>the smartest human being in the history of mankind was a pro-Socialist Jew
Wow... really makes you think...
>the smartest human being in the history of mankind was a pro-Socialist Jew
Wow... really makes you think...
Da Vinci or Tesla can both kick Albert ass
the greatest boxer in the world was a black racist muslim
Brains > Brawn, dumbass.
Why do scientists think they are extra qualified to speak on political matters? What part of their education helped them understand the politics of socialism?
What makes you qualified, Cletus?
Not really because he was a fucking fraud. Tesla was the true genius.
Newton was smarter, by a long shot, and a more superior scientist :(
They don't,
And that's why Trump is in charge
Bernhard Riemann wasn't jewish though....
Nowadays the socialists are so smart they don't even debate anymore, they just use violence and subversive forms of protest to silence their opposition
Really makes you think
Your words mean nothing without the threat of violence. That's how change happens.
Chalking up to cliches, most STEM scholars are pitifully inept at dealing with the human variable of life.
>>the smartest human being in the history of mankind was a pro-Socialist Jew
This itself is a propaganda meme propagated by arrogant Jews.
Tesla is a meme
Einstein was a ripoff.
He stole all his shit from Nordic Aryans.
he was smart in atomic chemistry. doesnt mean shit for social politics and economics. Also jews are smart no one disagrees with this.
What if I'm extremely both?
*deletes your post*
Einstein was the black science man of his day.
Because they need mo' funding for their programs
anecdotes ARE fun, aren't they
Actually Nicola Tesla was a Serbian and far smarter then anyone else.
uh pretty sure I'm neither jewish nor socialist sweetie
That man's name? Albert Ein(((stein)))
If he's so smart, why is he dead?
Could Mozart be still alive???
He wasn't the smartest. He was a decent human being and a productive scientist. Science cannot be done alone at the level of sophistication achieved during the last two hundred years.
Principles of the special relativity theory were first published by Poincare. And their essence was already present in Maxwell equations long time ago (but Maxwell didn't know that it follows from them). Minkowski contribution can't be overestimated too. Likewise, Einstein was assisted by mathematical advice of Poincare and Hilbert in his work on general relativity theory. The photoeffect experiment, however influential its consequences, wasn't very complex. And another greatest advancement, which Einstein participated in, was analysis of statistical mechanics of identical particles, but it was in collaboration, as the name suggests. Hmm, maybe only the stimulated emission idea was invented solely by Einstein.
I would suspect Von Neumann or Landau to be the smartest of modern physicists, as other physicists wrote in memoirs how they were astonished by raw powers of their intellects (fast calculation, phenomenal memory).
Von Neumann was notably anti-communistic, but political views and intelligence are poorly connected without a cultural context.
Tesla was a complete idiot and ignoramus.
I feel sorry for the SI unit.
I agree with socialism too. In a racially and ethnically homogeneous community that is.
I'd say pic related was the smartest. This guy made significant contributions to physics, economics, computer science and mathematics, ffs.
Still a jew, though.
>when your argument is supporting Socialist kikes but you only have one example
>when intelligence doesn't equate to political knowledge
>nor does intelligence equate to superior religion
Besides, Einstein was just the smartest of the time. Before him, there were people like Newton. Put Newton in Einstein's time, and boy, you'd be surprised who'd be at the top.
Von neumann's brain was too over powered
Newton, Euler, Gauss, Dirac, and von Neumann were all smarter. Galois likely would have had a substantial legacy too had he not died young, it still blows my mind that he solved one of the most important results about algebraic solutions of polynomials at 19. I guess he loses points for being dumb enough to die in a duel though.
It's a logical fallacy to think that just because someone is good at science that they are also good at social policy, civic theory, economics, etc...
>5 loses
Quick rundown on pic? He looks like a bog man.
>he bought into the Einstein meme...
Sweetie pie, oh sugar muffin
>smartest human being in history of mankind
Wrestling > boxing
>Smartest thief
The man couldn't put on his fucking shoes right. He was a fucking idoit!
the earth is flat you're all retard drumpf btfo