Wow, he really had nothing...

Wow, he really had nothing. I thought at the very least he would have had his team caught up in surveillance authorised by a FISA warrant, but he really had absolutely nothing all along.

After Tucker Carlson asked Trump why he didn't wait until he had proof for his wiretapping claim before making the accusation, Trump responded with
>Well, I've been reading about things. I read in, I think it was January 20 a New York Times article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article, I think they used that exact term. I read other things. I watched your friend Bret Baier the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening, and wiretapping. I said, ‘Wait a minute; there's a lot of wiretapping being talked about.’ I've been seeing a lot of things.

And at a joint press conference with Angela Merkel, Trump explained that he was not responsible for the allegation by stating
>All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn't make an opinion on it, it was a statement made by a very talented lawyer, on Fox. So you shouldn't be talking to me, you should be talking to Fox.

So basically he saw some things, invented his own inferences, and now when it all hits the fan he is passing the buck.

You can like Trump for other reasons, but no intelligent person can pretend that he is not completely full of shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Literally Britain intelligence agencies were hacking him
>He had nothing

Go troll somewhere else emu friend.

No they weren't you mindless sheep. That's what Trump distanced himself from in the second comment above.

Sure we were. Because Fox news said so!

>"I didn't make an opinion on it"
What was his exact wording about Obama in the initial tweets? Pretty sure there was an opinion there.
This whole thing has been completely shambolic from Trump and his team.

Jew York times said Trump was wiretapped in Janurary 20, but they changed it when the controversy happened. Why?

Jew York Times said so.
They said everyone Trump was talking to is tapped.
They said his entire business had been tapped to find "secret servers".
MSM is gaslighting you to get you to forget what they just told you. It's just like the time they ran an article about Trump and Putin being friends the same week they said Trump would start a nuclear war with Russia.

You always fall for Trump's traps?

>media is lying
>trust the media

why can't the orange monkey make up his mind?

>Because Fox news said so!
No, a Fox commentator said so.

Don't confuse reporters with commentators.
>Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano's "commentary." Fox News knows of no evidence, of any kind, that the now president of the United States was surveilled at any time in any way, full stop.

>play the media

Why can't the media stop being openly seditious?

You seem to be confusing surveillance with investigation.

Trump is a fuck up.

Evidence given to congress. Statement due shortly.

I love how people think hes a bafoon. When Hillary was a walking pants shitter.

He reference news articles about it and their counter argument is that its a news article?

how have you not caught on yet?

The best part is that it's going to keep going over their heads for the most part.

>be trump
>dealing with a bunch of heat from everyone
>trying to figure out how to do this president shit
>go to sleep, it's a restless night
>feel stomach gurgle
>last nights well done steak, fries, and ketchup is coming
>sit on toilet, groggy sleep deprived and constipated
>see something about wiretapping
>senility kicks in, shitpost on twitter

Merkel was being spied on by the CIA,

>they were spying on trump

>trump sees insider larp thread
>he thinks to himself "haha sad! Op is a known faggot."
>sees Brett Baier the next day talking about wiretapping
>Ponders about it for an entire day, carefully reading the shitposts, checking the digits, and planning his next turn in the everlasting game of quasidimensional zero gravity backgammon he is playing with the Jews
>Thinks to himself "I'm going to go all out on twitter with one single tweet, and hardly mention it again except maybe briefly in a few such cases. If they don't react I win because they will look afraid. If they go insane and talk about for days on end in many such cases, they just look crazy because it isn't even a big issue for me. All the while, I will have time to myself why they are talking about wiretapping to plan my next move. Bad (or sick!) guys doing to sleep soon
>trump wins every time


Merkel used to work for the Stasi. What a tawdry charade it was when she acted all upset.

I really don't think she's all that bright.


Does being openly seditious mean not sucking off Trump and giving Spicey a rusty trombone?

Welp my liberal friends are guffawing and laughing now.
Guess I'll just sit around like a loser in my maga hat and cross my fingers they finally get BTFO and obongo goes to jail someday with hillary.
Just gotta trust in God and infowars....just gotta keep hoping... still hoping...still

Better than being one of Hillary's clits.

Good God, she has more than one?

B...but user, don't you see? This discredits the media's attempt to link Trump and his administration to Russia. If no court or agency thought that Trump didn't deserve a wiretap due to suspicion foreign influence, then that means there was never enough evidence.

Trump wins.

Why can't our president go a single month without humiliating himself (and our country in the process)?

If Hillary was President failing to utter the phrase YAAAAAS QUEEN in her presence would result in a a sentence to a pro-LGBT electro-shock therapy re-education camp.

What really hurts my head is some of these people have brains and they are totally just lost and dont see whoes on their side which is the whole MSM and every crooked democrat and republican.

A massive ego+nobody to tell him the shit he's about to pull is a terrible idea+horrible judgement+sociopathy

It must be weird to be a liberal and argue that he wasnt wiretapped even when you know he was, just to score cheap online points.

>trump makes offhand tweet and never thinks about it again
>his detractors literally expend mountains of mental capital agonizing it
>adds yet another crushing weight to their ongoing psychological load
>trump literally doesn't care or think about it
>his base doesn't give a fuck because it's just trump doing what he does, talking big, so what
>can't get in legal trouble bc it's just shitposting
>however it sends the subtle message that the truth is controlled by trump

It's actually really amazing when you look at how he operates.

Ah, I see you were in attendance for the Egyptian Bread Protests. Strong work.

At least in that case they were protesting about something important, like being able to eat, rather than there not being enough muslims yet or not getting paid to have public abortions.

i don't care if he's full of shit, he's pushing the narrative i want desu

The issue isn't whether or not he was wiretapped.

The issue is whether or not he has evidence he was wiretapped.

A crazy person doesn't get points for being coincidentally right.

Trump needs to distance himself as far away as possible from fake news infowars, Alex Jones is literally destroying any chance he had of being a good president.
at least we only have 4 years of this shit then the liberals can parade in the streets.
you know they will if they win
you know they will march and beat the fuck out of conservatives for sure

While I remain hopeful Trump will get BTFO in for years, or be committed out of office or something, it's called a cult of personality for a reason.

He did it to stop the leaks against him. Any leaks now would only bolster his claims.


Do you really think a scandal that potentially incriminating could just be revealed that easily? Maybe in 1972, but not anymore. The gatekeepers of political information ARE the congressional committees, they wouldn't allow the public to know shit about the actual facts behind Trump's accusations. You think they police themselves?