>Trump is at Mar a Lago again
impeachment when?
>Trump is at Mar a Lago again
impeachment when?
Why is Drumpf so embarrassing
Maybe reason media keeps bitching about Mar a Lago is because it's the only place not tapped.
Wining and dining as usual, baby.
Trump spends his weekends cutting deals with foreign leaders over dinner and/or golf. My President.
Trump knows how to make a deal. He does work there.
>knows how to make a deal
>19% approval rating
neck yourself Drumpfkin
>Drumpf has less than 1% chance of winnning
>Say it with me: I'm with her
trumpo needs a break
Mar a Lago is Trump's Camp David.
Except it is better than Camp David in every way.
Much higher if u google
Doesnt he literally invite foriegn leaders over for golf every weekend?
>retards calling for impeachment without knowing what the bar is for impeachment
Hurting your feelings isn't grounds for impeachment champ
There is too much political correctness and I am very smart
Do you even have a single fact to back that up?
What did he mean by this?
Stop replying to these threads you dumb fucks.
If you really have to, sage it.
Fuck off libtards.. The paid trolls will not corrupt Sup Forums
>trusting approval polls
Nobody ever asked my opinion on the president. Or asked anyone I've ever known for that matter.
Great point !
Because the White House is bugged up the ass.
13 oct 2014 was a business day
He's a hard target, nicht wahr?
Tell your Saudi King, "Yisrael Chai, bitches"!
Things an Alabama redneck would say.
This is, Satire, correct?
wasn't that directly after a certain happening happened?
There re no happenings atm
Getting fucked by Democrats and Republicans on the daily is hard work. Gotta go to his special hidey hole every weekend and rub butter all over his tiny fat balls
Hey, you like Donald Trump don't you?
Reddit-tier bantz. You faggots aren't fooling anyone.
>tiny fat balls
>but fat
What's the worse scenario for you Drumpfettes? Trump being tried for treason or pic related occurring?
You really want to see what's next for cuck porn, don't you?
I don't understand 'Drumpf'...
Is this the best fucking thing shitlibs could come up with?
I don't think we have anything to worry about then.
He's Mao
Thanks leftists for the most based Trump symbol ever. Co opted by Sup Forums in under an hour.
While he cuts programs for low income Americans and propose a failed healthcare bill. He takes his 6th vacation.
Talking like a dilettante on issues with world leaders on your arm chair, smoking a cigar in a comfy resort home is work. Oh yeah ...there are no consequences. It's just talk. My people will take care of it.
Really America? Is this the job of a president? What a sham!
>whole heartedly supported teump through the election
>super nervious election night
>so far I'm happy with him
My only problem is the cutting of nasa's funding
I like nasa and space (at least we have musk)
>>btw if bill couldnt get himself impeached trump wont
>now watch this drive
Even cnn has special cameras looking in the windows
This is in Phoenix?
I can go set up a Trump shrine under it.