i am a muslim iranian born and raised in canada. what does pol want to know
I am a muslim iranian born and raised in canada. what does pol want to know
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no one cares
Your name, address, relatives, cell members, and your future plans, also what licenses do you hold and your local mosque?
Remove you're kebab.
ye for some reason people soo obsesed wit muslims
why should i leave
Shia of sunni?
no difference
Is it true that Kurds have bigger dicks and fuck Persian women all the time?
never heard of that
To remove you sub-humans off the face of the earth so the the civilized world wont have to deal with your barbaric religion.
how is islam barbaric
get out of my country.
fuck off.
take your crooked nose with you.
was born here bud. my country too.
don't give a fuck. pack your shit from scarbs and go back to your shit country. marry your cousin and go blow each other up.
A religion that preaches sexism against women, slavery, pedophilia and a mass genocide/holy war against non-believers known as Jihad somehow not barbaric to you...
Oh and remember when the shit that happened to your country after your ((((revolution)))? Some how your country worsened when you ousted your king and brought up a radical dictator to run your islamic (((republic)))
all religion preaches patriarchy and violence. there is nothing wrong with most muslims
WRONG. Get out skitskins, you will pay in the end so help me god 1488 will come
Why don't you go back and make iran great again?
when do you go back?
this is Sup Forums not dailsystormer bud
never born here bud
What do you think about National Socialism?
I think Islam is the Cancer of the world. But the good news is that it is some kind of rare cancer that can be healed with radiation (pic related).
>muslim iranian
kesafat, bemir pedarsag
islam is for fucking arabs you piece of shit
kind of a dated ideology. it would be like you guys reminiscing about the confederacy
When do you leave?
It's another
>I was born in a stable that makes me a horse episode
Is it a cultural thing for people in iran to fuck goats after oil wrestling?
no religion is just for one particular religion
Yes but when yours does it on such a scale that to this day in places like saudi arabia, afghaniastan, pakistan and iran still have abysmally low rights to women with things such as:
>honour killings
>rapes being overlooked by the government
>sharia law
>child marriages
>genital mutilation
and til this day islam has kept these aspects that would've been socially acceptable in the 6th century. While christianity, judaism and buddhism have progressed and changed within their existences.
Islam hasn't... Change or remove this shit in your religion then people will learn to trust your kind more. Then I wouldn't have so critical towards islam.
goverment does not represent the people
Have you ever tried bacon?
Salam alaikum baredaram
>A religion that preaches sexism against women, slavery, pedophilia and a mass genocide/holy war against non-believers known as Jihad somehow not barbaric to you...
Sounds exactly like what this board preaches desu... are you saying that you are in fact barbaric?
Ironic how Sup Forums wants these exact same things but when it comes to islam Sup Forums adopts progressive liberal talking points thinking they will fool anyone. The only reason you hate Islam despite believing in the stuff you criticize muslims for is because it is foreign, you have an inferiority complex and know that islamic culture is superior to western culture.
Except we have been a part of Islam since its creation. Prophet Mohammad pbuh had Persian companions and his mentor was Persian. Also Salem (a persian guy) was in line to become the 3rd caliph but he died before it happened.
And an "arab" or "persian" do not exist today as the middle east is all mixed with each other. The only thing that separates Iran from other middle eastern countries is the language we speak, and even then a third of the words are the same in both languages.
Modern Farsi and modern Arabic are the closest two languages in the world.
y should i leave
We don't want to know anything about you. Why don't you ask us a question?
>i am a muslim iranian born and raised in canada
>not identifying as Canadian
This is people's problem with immigrants right here
Why don't you call yourself Canadian? Why do you hold on to a foreign identity if you weren't born and raised there?
Also want to know this
By birth should only be the Hedjaz reason. Everything else was conquered by the Caliphate and Indonisia was by Trade.
Yes but when the government allows these such awful things. Then there's a problem. It creates people that endorse an ideology that oppresses women and non-believers to a LETHAL extent and lets them go away scott free.
This is a reason why many people in Europe, Asia and the Americas distrust the middle east and parts of africa where islam is present
>what do you want to know?
Why are you still a muslim - and as a muslim: wtf are you doing here?
You know we all want you dead, don't you?
You're not White/Canadian. You don't belong there. Why are you even asking this on Sup Forums?
I never tasted Iranian food but I really like Shawarma and kebab
i am canadian but my ethnicity is iranian
pretty big fucking difference.
>ethnicity is iranian
PICK ONE. You can only be Australian/NewZealander/American/Canadian if you're White kiddo. Read the history of these countries. America and Australia even had it in their Constitution that it was intented to be a White nation.
why don't you go back??? fucking faggot. REMOVE KEBAB
bible says violent things too
Why do Muslims call a subhuman, inbred savage their prophet? There are gorillas that can sign language that deserve more respect than Muhammad.
There is no reason to say that, he said governement looks over rape, which in that is a bad sign.
why arent you doing your part to subvert the oppressive ayatollah regime?
Is it true muslims don't eat pork because it is considered cannibalism.
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Maltese are much closer to Arabic than Persian
At least the christian prophet wasn't a pedophile or a raping warlord.
Kebab is an Iranian food, and shawarma is exclusive to the mediterranean middle eastern countries.
You shouldn't leave and no one can make you, ignore these racist islamophobic neo nazis.
You have a great Prime Minister and government who fights for your rights and the majority of your countrymen want you in Canada.
Iranian government is not oppressive if you are a good practicing muslim.
Why do you impose yourself on a place where everyone hates you? Why don't you go back to Iran?
Do they have a third of the same words in common? No? I didn't think so
Jesus is our prophet too
>bilble is as bad as your piece-of-shit book.
>no, it's not. Your pedo shit book is the worst piece of literature that has EVER been compiled on this planet (with the exception of the parts that pedo murderer nigger Muhammed has stolen from the bible, of course)
I don't care that you're ancestry is Iranian. The fact that you have to state that as your opening line is telling. Do I have to identify as polish when I order a donair?
>Iranian government is not oppressive if you are a good practicing muslim.
If Persians are so superior why did you let the fucking Arabs defeat you and convert you away from your original awesome religion?
I want to know what you feel when your Muslim brothers are dying in holy jihad while you claim citizenship in a foreign land. A land which contributes to Muslim suffering with their ally the US.
Either larping or retarded
>t. rafidah
kek, this. OP is a faggot being proud of being a muslim and a persian. persians were never muslim
How can you be Iranian if you were born and raised in Canada? You're not Iranian m8 and you're not Canadian- you're nothing.
Other than that I'm not much concerned about the thoughts of a muslim.
LOL fuck outta here shitskin
>implying that means anything
get out
Kek'd. Confirmed just another leaf.
>proud persian
And if he's so proud of this Mudslime shithole: why doesn't he just go back there?
I smeeeell a liberal using his sjw terms and cuckin to this kebab. Wtf is wrong with you, i bet you support sharia law in our country
Nice lack of proofs you have there.
But the reality of the matter is that in order to get into trouble in Iran you really have to go out of your way to do it.
t. idiots who doesn't know Islamic history. We've been part of Islam since the beginning. Our ancestors helped start the religion and also helped advance it during the islamic golden age.
We were also Sunni until the 1500s in case you did not know.
Also we are not "Persian" we are middle eastern. Arab and Persian are linguistic identities today, not ethnic ones.
see A vast majority of muslims in the west are liberal, and Islam is a very socialist like religion. Even in the middle east we are liberals on everything but traditional values, and since liberals believe in freedom of choice pushing a socially liberal agenda here has no effect on us.
Hello fellow leafbro? I too would like to know these things and am totally not working for csis.
Kek, brown person pretending to be civilized.
With your back against the wall, be it poverty or the threat of losing your culture, you'll go allahua akbar like the rest.
Fuck you
You never had a golden age since the year 600. You're delusional, Mudslimes.
You again? You Khomeinist scum. Go die in the gutter already.
You mean you're canadian?
If you were born in canada then your a canadian not fucking iranian
Oh wow, samesies
>We are the eternal anglo.
>You aren't Iranian cause you were born in Canada.
Make out your mind pepe.
Not what i ment liberal of your definition is a finite group of people today, what i mean by liberal i mean by a cuck that pushes for the worst of life on to people who actually want to live normally. Socialism is a bad concept with tyranical and opressive out comes socialism never works and if you are putting it with islam that is very bad and this religion or what ever you wanna disguise it as will have the worst out come on man. Hopefully this will be stopped.
how can you be iranian if you were born in canada? sounds like you're canadian to me. is your family iranian?
Can i Fuck your sister
Damn switz this the second time, you make me kek, off side whats hows your country doing, i never look into you guys?
Do you fuck goats and children like your bastard prophet?
You're a Canadian in other words
whose ancestors came from Iran
odd you'd say you're an Iranian and not Canadian.
I was born in the US, but I consider myself muslim first, middle eastern second, iranian third, socialist fourth, and american last.
I might've considered myself american third or fourth under Obama but under Trump definitely last. Hopefully in 4 years we can elect a younger version of Bernie Sanders and Make America Great Again.
Do you consider yourself and other Iranians white? To me you seem like a mixed bunch, with some looking like southern europeans/arabs, and others looking like indians
Why are you even here if you don't want to be an American? Go back to Muslim land.
If you dont consider yourself American. Get. The fuck. Out. We do not need people who hate the US in this nation. Youre not helping anyone, youre a peice of utter shit and i dont understand how when you were child thought "well when i grow up i wanna hate the country that let me live and not let me die from radicalist, US sucks"
They put their ethnicity before their homeland... poor attempt at assimilation