>lil' roach meets king roach
Lil' roach meets king roach
Is this real?
Has science go too far?
Erdogan finally met Turkey's true leader
Watch the fear in Erdogan's eyes
Watch Köksal Baba's amused smile
lmfao oh my god
Koksal Baba is based. Erdogan can go bake himself a cake.
>daddy, that's the biggest roach i've ever seen
Based murrican bro.
[rubbing of hands intensifies]
Two nine year old Syrian refugees. So sad.
koksal is such a cutie
best timeline
Fucking saved
That is epic as all fuck
More like King Roach finally meets the God-Sultan of All Turkroachdom (including K*rds) Koksal Baba the first, true heir of the Ottoman dynasty.
...we're in uncharted meme territory now
Koksal Baba is paying the rent now
Holy shit. The fucking golden child of roaches. I've seen everything.
What is Turkey planning?
5'11" vs 6'
Post the gifs, always gives me a good chuckle.
Mfw 5'11
kill me
don't fuck with baba
d'aww, him and his son have on matching coats.
>dont talk to me or my son ever again
Koksal is the only legitimate leader for Turkey.
you are new to 4 chin.
best wishes Turk bro.
Shut up retard, all im asking is if the photo is real and not photoshoped