Can Sup Forums set him free?
santa did nothing wrong
He deserves to die a free man
>used hippies to kill hollywood
interdimensional backgammon
Charles Manson is a huge environmentalist, Sup Forums would never support him.
and Sup Forums is full of pussies
Manson deserves the support for freedom
do something good for once
>hippie criminal
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, leave your number but don't call us, we will call you.
watching this on ABC right now
Was this all a CIA op to control the counter culture? Was Charlie an operative gone wrong? Or did everything go as planned?
I hate this shill shit
He has great hair
can we hang him instead so i dont have to pay for him any more?
I don't see how , although there is a conspiracy theory that Charlie was paid by (((Polanski))) to murder his pregnant wife
He's a victim of CIA mkultra experiments, just like the other cults
>dude never actually touched anyone
>biggest fucking boogey man ever for some reason
Can anyone explain?
Also, great music:
the other day my friend and I were discussing how Charlie Manson actually pulls all the strings in the world and is operating on a couple of planes more than the average human
he's a fourth dimensional creature trying to talk to third dimensional creatures, the way he communicates is impressive given that a 4th dimensional creature to a 3rd is comparable to a human and a dog in terms of understanding and communication
I can set him free by working him to death
this x1000000
just because he operates on higher dimentions, that doesn't mean he isn't evil
he ascended as a demon to a higher plane
>he hasn't taken the mansonpill yet
eternal enlightenment and bliss will come to you, but only if you realize that the beatles were useful idiots unaware of the true meaning of helter skelter, and that charlie manson's divine role in things was as interpreter
he's set it all in motion, years from now, people will begin to understand
begone leaf
It isn't that Chuck Manson is this super smart guy, it's that people in general are fucking retarded. You really only have to be a fraction smarter and it's like the distance between apes and man.
I did kraft service for a manson History channel docudrama, was pretty fun.
That fucking faggot would immediately begin killing conservative Americans.
Fuck that guy, give him the chair
chares manson did nothing wrong and is /ourguy/
this is a fact
Why should we free a degenerate sodomite like Manson?
I just catched this on tv and came here to see it anyone was talking about it. found another chuckles thread instead.
Life in prison for mind control.
Is American justice some sort of comic book?
Damn. Even then the LAPD were a buncha idiots.
Because he was around during the baby boomer generation and they're navel gazers.
Seriously. I'm 23 and balding like a muthafucka
He's spent most of his life in prison, he'd probably freak out if he was thrown into 2017 after decades inside.
You can be smart and still be evil.
This sick fucko knew how to control people and play society.
Just a reminder that Pizzagate child rapists get a few months in prison.
Yeah, whatever happened to "if he told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"
>get trump elected
>free charlie manson
He has a nice voice.
If its true that he led a cult and instructed them to kill people - fuck this guy. Rot.
I thought he was free
Since last year or something
It ended up in the same dumpster as "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me".
sad times
OJ first
Is that Shoe on head?
Probably, we already elected a 6'3 cheeto man and destroyed the career of an extremely powerful career politician just by posting smug green frogs
He wanted to start a race war
I think his idea was framing the blacks iirc
His plan was called helter skelter
Or... we come up with a way to get Hillary to be his cellmate.
A beloved cult leader whose rabid followers refuse to believe they lost and their leader has been taken down? And the followers are a buncha unkempt idiots in the streets talking about an uprising and revolution against establishment?
Sounds familiar.
He dindu nothin.
He a good boy.
A good white boy the racist system took down!
(Funny how alt righters sound like the people they say they hate.)
I continue to be impressed with Charlie's hairline. Very nice.
Newfag gtfo
You're the newfag because just confirmed it is
Wtf, I could have sworn he died a couple of months ago
Did I just get Mandela'd?
im pretty sure he doesnt want out the guy has spent most of his life locked up its all hes used to
he went to the hospital a few months ago
Ah, ok
Was he presumed dead at that point?
Manson is a buddhist zen master
>The mind is endless. You put me in a dark solitary cell. To you that's the end. To me that's the beginning, it's a universe in there. There's a world in there. I'm free.
pfft. nigga please. charlie manson was and is a semi-literate tard who was such an inept crook that he wound up spending most of his life in jail before the 60s tossed some gullible weakminded people into his lap. 4th dimension? git the fuck outta here. that nigga could barely handle the fourth grade.
>how do you communicate to a whole group of people? You stand up and you take the worst fear symbol there is and say "there, now i've got your fear. And your fear is your power and your power is control. I'm the king of this whole planet. I'm gonna rule this whole world."