Do conservatives really think Trump cares about the little guy?
You realize that he's never even had to tie his own shoes, let alone do real work, right?
Do conservatives really think Trump cares about the little guy?
You realize that he's never even had to tie his own shoes, let alone do real work, right?
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As someone who listens to economic professors on my podcasts all day, Trump, like all capitalists, scap goats certain elements of the working class against others to vote against their own economic interests.
One example: Public unions vs private unions. Trump wants to gut both, but make private unions turn on the public sector ones.
Same with blacks vs Latinos.
It's an old right wing trick.
I'm killing this bait thread
The democratic have become anti white. Any white person that votes dem is voting against their own interests
But Trump is treating lower-class whites like niggers.
Voting for Trump is voting against the white blue-collar population.
eat shit faggot
Do you actually have this opinion or do you just shitpost for bait. We have this thread every 15 minutes.
post all of it you faggot
It's a genuine question which is always avoided by a flood of "shill" and "ctr" spam.
post the full picture now! I need to save it
pls no
Get out of here you shill.
a welfare queen that has lived well off of tax payer money and saudi money her whole life definitely knows the struggle of the average american ;)
f5 f5 f5 f5
Shit thread. Both sides would be against the voters own intrests. It's always going to be like that in any form of goverment with democracy. They will pander to one side and turn groups against each other in order to create a "enemy" to defeat. If you have one ruler that isn't a problem though :^)
But that's not why they voted for trump. They voted for him because they were tired of white shaming, while having thier wages undercut by immigrants. Hillary wanted more, trump wanted less
The fact that you have that image makes me question your judgement.
I also like that you Russian fags are trying to slide this thread without replying to the point.
Godspeed, user.
I'll thank you next week.
>will do
Call me when Trump does anything he claimed to help the white man.
Trump did do real work. His father made him work every job in construction so he knew what a job was worth. In his books he often talks with great respect for people who do honest jobs.
You can see it in this little clip/photo-op where he goes to work in his own hotel. He's completely at ease working in room service and housekeeping. There is no way Hillary Clinton could have done a film like this.
Lurk 1 year before posting again newshit
No I recognize him as a very rich man but why would I vote for someone based on where they came from and not the ideas they are pushing.
I didn't say he would do it, dipshit. I'm saying why people voted for him. Protip: it wasn't because they thought he was one of the little guys
You know whats funny? I know that guy. No kidding.
>Do conservatives really think Trump cares about the little guy?
Yes, and he does. Nobody gives up the cushy life of a billionaire to take a massive pay cut for the fun of it, so you're a fucking retard.
>You realize that he's never even had to tie his own shoes, let alone do real work, right?
>>Creates hundreds of companies
>>Not doing real work
At what point in your life did you develop your retardation, OP? I feel bad for you, going through life with the shitty low IQ you're suffering with now.
I already adressed it nu-fag
ooohhh shiiiddd
Abandon thread.
This meme will never die
It's not the presidents or a ceo job to care about you
Are the little guys 10 years old?
It's your job to care about yourself
Politicians are not your parents
Did you read the trump tax plan? That's caring
The role of the president is the be the representative of the American people. If he is only representing the upper class, he's not doing his job.
wtf I hate drumpf now i should have voted for the career politician wall street whore instead!!!
Really dumb point to even try to make, Trump was still far and away the best choice and still is doing all right. Clinton was the one in the pockets of the rich trying to buy influence. This thread is d&c garbage.
>hurr durr russians