Breaking news with article:

Breaking news with article:
Drumpftards BTFO by CNN!!!!

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Where did the Trump hat go?


First time liberals have ever been for anyone or anything "standing their ground".

In other news, snow does not melt bronze.

"Fearless girl" wants to MAGA. That's why she supports Trump/Pence.

No shit idiot, she's a state.


Good night Alt-Right fascists!

The revolution is just getting started thanks to one brave girl heroically holding her ground!

So brave

jesus christ AND MOTHER OF GOD THAT FUCKNG........... that's amazing

do they really see the wall street bull as a bad symbol?

>the only thing keeping our economy from rushing forward is a girl disgruntled over her feelings

Oh the irony

The bull represents a rising market or stock. Is the statue representative of women standing in the way of economic growth?

It's over for Trump.

Trump hat glued to this bitch's head when?

I dont understand this. What does the girl symbolize?

Do statues usually move or melt in the snow or something?

White male hate

Wow.. That's deep


They actually usually produce mustard gas so it's so brave of that camera man to sacrifice themselves just to take this picture.

RIP cameraman 1993-2017

Damn the shit skins have won

It is meant to stroke ego for women.

Leaf here,
Reporting statues move in the snow this was brave af

bull = bbc
girl = empowered white woman ready to be culturally enriched

I didn't even realise


Quick curiosity. This whole dumptards thing, did this get started because of sjw's screaming they were defeated every time some information came out from msm about Trump sucking or something?

Trump, Sup Forums, wall street, and bullish economies are hereby IRREVOCABLY, irreversibly, indubitably, completely, in toto, wholly, unconditionally, downright, eternally forever until time ceases to exist, BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.

in the snow.
The snow?
Is she, dare I say, /ourstatue/?

Sage cause your thread sucks

She'll get a tarnished patina that would make General Patton and Chesty Puller both quake in their girly shoes.


>Piece of metal withstands cold weather

where's the MAGA keks camping out all night at the statue during the blizzard? haha

That stupid girl is fucking up the feng shui of Wall Street by blocking the power projected by the bull.

Expect a spectacular crash and depression where everyone will live in abject poverty just like the liberals want.

>this is news in america

if the bull is a bullshitters market then the girl in front must be all the suckers who scream like little girls when they get ripped off
it doesn't look good and is not clear
if this is supposed to be feminism halting wall street then its a joke since wall street is about bullshitting people and feminism isn't about total honesty or stopping fraud

I'm disappointed in the internet

I can't find any pictures of her being humped or a BJ

sadd, very sadd

>the message is that women stand in the way of progress
top kek

>everyone in poverty
>but at least we fixed the gender wage gap :^)

You beat me to it, God damn.

Note the surveillance cameras in the corner, watching her.

Rly gettin that noggin churnin

No shit, why do you think they keep spamming this shit.

They want to subliminally get us to destroy it.

this statuse is literally a mini-hillary
looks like her depiction in that one book about her and how she became a president

she's probably there to make a speech in front of the bull and take her millions for that

Child sacrifice to Moloch the bull.

Pizzagate is real! Wake up sheeple!


How brave: a statue doing what a statue does.

bbc = big bull cock

Someone should fuck with that statue

Ur....ur not dutch

The media is now operating in a completely self-created reality. It has no connection to actual reality anymore.

holy shit are you are proxy?

why dont you have the flag for either of those?

curaco has one


Fuck, a statue that stays still. How will we recover?

It is over Sup Forums time to an hero.

Its a statue how is it suffering standing in the snow. Someone should paint a dick on its face.




I suggest affixing either a dildo, or pocket pussy.

>So brave!
>Look at the bravery and majesty of Liberalism.

We need to weld a pen0r on to her

>moloch is bullheaded god
>pizza gate
Can't unsee



If i wasnt 2k miles away I would happily epoxy a maga hat on its head and a dildo to its face.

What's the implication here, that someone would tear down the statue?

Don't libs see the irony, CNN is a large multinational corporation. Way to stand up to wal street!!


what have u done

yet another thing male statues do all the time without complaint and get no credit for

Someone should use blowpipe on the bull to write "Moloch".

they are trying to bait someone into taking it down so they can say "ALT RIGHT TERRORISTS DEFILE STATUE OF YOUNG GIRL"

she is so brave for standing in the snow

This is Sup Forums why aren't we fucking statues in NYC like the degenerates we are said to be. just say your are some kind of statuekin or other mental illness liberals allow to be in public and make sweet love to the statue.


When is she being removed?

>Impeding a bull market

The irony is that the statue was paid by one of the biggest asset manager

I heard it is to be there for a few weeks, but I expect there to be backlash when they try to actually move it.

A statue that can withstand snow?! OMG, holy shit, wow! How is that even possible?! Sup Forums literally BTFO, how will we ever recover?!

standing is kind of what statues tend to do.

Why is her head still attached?



No idea dude. No, I'm not proxy either. Have crab

wtf i love hillary now

needs more red hat

came to post that

Doing shit like this kinda makes me want to live in NYC.

Holy shit.

wow thats fucking racist, way to show off your a nazi.

you got me!

Why hasn't some Sup Forumsack gone and stolen/vandalised the statue yet? If we're autistic enough to track down a flag by using fucking plane trails, I'm sure we're more than capable of stealing a statue of a little girl.

Does kek will it?


>Why hasn't some Sup Forumsack gone and stolen/vandalised the statue yet? If we're autistic enough to track down a flag by using fucking plane trails, I'm sure we're more than capable of stealing a statue of a little girl.
>Does kek will it?
It would destroy the left if we put a hijab on it, they would literally kill anyone who tried to take it off.

Put a full burka on it. Kek commands it.

or embolden their ass-backward narrative


I'm a failure.
This isn't the worst idea I've seen. A hijab or a full on burka would be fucking hilarious.

japenese scientists have gone too far!


Somebody get the Agency on the line we need to deliver

>Put a full burka on it.

Praise KeK to make this dream the reality we need! Libcucks killing themselves over weather to remove it or weather the burka assumes her gender!