Remember when Canadians burned down the White House?
Remember when Canadians burned down the White House?
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remember when serbia was anything more than a play toy for American CIA psyop programs?
>Remember when Canadians burned down the White House?
No lol
you better hope Trump forgets. your proxy won't save you from the day of the raking.
>Not under CIA psyop programs
Remember when Serbja was BTFO by NATO, which includes Canada, Great Britain, and the United States?
its fuckin golfin GOLFIN
>implying anyone actually lives in serbia
face it you proxy using fuck
Stop appropriating bong accomplishments.
килл иoypceлф
Canada betrayed the U.S. September/ 11/ 1812. Yes, we do remember. But karma is a bitch.
This meme has got to stop
The british burned the white house in 1814.
Canada didn't even existed till 1867
Fuck your gangpress, dad!
America won the War of 1812 so it doesnt matter
Those "Brits" were Canadians back then.
Just because Canada didn't exist doesn't mean that Canadians didn't exist.
>He couldn't take Canada even though we fighting both Spain and France all over the world with one hand tied behind our backs and drinking a cup of tea at the same time
You think so?
>Just because Canada didn't exist doesn't mean that Canadians didn't exist.
Good job sir,
Remember when we caught up with the guy who burned the White House and shipped him back to London in a cask of rum?
Canada was not a country in the 1812, dumbo.
>>America won the War of 1812
>W-we didn't want Canada anyway
it was a stalemate
Ah the war of 1812 where America lost on land against an inferior force (Canadian - British- Native)and won at sea against a superior force (Britain)
Pretty sure you lose if your HQ gets burned down. :^)
That's like saying America gets credit for anything Native Americans did.
It wasn't even Canada at the time.
>America ends impressment, whoops native ass so hard they never challenge us again, and forces Britain to leave their illegal forts on our frontier
I mean the conquest of Canada would have just been another bonus
good times lol
if those faggots dont keep themselves in check we just might have to burn it down again
but seriously fuck trump and fuck rural and suburban retards.
urban ubermenche 4 lyfe
British soldiers. They all went on to father indian happas afterwards.
India - crown jewel of the empire, canada-beaver pelts
So we both lost since we burned the administrative capital of Canada?
wow you burned some cabinets and paper copies
congrats on this, your greatest military accomplishment since losing to gooks with sks for fucksake
we didnt even help you in vietnam, no wonder you lost
Why do Canucks take credit for burning down Washington DC?
It was British troops from Europe who destroyed our capital not the canuck troops.
the US invaded? Are we supposed to sit there and take the dick up our ass like cucks?
Jackson tried to take Canada and was repelled, the British tired to take America and were repelled, America kept it's territory as too did the British, as I said earlier if the British were not occupied with Spain and Napoleon in Europe, Africa and India etc, it would have a non contest and then you'd have received full the might off our navy including our 100 gun 1st rate ships, and full expeditionary force.
Jackson ran out of money the British ran out of interest.
And then we gave Canada away for free, because we're nice like that.
no I don't.
Pretty sure you lose when your entire expeditionary force got decimated
Degenerate American slavers had to be punished for their barbarism. The superiorly civilised British Empire banned slavery in 1810.
Does Canada have military accomplishments? You are basically New Zealand tier when it comes to military history
Is everyone on Sup Forums historically illiterate?
Peace is a greater boast than won wars.
>Britain manages to capture both capitals in both wars, yet fails to win
i don't. i don't think anyone does. and if they do i don't think they care.
>Does Canada have military accomplishments?
liberated the entire nation of holland
got further than anyone else on D-Day
meanwhile Amerifat:
>has been at war for every year since inception
>spends more on its military than the rest of the globe combined
>culture revolves purely around guns
>children receive first stuffed gun at birth in the hospital while the family claps
>children grow up shooting fully automatic weaponry from young age and hone their shooting abilities in the class rooms
>adolescents are impoverished so as to force them to join the military
>military members train for years and have the most expensive shooting equipment in the world
and yet amerifat:
>didnt even make the fucking list
get fucked cuckold
I think you need to study US history again. Jackson commanded during 2 battles during 1812 both of which were military victories against Brits.
>if Napoleon was beaten
He was by 1814 and that is when Britain invaded us dumbass. We repelled the invasion though
Our country didn't exist until 1867 serbshill.
Those 'brits' were British soldiers directly from Wellingtons army in Europe. No Canadians or men living in what would later become Canada were involved.
I need someone to talk to please.
I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.
We also took Vimy.
This. Awkward
Not surprising to see Canada on the list. Sniping has a lot to do with making on-the-fly calculations - something chinks are good at.
>He was by 1814 and that is when Britain invaded us dumbass.
Maybe so but you can't just pull your entire global forces out on a whim to concentrate on somewhere else during the early 1800's, the logistics take months and years.
As I said if not for Spain and Napoleon we wouldn't have had our forces so focused in other places in the first place.
Canadian snipers won the war in Afghanistan. Yet the Americans continue to take credit for it. Awkward.
The only one who won anything that day was that goddamned Tornado and you know it
Chin up mate.
What did you go to prison for?
That was us
>that one time americucks couldnt even make the fucking list
>"hurr good job being better than us canada!"
I was in jail for domestic abuse, battery, and resisting arrest. My sentence was substantially extended for assaulting my cellmate with a shiv. Awkward.
Canadian snipers conquered Afghanistan. The US couldn't. Yet who takes the credit?
Whatever you say, Chang.
Serbcucks BTFO
Afghanistan has been conquered?
stop fucking saying awkward after everything.
You call me Chinese but I stomped a chink once you faggot. Awkward
Drugs and alcohol involved?
You can turn your life around mate, how old are you?
Good Juan
Absolutely. We conquered the Pashtunwali. Although many of our men died. Awkward. I think it was worth it.
Fuck off
>Remember when the British burned down the White House*
Canada wasn't a thing, they were Colonial subjects of the British Crown
Also remember when the United States burned down your... Everything?
>you cant stomp on members of your own race
Not an argument, Daijan
That's not a valid excuse at all. Obviously Britain at the time was more powerful than the US, but that doesn't change the fact that the War of 1812 was a huge net gain for the US
Neither. I have a short temper and I am actually diagnosed with aspergers.
I am almost 40. I was a high school physics teacher before I was jailed.
No we didn't you fucking retard.
Our ancestors did. Yes my great-great-great grandparents were mostly in Canada at the time but it wasn't really Canada. We weren't truly independent until after WW1.
Confederation was in 1867 but we were a dominion at the time.
It's kind of like Finns taking credit for the Mongolian Empire.
I'm Welsh. Pic related is me.
hahahahaha faggot. Awkward.
Sup bruh.
I have a cousin with the spergs, although he's not all that violent, he just kind of lives in his own mind.
Yes, I remember when a nation that didnt exist at the time inconsequentially burned down my capital.
I am very awkward. But that's alright. I have a very very short fuse.
You don't talk that way to a man like me.
No timestamp, but I'll humor you
you look like you have a mild case of downs and autism
Pick one.
Well i doubt they will let you teach kids anymore.
Adult classes maybe? or private tutoring?
You need to learn to control your temper though.
Actually...After thinking about it a bit.
We're still technically part of the British Empire so we can kind of take credit for the War of 1812.
why do Canadian men dress up like girls?
>That's not a valid excuse at all.
Whats not a valid excuse? we were still fighting Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815
>but that doesn't change the fact that the War of 1812 was a huge net gain for the US
I guess it was for the USA you kept your territory, but not as big as the gain for Britain, Canada was secured, Napoleon and Spain defeated and India under British, then Empire for 120 odd years
I have aspergers.
I was abused as a child. I have a short temper.
However you want to spell it. But you're wrong. Awkward. It's aspergers.
>He took the important cities in Canada even though >we were losing to both Spain and France all over the world despite having most of Europe doing the real fighting for us
>the joke
>your head
You're a faggot. Awkward.
Remember that time when there was something worth the effort of burning down in canada? Me neither.
Your syntax is all over the place lad
This is a picture of an actual Canadian officer dressed in Dolly Madison's undergarments.
Remember that time when the Swisscucks mattered? Me neither.