Prove that you're white
my eyes are blue just like the sky
Look at my flag Manaaki
wtf why are always ayyy lmaos in these threads
one of the last of my kind
also 0% moor
what are you
White here, Maori friend
psh, easy, I'm Italian therefore white
there you go
that long hair isn't doing you any favors
my hispanic friend
show backside
I can drink milk
My room is tidy and clean
Looks like a hotel room with your air conditioner
>being white in 2017
Guess my ethnic background Sup Forums!
excuse me
Am I white enough, Sup Forums?
Show us dick
let us know what you're gonna rob at the store
Pardon me cumskins
Strongest race coming through
You look Italian, so no.
>Prove that you're white
Another one of (((your))) attempts to divide and conquer white folk..
Fuck off kike.
My money is on Ashkenazi
only if you stop being gay
Obviously a maui or an aboriginal
>(((white))) hispanic
GTFO Pablo
Those be some mighty fighting world m8
Do I really pass off as a middle-eastern rapebaby?
Keanu reeves in his young days
Are you here? Post more pics.
>white hispanic
the nose knows
British, Swedish, and Russian, yep, 100% white.
white as fuck
Hi, this is me. What do you think?
you're waifu
Heinz 57, mostly white...
I wuz Kangz?!?!?!?!
>why are you guys shitposting in a shitposting thread?
Am I white enough Sup Forums?
There's not enough crossover and too many degenerates!!!!!!
Given Sup Forumss T_D invasion I need to defend my whiteness.
R8 no h8
0% moor
100% jew
One drop rule. Sorry user you're just another nigger
How safe is it to post one's picture on Sup Forums. Seriously I know what this site is capable of
пoшeл нa хyй гoпник
One drop rule is silly tbqh
Nice humor
I have a family crest, is that white enough? The crest is from my mothers side who is Australian. My dad is as British as a bulldog though.
fuck off paki
2017 Sup Forums couldn't hack into a paperbag
I've always found family crests to be fucking retarded.
>Calls a native Brit a paki
I hope you are hit by a muslim driving a truck
Just do it. These digits demand it.
clearly some guy who passed out at a party
>doesn't know about Russian master hackers
Maybe digits will confirm that this site isn't safe.
Pretty safe, hell people post nudes here, just don't post Facebook, insta, or any names. Granted people here can be very obsessive, but they can't do anything with one pic.
Egyptians aren't niggers?
Same, but my family is descended from a Scottish clan. My ancestor was a 7th century king. They liked being noble. But we haven't used the crest since my ancestor left for Australia in the 1800's.
is scot/welsh heritage white?
Post penor
Hmmm I don't think I will, plus my reason is pretty basic. Besides Sup Forums is infested with normies right now so I don't think I'll get the answer I want.
>mfw Scottish Family Crest
North africans wuzent kangz, those you refer are sub-saharian africans.
>I don't think I'll get the answer I want.
What kind of answers are you looking for? if you want to prove you are white you could post a hand or make an ancestry diagram.
I have one but it's like this.
>Be Cuban Protestant
>Go to school full of spics
>Have accent
>Are you German? Are you Swedish?
>I have brown eyes, L.Brown hair and tan skin
>Tf are these people on? No I'm not.
>Go to class. Are you from NEBRASKA??
It's not only this school even when I lived in Cuba people told me this, which I don't really get since I lost my blond hair from childhood and my heritage isn't particularly Nordic/Germanic.
I think I'll pass
victory or death, very nice
mine is Upon Hope
Bro I hate you. Just one more.
I'd have to go back a few more generations to get Germans in this picture.
The undefaced red ensigns are for British North America prior to Confederation.
there are a few clans with based victory or death
>Cuban Protestant
My aunt would probably send you to some sort of brainwashing camp for that. So you live in Habanita? Did you know the Ramirez family?