Who would win? And why would it be a bunch of rural peasants with outdated weapons?
Who would win?
The SKS was still serviceable at the time.
You have to remember that the AK47 was resultant of a revolution in the way we approached firefights, and that most of the playing field was out-of-bounds for the US.
>Hey man, there's no civilian population to worry about. Shell the fuck out of everything.
>Hey man, there's napalm sticking to little children, you're a monster and need to be more careful.
You tell me which one would be much harder to win.
In terms of kill count, the results are obvious. But they did win the war. It's more a matter of mindset.
Existential fate is going to be determined now, certain ethnic and cultural destruction and eternal subservience on the line vs "Can't wait to get back to Montana and away from this shit hole. What the hell is this war about?Man, being drafted at 18 years old and sent into a foreign jungle sure is strange."
North Vietnam actually had a reason to fight. They used Communism as an alternative to the consumerist void and usury that would have been (((forced))) on them.
knowing terrain intimately provides huge advantages especially terrain as complex and inherently dangerous as wherever the fuck the junglers live.
>They used Communism as an alternative to the consumerist void and usury that would have been (((forced))) on them.
Rural and suburban retards make the best fighters.
Not Nazis look out!
>look an kfc lulz
Yet they still have a homogeneous culture, ethnic identity and high social trust. Can we say the same?
we would have won if we were allowed to invade north Vietnam and Cambodia.
We lost because the country was crying all the god damn time. We got infected with liberalism and social justice by Soviet stirring.
With Kennedy, LBJ and McNamera calling the shots, it's not that hard to understand the outcome.
Read about Diem's assassination, Paul Vann, the Phoenix program, the actual results of the Tet offensive, and you start to get a feel for how things could have been approached differently with a lot less American involvement and likely better results.
Australians would win
Viets fought to win, Yanks fought to get back home in a single piece.
You're right about the Soviet subversion shills. But about 90% of the wars in the 20th century were fought on behalf of global monetary powers,
Our involvement in Vietnam was no exception. It wasn't our fight it was (((their))) fight.
Holy shit this is like the 5th thread of the goddamned same question and topic. I can't be the only one who notices this shit.
Anyone who runs is a VC! Anyone who stands still is a well trained VC!
Also, AK-47 > pea-shooting tin jamstick made by toy company
>Motivation: They were fighting for their homeland, with high levels of support from civilians. Americans were fighting an unpopular war.
>Terrain: On land they knew, and had pre-prepared with tunnels and traps. They had home field advantage.
>Experience: They were not "just farmers" but seasoned guerillas who had learned many lessons from their previous war with France in Indo-China.
>Tactics: they could easily blend back into the civilian population to hide or launch attacks. Tet Offensive shows this in action, even though it was disastrous for them. They could easily disappear/reappear thanks to tunnel system
True reason:
America lacked will. The people at home grew dissatisfied with the war and the loss of life. The citizens didn't give a single shit about some jungle backwater with medieval farmers in wood shacks.
The fine young men America send to shoot the other fine young men had to cross an ocean to get shot at, so they were sick of it even before they arrived in some humid, hot jungle
No American citizen ever was in danger from the Vietnamese that did not go to Vietnam. So why not stay at home? Why bother flying all those state of the art war machines into a battlefield where bamboo sticks covered in shit, literal dark ages tech, can prove deadly?
Now compare that to the situation of the Vietnamese. Large parts of their people neither had running water nor electricity. Along come these future people and start shooting, burning and bombing their country with all their future tech.
So what do you do as a shit poor rice farmer boy in Vietnam? You dig a hole, put sticks in it and take a shit. A shit on the foreign meddling, on the worlds biggest super power, on all those nuclear weapons and on the total air superiority. Because if somebody takes the trouble to cross an ocean to get shit on, you take that shit.
>Ho Chi Min is a sonofabitch
>Got herpes, syphilis, and seven year itch
In a one on one fight?
The Marine, every single time
White men aren't ready to die for their country.
Americans were too lazy fingering each others anus to even care about battle.
Imagine SHTF and you are defending your own home town.
now you are them
Quick run through
>1972, still bombing the fucking hell out of vietnam
>North vietnamese say alright stop bombing us and we wont fuck with south vietnam
>Paris peace accords are signed in 73
>US enacts the enforcement position, any help the South vietnamese need, we will provide.
>Nixon gets impeached, rob ford literally begs congress to keep the enforcement position. Democrats leave the chamber and refuse to hear it
>The north breaks the promise and invades the south with no US aid to help fight the north.
>"Lol the US lost! cant win em all! huh!!"
Fuck liberals, and fuck canada
Le emu war meme
It was a dumb war. We didn't learn our lesson with the Middle East either. I'm all for keep brown down but no reason we should ever go out of our way to do it.
>generals not allowed to bomb hanoi or use effective weaponry in any large amount
>soldiers forced to march through jungle and engage enemy on their terms
>did not secure northern border to prevent chinese and russian weapons shipments
>massive antiwar drive at home demoralized our troops
>still killed millions of gooks
It's like pitting a pro boxer against 20 neet autists, but tying one of his arms behind his back and chaining him to the ground
Daily reminder that Canada lost 3 French Indian wars and the Revolution
This. Vietnam was an evil war.
Those kids knew there was a war going on. They should've gotten the fuck outta there if they didn't wanna get napalm'd. Fuckin victim mentality at its worst.
Vietnam is a communist shithole. And Communism has absolutely fucking failed in every country other than China.
If you can count modern day China as a success story.
This. It's the same reason America lost in Iraq - no support for the war, and only moderate support for the soldiers. Granted, the war was based on a ton of fucking lies, but Americans should always support the indiscriminate killing of Muslims. Especially brown ones.
Australians fought in Vietnam. They didn't win anything.
>when you're shitposting from a UN aid station because your country is shittier than Vietnam
Not when you have nukes, at least. Realistically, America should have used more napalm. Just burn the entire country to the ground with everyone in it. If FREEDOM can't have it, no one can.
What revolution? We got our independence because Britain was tired of dealing with us. They saw us as inferior retards, because we'd spent too much time associating with inbred southern colonials from America.
Which country has better traps?
>Just burn the entire country to the ground with everyone in it.
Nah man. Then we would probably have radicalized south east asian cock roaches which would just serve as an excuse for neo-cons to enable their Lockheed Martin buddies to suck more money from the taxpayer pocket.
And don't take me for some liberal anti-war pussy. I'm all for continuous R&D in warfare, it drives technological development, but fuck, this country is literally invincible as is. People always tout Russian land invasions as impossible but it's even doubly more so with the the USA's land mass and being surrounded by two oceans and two countries that would never think to fuck with us.