all of this drama was strategically calculated to land on keemstar's show.
all of this drama was strategically calculated to land on keemstar's show.
Is this guy an internet superstar already?
BTFOing Sup Forumstards is going to become a billion dollar industry.
perfect he's landing right into our endgame: make him known enough to be worth molymeme's time so he can dismantle his non-arguments one-by-one
why the fuck are social media personalities shitting up this board all of the sudden
Steven would rape Stephan's ass. Molymeme is actually a horrible debater. The fact that he doesn't it for a living and would lose against a college dropout gaymer would end his career.
He can't be allowed to get far enough up the ladder to debate Moly
He should debate Styx next
What are you talking about? Stephan debates literally whos exclusively.
>tfw you could kick Destiny's ass in a debate
He should fucking debate me.
Too much visibility in online political circles. It's already too much that we're discussing him here.
I just mean what's this ladder that you speak of? The only people Molymeme debates are nobodies. The only qualification for debating Stephan is to have a sub-70 IQ to make his sub-80 IQ look strong in comparison.
Destiny here Debate Me Anything.
It's p easy, just argue some of our better points (bomb the fuck out of mexico, women and blacks are inferior) while complaining about drumpf and pretending to be a liberal
I'm surprised candada and australia aren't economic superpowers based on this alone
Watching and listening to you makes me support white genocide.
>i made myself look like a blue collar hating elitist faggot on purpose lol
It was always his intention to get even more fame rather than be the guy that got banned/ragequit from rust. Sure he has a decent sized following but as much people like him, the same amount hate him.
He already got dismantled by jontron who isn't even known to have any debater skills. I just happened to catch the tail end of todays stream (only followed cause he played one game that I like) and after the stats of black crime that he couldn't refute, he essentially conceded that it was true but trying to argue "why" blacks commit more crime and talking about why black men aren't marrying and having families. Tried to get that Sarkon guy to move on his positions to use circular reasoning on him but he didn't budge.
>Steven would rape Stephan's ass.
It would be lowtestiny gish galloping with the speed of overheating MG-42 and Molymeme screaming NOT AN ARGUMENT.
Basically 2 autistic retards in a flailing arms contest.
This needs to happen
>small time streamer
>pol blows him up
>now getting lots of media attention
check his twitter/twitch followers statistics if you want, he's blowing up hard thanks to this place
>why the fuck are social media personalities shitting up this board all of the sudden
Because Trump just took a wrecking ball to the CPB, and by extension, NPR. And Schumer tanked bad on Netflix, kek.
They desperately need new venues.
>tfw you could literally kick Destiny's manlet ass
Naked Ape raped him, he also got fuck by Jim. let the guy live in his misery
>knowing him as a rust streamer
>championing jon "60 IQ" Tron
>impass means someone won
>sargons explanation of "I DONT KNOW WHY THEY DONT GET MARRIED MORE" x10 makes him smart
>incresed viewership across all social media and increased donation/subscriber info thanks to pol
Glad the political discussions he's having are gaining view so everyone can see how much of a retarded cuck he and his neoliberal faggot positions are.
>animation community shitting on him because of his retarded comments
>"he is blowing up trust me!"
>"it was all in our plan u dumb drumpfsters xD"
try again in 1 week when he goes back to his irrelevancy baiting debates on twitter that he will never concede even if he gets obliterated.
Report Destiny shill threads.
Stephan is a horrible debater
Liberals when they lose an argument they just scream "Racist"
When stephan is faced with an argument that he can't argue with, he will simply say "Not an Argument" and move on from the subject
>Molymeme: *straw man*
>The other guy: "but that-"
Every single time.
literally who x2
They have completely opposite debate strategies. Stephan jumps all over the place dodging the same question for a solid hour. Steven will force his opponent to clarify an answer for a solid answer. Steven wouldn't put up with his shit for very long.
>You are not equipped to have this debate
Why are you promoting your faggot views, Destiny?
Everyone knows you're a cuck with a tiny dick.
sage these faggot thread.
Wow, keemstar's show? holy shit!
No, he should debate Sam Hyde.
Don't go too hard on Destiny. He provides a decent 100GB+ torrent of all the music he's stolen and streams pirated movies on
You can literally check his twitter/twitch statistics and see his marked growth due to pol shilling, then after you check these stats kindly hang yourself
He should debate a 9mm pistol.
>Sup Forums shilling
You retarded mate?
Ever since Jon "We need to secure a future for the white race" tron debate that shit blew up everywhere making him gain more attention, not Sup Forums.
He should debate the gas chamber
>people are shitting on him right now just after he stirred shit
>loses respect and falls back into irrelevancy a few days after
wow so worth m8, your shilling really payed off, but again, I don't expect you of any rational thought since you probably is too deep in the circlejerk there and will be oblivious to what kind of retards you guy are.
Good luck with your 1k~ viewers stream. At least he makes 6 figures right?
Destiny: autist or sociopath?
how can you tell the difference
Stefan gets raped on his own call in show and his fans even agree half the time he is that bad. Most youtuber cults will back their leader no matter what.
pol shills resulted in a 6k viewer live stream during sargon debate today, a 300% increase over his average.
>teeheee as long as we say mean things its okay if we give him more fame and money, reddit is my favorite website btw
A light breeze could do that. His giant head and auschwitz body he lacks stability of the average child.
he had 8k during debate with thooorin was that Sup Forums ?
pol shills also resulted in follower gains in the thousands over the past few days even though he usually gets a few dozen a day on average
>haha he must be ruined take that destiny we might be giving you more money and shilling you for free but at least you're mad sometimes :]
Fuck off faggot.
>one day 300% increase in viewership with no donations is worth more than your reputation and possible hundreds of loyal fans.
I hope he really cashed in on these views than. I'm sure they will be there tomorrow smart boy.
truly a business mastermind.
>Sup Forums shills
>retards from destiny come here and shill this shit all day
>destiny makes himself look a retard for thousands who were not even involved
If anything I have to thank you for helping put him even deeper into irrelevancy.
again, let's wait a day or two. too tired of destiny shitposters shills to keep going, have fun back in your shithole buddy.
>twitter followers spike
>twitch followers spike
>twitch subscribers spike
>donations roll in so much after a debate he needs to mute them to talk
>exposure increases
>keemstar making a video about him soon for more exposure
>hahahaha yeah totally no impact teeeheeee
>his shithole consists of making 200k/year normally
>pol will probably push him into higher figures
really makes you wonder
The thing that confuses me so much about Destiny is how he has such low muscle density.
Have you seen his arms? They are 100% bone and supporting tissue.
Even inactive NEETS have some small amounts of muscle on their body, but Destiny has a 35 year old man's huge head on a 13 year old boy's body.
What is wrong with him? Is it his test? Genuine question.
>oh no, a guy who is making himself and liberals look like retarded cucks is gaining some money
You belong on reddit if you're upset by people making money.
Its probably Destiny himself. Dumb faggot would sacrifice it all for 1% more "GDP" growth.
reported faggot.
>>his shithole consists of making 200k/year normally
>>pol will probably push him into higher figures
These threads are a shitty attempt to build his brand/channel. That's why I report them, they're a form of spamming.
Most of that was because Reddit SJWs loved that he exposed Jon Tron as a racist. He blew a lot of that goodwill today though by going full sperg on completely unrelated and extremely popular Youtube SJWs.
No, but that "debate" was entertaining as fuck
no that was thorin (a literal autist, admitted it himself) and his fanbase and a bit of pol as well.
Thorin is more gaming related tho, the other guests not so much besides Jon
source? pref non-low-testiny
hi destiny, fuck you faggot
if destiny is playing 4d chess, thorin played 5d and murdered destiny, got destiny to agree poland is a third world country, and continued to be more famous
It's fucking annoying.
For the debate? It's on his yt channel
Yeah watching now I just would prefer to not give him even a click over this shite
I don't know why you dipshits ever gave this manchild attention.
Is Stefan really that bad at arguing? I don't watch his content but Sup Forums says he's a smart guy.
watch the thorin/destiny debate. thorin dismantles him, destiny, and most other youtube debaters in the first 20 minutes
report these bullshit spam threads.
This faggot needs to be forgotten
I was referring to Stefan Molyneux
yeah, thorin goes off on him and few other youtuber debaters and how they suck at debating.
There are like 6 threads about this faggot right now. What the fuck?
Somebody tweet this at him
It's not like Keemstar reports on any YouTuber drama on Twitter no matter how uninteresting the person is, as long as it's drama.
>mfw people are falling for e-"celeb" viral marketing spam
Ricardo Luiz vs Destiny on Trump/Brexit
This. Molymeme would cut him in more ways than one.
>I'll get a big youtuber with millions of subs on my chat and my popularity will grow
>I'll also spam Sup Forums and Sup Forums with threads about myself when this finally happens
wow, how did you come up with such a great strategy? Must haven taken years of careful planning.
Not Mutually Exclusive, dipshit
5d chess bois
Nobody cares about youtube celebrities. Fuck off.
>also an especially driven, personally wrapped,personally catered to, gifted fuck you to self driven shills.
Anglo genes and sitting on a desk for the last 20 years
Do people really hate YouTubers that much? For some reason, YouTube e-celebs seems normal to me.
>less than 400 likes and 30 retweets
literally who is this fag and why should i care