Why do Conservashits vote against their own best economic interests ?
What about crime riddle cities faggot
>everywhere should be a dense urban area.
Just because you have a suburb that earns millions as an average salary doesn't mean everyone in the region is wealthy.
Blue states have the biggest income disparity.
>Federal mandates and restrictions lead to unemoyment
And those 100 counties have a total population of almost 5,000 people out of a nation of 320 million.
Same reason rich liberals vote against their own best economic interests. They rationalize that the economics are just generally fucked for them under liberals or conservatives, and the only real change they get between the two is social issues. For the rich liberals, the corporate liberals barely raise their taxes which they only have to tolerate until the next conservative comes in and slashes them again, which the next liberal government mostly maintains.
> implying these aren't poor black areas
> implying anywhere in the White South is poor outside of West Virginia
Why does Shareblue make the same shit topics over and over?
You realize the only reason conservatives keep you alive to to pay for everything they spend right? Best not to rub it in too much if you know what's good fer ya.
>liberals try to criticize conservatives or Republicans but accidentally end up criticizing their precious black pets.
pic obligatory.
So you admit that many dumb midwesterner and southern inbred white shite heads vote against their interests ? If they were to vote for their best interests and make the country functional for the middle and working class , the electoral college would look Like this :
so...not being selfish?
is this real?
>Hitler built his wall to keep his citizens in east Germany
>Trump wants to build a wall to the illegals out of America
There's a difference
>97% of the poorest counties are mostly minorities
Everything I don't like is done by miniorities : a guide for understanding Conservashit irrationality
To understand that concept, liberals would have to be capable of comprehending basic math, which they are not capable of doing...
I never respond to these posts because i can never tell if its really a troll or not.
This is honestly the thing I really dont get about democrats.
The answer is shitting down their throat they see the ass and taste the poo but they cant seem to identify it so they keep asking for more.
These counties are the poorest, but there is probably not a majority of the population on social / welfare programs. Maybe a higher proportion, but not a majority
People on these programs, and people around them are the ones that get to see the results of these programs on a community first hand. And are in fact the best suited to judge the efficacy of these programs. apparently 97 out of 100 agree with a majority that these programs are shit and dont work or force people to sacrifice some freedom or another to participate.
97/100 counties which should be most suited to judge these programs dont like them. Rich middle class liberals continue to force these programs on to the poor it doesnt help the communities, and people dont like it.
how come YOU dont seem to get it?
And also, in the countryside the amount of living space you can get for a certain amount of money far exceeds the one in cities
>First world education
Fucking millennials don't know shit...
The Berlin wall was built by the fucking USSR in 1961.
ya, I think that might be a troll..
... I hope so.
I almost btfo myself
>my state is yellow
>Except the tiny fucking sliver of orange where I live
At least its only orange, but still annoying
It's a good thing some made those completely genuine posts explaining exactly what they are doing so you can screen shot it for us. Otherwise we'd never know!
>Having another entity steal a person's wealth so you can get a small fraction of it is in your best interest
Or maybe working and having a job is better but what do I know
> 97% of the 100..
Why the fuck don't you just say 97 of the poorest 100? You faggots think putting a % makes you look smart? It doesnt.
can you read?
Actually they vote republican because the democrats policies don't even recognize they exist at best and call them evil and privleged at worse
>Look ma I posted it again!
>"were gonna put a lot of coal miners out of business"
The liberals "raise their taxes" but in reality leave a bunch of loopholes open to evade said increases they then spend a ton of money on useless programs "because we're taxing the rich now" but in reality the rich paid fuck all and the middle and working classes get handed the bill for it.
what about the 200 poorest?
This infographic is fucking retarded. Stay for a spell in Illinois and tell me blue states are all fucking chipper.
The welfare state needs to be reduced across the board
None of that "hurr durr socialism for whites" shit
I forgot to add: pic related what 40 straight years of liberal tax policies does
And also this
See these leftards don't actually raise taxes on the rich. They say they're going to they actually put the percentage in the tax code but they never ever go after the loopholes they never punish people who offshore all the money and jobs in fact they basically encourage it they discourage investment into the country by our own made at home millionaires while encouraging foreign multi billionaires to buy and own everything
You can't raise twin the rich without also going after loopholing and offshoring. You cant be for the middle and working class if you help the ownership of all land resources and jobs by global billionaires you can't be for the working people when you support globalism and the race to the bottom that it encourages therefore reducing everyone's wages but those at the very top
Conservatives may support the 1% of the nation a little too much but liberals support the 1% of the world
I think it has less to do with republican policy, but it has more do do with population of the state and county.
Most of the poorest counties are in rural states.
You know that a shitload of black people live in red southern states, right?
Always hear this shit ass excuses
Yeah the loopholes are things that have to be fixed before you raise the taxes.
And we need to have protective tariffs so products will be made here in America.
These are things that neither side has done yet.
>Blue states will always be more violent
>And in red states it's always the blue areas (Houston)
>97% of the 100
Nice degree city """people"""
The thing is though you call a liberal out on that and you're a racist xenophobic because you don't want a middle/working class persons job sent to be done by a slave and don't want foreign billionaires who made their money using slave labor to fuck up your housing market so that the middle and working class can't afford to even live you're a fascist for wanting to keep the rich from offshoring their money and passing the tax bill off to the middle and working class and
The liberals don't actually give a shit about the working "average" people of the country yet when you mention this they'll call you fake news and a Nazi propagandist.
It's almost like economic policies are a complicated topic that cross state lines.
It's also almost like economic growth isn't completely related to government due to free market elements.
Too bad the blue, poor nigger counties outnumber whites 10 to 1, but don't expect the lying kike propaganda to say that.
niggers and spics make majority of red states.
What's defined as a red state?