Goodbye Sup Forums

For what it's worth you guys are probably the only thing that made me feel """"happy"""" in my pathetic excuse for a life, which pretty much sums up how shit my life was.
As the much welcomed darkness covers my eyes my last thought will be of memes before I slip into nothingness.
I'm ready.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't do it. We have a race war to win.

Kill a lot of niggers or muslims before you kill yourself. The world will make you a monster. We'll make you a folk hero.

>He's giving up while we're so close to the win.

Come on, son. You can't do this. We've come too far now to let every battle be in vain.

Take a seat and tell us what's ailing you.

do a flip you faggot

Is going to Hell part of your plan?

I'm assuming you're deathly ill. If so, I'm sorry, but the only thing left for you is to die a hero, like others have suggested.
If, by any chance, you're considering suicide in such a historically drenched time, I believe you might want to think about it first.

If you work hard for a couple months, do everything you should be doing and don't do anything degenerate, your depression will be gone. It will take discipline and hard work but those are the times when I feel better, is when I know I'm working towards bettering myself and doing everything I should be with the time I have.

Before you kill yourself consider the fact that you can do literally anything

If you feel trapped in your life or job or whatever why not just withdraw your entire bank account and fly to some new country. Don't even tell your boss or anyone. Fuck it. And then you can still kill yourself after that

Just something to think about

This. Don't you want to see the country made great? You'll be one less white person in a country of 60%

become a legend its easy, become a meme. anyone willing to give up should be willing to have fun with their existence


Or just get in your car and drive and keep driving. Go to some city you always wanted to see

Damn I'm sounding gay as fuck

You're welcome.

Don't do it. Read this bro.

Livestream it negro.

are you ready to an hero bref

Don't off yerself bro. Start working out. Get your endorphins going and I guarantee u will feel a bit better.

Is it something related to Starbucks? In all seriousness, if you're thinking of harming yourself, don't. We need you here.

hope you find peace. very soon to follow

Your music sucks, fag, and you should be banned every time you shill your fag channel. Actually, you should just be banned forever.

No one's gonna talk you out of it, roach

Don;t do it man. You have so much to live for. We worked so hard to get us all here, together, shitposting and autism. Think about the fact that even if you have nothing in the real world to look forward to, you can always go home, get comfy, and enjoy your time with all of us.

I have a secret for you.

It doesn't end.

You will see.

Don't give up, user.

Yes. I deserve it.
That's a lie. I'm as successful as I could be in this life and it's never enough. I'm tired, and soon I'll rest.
Been there done that. It's all the same shit.

I stuck around to read some comments but that's it. I'm piss ass drunk right now and the street below my apartment is looking pretty damn nice right now. I'm technically not white if that makes you all happy, and I actually hope it does. Alright I'm rambling on now, see you in the next life Sup Forums time to fly

>1 post by this ID
I sure hope OP is dead so he can't fag it up anymore

>I'm tired, and soon I'll rest.

Doesn't work like that.

It's going to get even worse if you do it.

stop user this isn't the answer you fucking faggot tell us what's going on

kill some mudslimes and libcucks before you go!

Femanon here, don't do it. Just don't fucking do it. You are inherently valuable.

I was about to ask your race. Are you Indian, cause if so you're fine. But if you got some black or other less desirable traits you should go. I still think you should take some undesirables with you.

What by fappin to his image hes better shootin autists here an remove degenercey at the source....kek wanting 4 chan approval

This. As much as it would be cool for you to take degenerates with you, it won't help our cause. So if you gonna do it, do it alone. Unless....

Messenger RNA activates my fucking almonds.
>don't kill yourself plz


Get mental health treatment man. It helps a lot.

What's that in the gif?

Ha, Sup Forums in a single post.

don't do it user, I don't want you to, I want you to talk to us

I am telling you from personal experience, user.

I have ended my life on three occasions.

Each time, all that happens is that time slows down to a stop and then speeds back up (almost like a doppler effect).

You are in the same vessel, in a reality that is 99.99999% the same, except slightly worse.

Motor protein. Morons think it's proof of intelligent design.

Why joinin isil....just cross europe as a refugee then go crazy party hard fuck shit up then go. Bang a swede wha k it in. A poll etc lol....drain europe


show him your tits, that would stop him

go spree killing user

Don't do it

Everything is about to become amazing

Give Trump a chance dude

Do a backflip OP

I can't, I'm married. But as a woman, I affirm that the world desperately needs men who understand Sup Forums's ideas and values.

Hmm.. intelligent design you say.

May you find peace in Kek's grand pond user. He welcomes you

Share with us what's causing you pain. Don't worry about sounding a certain way, get it out.

kinesin transporting a vesicle along a microtubule

No, that is just not correct

hurry up and die aready

Well good luck in the afterlife, brother.

Kek is with you every step of the way, user. Kek bless. :)

Dont leave us. Get a bird. The world is yours.

At least do something worthwhile - you're not afraid are you?

user you got to fight through it. Whatever it is your going through. Never ever give up fighting.

His mom cancled his WoW subscription.

dont even think about it shitskin

fpbp. digits don't lie

Don't do it. You'll miss out on some great lulz. You're too important.

He gone. I suggest we all say a few words in memory of OP.

user lives matter

Live stream it or stfu

Brother, just write out a bunch of goals for yourself this year. Make some definitely easily achievable, some moderately achievable and 1 or 2 probably not achievable, but they can be done in the following year.

Examples could be:

- learn a new language
- have a pet dog
- get xxxx amount of money in your bank account
- travel to ____ and/or see ____
- start working out 3-4 times a week

You clearly need more confidence, so working out would be a better one. Also having a healthier diet will help as well.

Stream it pls.

that'll do, pig. that'll do

Sorry, I'll start. OP, you may not have been racially pure but you were still my peer. We had some laughs and made the news. I'm sorry that you decided to lose. Goodbye OP I would of done it too if it were me.

Well, OP.

Enjoy your shittier alternate reality.

Stay cool and have a good summer.

user any of us dying is like losing a best friend.. at least thats how i see it, please dont. For us user. We really do love each other here and i can feel it.

About 15 minutes since last post, OP is Pepsi Max

Dox your facebook so we know it's true, and so we can remember your service in the great meme war forever


>Sup Forums725910841

Say hi to Satan for me you weak willed shitskin fuck.

>I deserve it
>I'm bad unlike the ones in charge
>playing right into their hands

Get a fucking grip you wreck

I didn't know OP very well, and he always came across as sort of a fag. But I guess in a way I felt like I could always relate to the guy. It's probably because we were both austisic schizos. I guess that makes me a fag then.

>he thinks death is an end to one's problems
>implying your consciousness isn't stuck in bad memory and regrets for the future after death


tits or gtfo


Why wouldn't it use a fucking rotary motor/wheel. This is craziness.

I know you're supposed to say a few kind words at these things but i can't seem to do it. I never knew OP. He died the way he lived; a faggot

It's a trick, get an axe.


Take a good look at this picture OP, and think about it. The world still needs you bro.

>2 posts by this id
wow u sure killd urslf

You ended your life three times and you're still alive.. ok.


this is what Sup Forums does to you.

could be worse,

you could have been born in china, eastern europe or russia.

Are you ok Leaf? I got the gist of your reply but it was still kinda fucked.

Tell me more.

>Killed himself and not removed kebab
Why OP is always a faggot

You know the drill

This mate. We need all the foot soldiers we can get.
>South Africa is about to blow!

Sup Forums is great fun, what's there to be ashamed of?

it's too late anons
OP is kill