Whats the best way to break peoples conditioning?
Whats the best way to break peoples conditioning?
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A bullet
didn't change me. weed and a bad relationship though, that'll change a man. really open his eyes
Bruteforce, to be more precise.
A shock to their system
I dont have the means to go around building re-education facilities to deprogram people, or at least over ride their programming with a new set of instructions user....
meant one on one but godspeed if know how to do the above.
2c-e or Mxe. Or both preferably
Doesn't necessarily need to be institutionalized. But it does take a village to break peoples conditioning, that is true.
>But it does take a village to break peoples conditioning, that is true.
Hmmm what about some kinda documentary I could show someone to break their conditioning? One that doesnt put people to sleep?
install a blocker that stops Sup Forums from loading
Force them to be around goatfuckers and niggers
but there are none in Hawaii, muslim refugees are blocked from being placed here.
Alex Jones for 24 hours straight with how he's right. Breaks the conditioning real fucking fast.
Obviously it's illegal but I would find it fascinating to monitor the mind of someone who just browsed and posted on Sup Forums or Sup Forums for 8 hours a day for a few years.
Americans are too far gone and both sides of the coin have abandon what America was founded on.
The so called "liberals" are advocating for straight up marxist principles and those that oppose them are ditching Liberalism in favour for national socialism or other collectivist ideas.
Culturally, America is circling the drain and has been for some time.
Water filters.
>Culturally, America is circling the drain and has been for some time.
well, thats depressing...
>Alex Jones
I dunno man, he kind of loses his shit, that might do the opposite dontcha think?
in combination with
the #p^do gate
>dontcha think?
You should have seen him before he started to filter his water.
move out to the woods. start a farm. become independent
forgot "get killed by fbi"
i dont think that worked for the unabomber.
Super male vitality
>Alex Jones
>Listening to a Zionist shill owned by Time Warner
How to solve this? I know people here from Sup Forums who are addicted to it, even use these chastity cages.
You simply can't.
Enlightment is an one-man journey.
That's why we have war and genocide.
Extreme emotion is the best way to reset people's mind-sets. This is why SJWs complain about triggering, because by causing them to feel offended and uncomfortable, it is freeing up their neural connections to be re-assigned. When SJWs say they are feeling triggered, that is your sign to keep going until they break down completely.
>That's why we have war and genocide.
well if that worked, how come there havent been any genocides in first world countries?
it worked for me.
by lynching poop dogg
>Whats the best way to break peoples conditioning?
Make them homeless.
>When SJWs say they are feeling triggered, that is your sign to keep going until they break down completely.
hhmmmm my experience they just end in nervous breakdowns.
>it worked for me.
well i cant go around putting people all inna woos :P
Are you me? I destroyed the relationship though.
no you can't but you can slowly push people to become more dependent on themselves rather than 'the system'. my example is just a more extreme case and safe as long as you aren't the next ruby ridge
Truth through sardonicism/satire.
You have to undo the brainwashing of the intelligentsia first.
like this?
They need to break their own.
Watch videos with them (make it an accident if you suck at socializing) or question things whenever you both observe something that could be a redpilling moment for them, as a friend you serve an interesting role, though in America it's different because you guys are so fucking programmed. I outed myself as a national socialist (I'm naturally funny, not a skill I consciously picked up) at a party with 5 other people and jokingly did roman salutes and some mimicked, it was fun. Anyway, now I'm redpilling one of the girls, though she's open minded, already Jew wise (anti-Israel since her youth). The thing is though, Norwegian people are friends for life, Americans can dump friends in a heartbeat, it is brutal. Though I only lived in Wyoming and Vegas, spent time in New Jersey, traveled cross country twice, so my opinion might not apply nationally. The thing is though, they have to search for themselves, just as you can't tell someone a year or two under you about something to avoid, they think their experience in life is unique etc. you can't really redpill people, they have to be open to it and redpill themselves. I was a good goy zionist normie conservative, didn't know what I was talking about but thought I was right, then I started looking into politics, became an AnCap, then I figured out the JQ and knew I had to choose between Fascism and National Socialism, I chose the latter. Anyway, drop redpills in the form of satire and questions, that's what works for me. Get them to watch or read things, it may be harder for Americans since I can't say I've met many Americans not just plugged into the TV or having no care whatsoever for any important topics, i.e. sports-fans, entertainment loving fun-loving degenerates, or just naive and uneducated individuals who love life because they have no idea what is being done against their race.
Anyway here's a list of links for you to use for shit. Hopefully your targets are open.
Link: pastebin.com
Pointing out the disproportionate Jewish control of Money Creation, Media and Education is a great start.
That destroys their belief in "Jews dindunuffin!"
Black Crime rates are another great one to start off with. That destroys their belief in "Black's dindunuffin!"
have them listen to this beginning to end
Focus it into larger forces. Support people who have broken theirs, that also reach the conditioned (or can reach eventually). There is one front where you post a good meme on Facebook and get normies to like it, and then there's a larger front of raising an icon to have more of a groundbreaking change. Both have their benefits.
also there's a guy named Mark Passio worth showing them but he's a little "out there" for folks who are uninitiated
Disgust. The human impulse of disgust is a perfect motivator. It turns people from addiction. It makes people work out. If you can prove they are disgusting to themselves they will alter deeply engraved conditioning.
Short answered make them believe their beliefs are associated with your disgusting beliefs.
and Michael Tsarion but he's also a little out there. Bill is dead on and Bill Clinton called him the most dangerous man in america because of the information he was exposing, they went so far as to have federal agents come kill him to shut him down.
>Pointing out the disproportionate Jewish control of Money Creation, Media and Education is a great start.
Yelling that wont work in America you forget all media, video games, comics, program people here.
There is one front where you post a good meme on Facebook and get normies to like it
Like this?
Moral of a clockwork orange is you can't.
Most People are just pawns: They do exactly what the environment culture told them to do even if they believe the contrary (acting by their own free will).
Through all the history, violence is used extensively to surpress the "opposite side" to impose a different worldview. Europe itself is literally a blood altar: Dozens of wars.
It's our human condition.
Rock music and cyberpunk.
thanks ill chek em out!
Check out cias operation artichoke program. Youll love it
That's why Alex Jones is so popular.
Mock Porn.
Release the sexual energy.
Sorta yes, but apply that tactic to conversation.
Generations of children forced to attend daily brainwashing sessions disguised as education. While we're at it, we could get them to pay for it to cover the costs in the form of 'entertainment.' I actually hate whites more than jews for falling for their tricks.
Push hard to "cut the cord"
ECT targeted at the frontal lobe.
>Time Warner
That would work. Little things like that have respectively little effect on their own though. Imagine that meme like one infantryman in an army. It might be exceptional enough to get the medal of honor, but it needs the rest of the army to have an actual effect on the war. My best example of it would be the meme division against Hillary Clinton. They brute-forced an army of anti-Hillary memes that had a pretty significant impact on the election. However, the brute-forcing only worked because it was such a heated campaign - one in which shoveling out heavy artillery on a daily basis did not disorient normies.
The way I would do it, using anti-mudslime memes as an example, would be to slowly trickle out memes such as that to maintain a memetic "status quo". As in, making normies subconsciously think, "this is a piece of the current perception of mudslimes". When a terror attack occurs that causes media to go into a frenzy, that is the time to ambush. Control the perspective through memes and you can break the conditioning. Fortunately this already largely happens, but I think there is room to improve. Stockpile munitions, so to speak.
near-death experiences essentially erase all your conditioning.
The shit you talking about?
The unabomer was woke a fuck.
>break peoples conditioning?
regular exercise; I've got a fucked left knee, but some chap at my gym sorted me out with a routine. Walking isn't easy. It entails some pain.
Eat loads of vegetables and fruit. Read books. Look after your family and friends and strangers. Have lots of sex. Get a hobby (mine are antique furniture restoration, fishing and photography). Never watch television, always be polite and helpful, know that other people may have knowledge that you don't, so listen. Spend a day at a museum, art gallery or local landmark, know that life is short. Be kind and gentle.
Understand that other people need you and you have a purpose.
Of course. I thought of another guy named Anthony Hilder worth looking into too. These peoples videos are usually just audio so you can listen while you browse or when you're going to sleep. Good luck