realize the man she is with is a bum/POS/cheater or whatever, and leave. Only niggers wear infidelity and abuse as a badge of honor

>self-respecting Western woman


Should we put women in gulags?

Serious question.

Islam...the nuclear option.

Dick Masterson was pretty neat, unlike today's MGTOW degenerates

I'm so tired of these nigger memes with their awful grammar. Why are they using evil whites in their memes anyway

MGTOWs are all forever alones, T-POP is cool though