I get so pissed off whenever I see some dumb hippy trying to legalize marijuana. I think to myself "I fought for your fucking rights and you treat life as a joke, something to be smoked away like you don't give a shit, fuck you hippy". Then they cut my veteran pay for some marijuana legislation bullshit and im like i have fucking PTSD and they won't even help me. Fuck pot smokers. Then I hear these fucking brats on the bus with marijuana hats talking about socialism and I walk up to them I say "you think it's a fucking joke 100 million died to to communism" and they go "you were in the army right" because they noticed my veteran T-shit and I say "yeah what do brats like you know about it" and they said "you know veteran pay is socialism" and I just lost it. I screamed "Fuck you brats, never compare veteran pay to socialism I earned every last cent that was given to me. I fought for your freedom i got PTSD FOR YOUR FREEDOM!" They had to take me to a hospital but I can't stop thinking about this shit man.
Marijuana Legalization is Offensive To Military Vets Like Myself
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You do know marijuana can help you with your PTSD, right?
I fought for your freedom
>Fought for your freedom
>I get pissed about you enjoying your freedom
i shiggy diggy doo
No it doesn't. Chronic "chronic" use actually excerbates mental disorder and anyone who has done it consistently knows this.
you most likely fought for israel, not anyone's freedom.
Don't you dare say that. I FOUGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM IDIOT, not for you to smoke weed degereante hippy
Im a vet too, you should probably smoke some weed dude. Also stop taking whatever psych meds they are giving you.
i'm a vet too bro. 6 years infantry, deployed to iraq and afghanistan. i smoke weed every day. eat shit faggot
wife has had to smoke weed everyday the last 2 years to eat. She hates it. If she doesn't she vomits constantly.
If you have no use for it, you are a degenerate. I've lived first hand the benefits.
>Don't be a faggot OP
>having to smoke something everyday you hate just to not feel sick
>giving this much of a shit about life
That's like cool and all dude
The choice to smoke weed is freedom, you fucking leaf
You sound like Trudeau, is suicide also a freedom comrade trotksy?
Cant wait for this 'soldiers are heroes!!' meme to die.
I don't beleive they are real VETS
There reason i got psiosed off last comment was because i glanced at this bullshit what the fuck do you mean we arent heros
You may want to think about cause and effect. Who trained you? Who sent you to kill? Do you think the people that sent you knew what you would experience? Do you think they cared?
You're just an asshole who joined the miliary. You didn't join because you are some captain america fuck who beleived in freedom so hard you made some noble sacrifice. You had normal motives like every other human. You were just cool with potentially murdering other humans in the process
Its shit
worst pasta attempt I've ever seen. Fucking kill yourself
obvious troll lmfao. Also fuck you
Weedfags are the fucking worst
there are 6 people in that picture just so you know
I joined because i wanted to protect NATO and Canada from terrorists. YOU SCUM! Trump would hate you for saying that.
you fought for israel.
>military vet
Fuck off relish suiter. I will smoke all the ganja I want.
smoking some pot or eating an edible might help ease your PTSD. Marijuana can be very beneficial to the mind if used properly. Once or twice a month is proper if you ask me, and I ought to know. I smoked multiple times daily for 7 years and was a fucking loser, but I was happy, but I also came to have delusions and my imagination ruled over my reasoning faculty. For the last two years I smoke maybe once or twice a month as ive said, and wow the difference. I have shed all my delusions and unreasonable thoughts, and I have a very clear and quick perception.
How the fuck old are you? Canada hasn't fought for it's freedom for centuries.
>I joined because i wanted to protect NATO and Canada from terrorists
Bullshit. Whats the real reason user?
>YOU SCUM! Trump would hate you for saying that.
Trump is a billionare born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's every bit as disconnected from reality as the rest of the politicians on capital hill
Some people don't live their lives like you do, get the fuck over it you authoritarian head case. These people are your citizens and contribute regardless to the economy you piece of shit- you act like their mental health is meaningless or that you're the dictator of what pharmaceuticals one can and can't use.
>Bullshit. Whats the real reason user?
Well I also thought it would be cool since i was good at call of duty
>Trump is a billionare born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's every bit as disconnected from reality as the rest of the politicians on capital hill
He cares about the working people
Good, they are our greatest allies
People will smoke pot whether it's legal or not. May as well have quality control and use the money for some good.
>fought for your freedoms
> Canada
confirmed troll, everybody bail on this thread please and thank you.
You didn't fight for jack, you little stormtrooper piece a' shiet. Congrats on having been a hired thug for (((western))) interests.
You didn't fight for shit. i can deal with potheads and degenerates but there is NOTHING worse than people who serve in the military and then think that they are better than everyone else and think that they deserve special treatment and free money because of it. No fuck off, world war 2 was 72 years ago. kill yourself.
you grab a drink to calm yourself down while me and Sheniqua grab a blunt for good feels after a day of work. bless you sir, but fuck off with that noise
Nothing is worse than insufferable NEET faggots like you who think people who serve in the military are on the same level as you
Fuck off military fag, believe it or not serving in the military doesn't mean jack shit nowadays. In fact most soldiers nowadays are just retards who were too stupid or didn't study in school for a real job. You fuckers cost us a fortune for your stupid pension, most of you fuckers aren't even seeing real combat and are just sitting doing nothing all day. You think that because you serve in the army that you are brave or that it makes you a good person? haha fuck off you dumb cunt, you are a pathetic coward who would shit himself the second he saw actual combat like most did in ww2. Kill yourself
Sincerely, hard working Americans.
You're a bad troll
Look up Afganistan dumbfuck
Who's Shenique?
Are you fucking retarded. Are you retarded? To get in the military you need to be top of the line fitness and get good grades in school. Jimmy Carter had to lie his way in.
you didn't fight for me
you fought for rich politicians to get richer off the military industrial complex .. you fought to make my life more dangerous , kys like most vets who realize how dumb they are
>To get in the military you need to be top of the line fitness and get good grades in school.
I'm sorry but so we live on the same planet???? You don't need ANY qualifications to because an infantry soldier. Holy shit you are actually lying about being a soldier LOL. Literally anyone who has any experience with any military knows this shit. The military is a fucking hive for highschool dropouts.
You actually go around lying about being in the army, how fucking pathetic. I feel disgusted even typing to such a pathetic swine.
You're dumb if you think that, fucking liberal hippy bullshit. Please tell me you have cancer
>I'm sorry but so we live on the same planet???? You don't need ANY qualifications to because an infantry soldier
I had to retake like 7 highschool courses with better grades and had a tutor so I could get in. You're disgusting. I also almost got denied due to flat feet.
>False assumptions to compensate for NEET faggotry, the post
Keep crying. I've accomplished more with my life than you ever will
nah i don't have cancer cause I use the natural cancer-killing remedy, marijuana.
>I had to retake like 7 highschool courses with better grades and had a tutor so I could get in. You're disgusting. I also almost got denied due to flat feet.
That's probably because you are a fucking idiot. Actually this explains everything.
Keep telling yourself that, how pathetic.
This. People make up excuses such as "the military dun really serve our intarests!!!!" but they know they are bullshitting so they can have an excuse not to serve since they are COWARDS
I used to think that too until I stopped smoking, and found out it was making anxiety worse, making anger issues worse, making sleep worse, making dietary issues worse.
Weed is shit, and DOESNT help PTSD
>Marijuana cures cancer
Holy shit if there is anything worse than a stoner it is someone who claims weed cures cancer. You're a literal liberal leftist disgusting parasite.
Yea Yea. Keep slurping up Tyrone's cum from your Wife's tattered pussy
sounds like someone needs a hug
>That's probably because you are a fucking idiot. Actually this explains everything.
The fuck? Are you saying im stupid? I served dispite a foot condition i deserve a fucking thank you at least. Say "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE" like a proper gentlemen you fucking pussy
>I see some dumb hippy trying to legalize marijuana
It was legal until the 60's dumbass. It is not your choice to
legalize or not. vote like everyone else.
LOL no it was banned in the 1920s you DUMBFUCK
holy shit this can't be real, you are the most god damn retarded person I've ever seen on this board
this has to be a troll lol
How are you heroes, what have you done that is heroic? People just play along with that shit to be polite.
You haven't done shit for any country you fucking idiot. You were too stupid to get a real job so you had to join the military and now you brag about it online so you can feel better about having a shit job that contributes nothing. I bet you haven't ever faced the slightest big of danger and yet you think the world should suck your dick because you are a failure.
>I fought for your freedom i got PTSD FOR YOUR FREEDOM!
you fought for kike interests
in fact canada has never been in danger of war so youre also a cuck to other countries and their struggles of power
good going with that ptsd
i hate hippies even more than i hate jews. they singlehandedly killed this country as it was and have the audacity to continue their bleeding heart virtue signalling to influence more emotional cunts looking for any kind of purpose they can get.
fucking commie nigger
does your mom still make you tendies?
>trying to take the moral high ground
>followed immediately by laughing at a cancer patient's suffering
>followed again by demanding praise and admiration
Wow, good job leaf
>serving in the Canadian military
I rode around in Afganistan for 2 years protecting NATO, Israel, and freedom.
>You haven't done shit for any country you fucking idiot. You were too stupid to get a real job so you had to join the military and now you brag about it online so you can feel better about having a shit job that contributes nothing. I bet you haven't ever faced the slightest big of danger and yet you think the world should suck your dick because you are a failure.
You my friend are a disgusting communist rat. You're a piece of shit the reason you are allowed to say that without being put into a fucking CONCENTRATION CAMP is because i fought for free speech dumbfuck. How could you fucking say that you piece of shit.
Canada is being threatened with radical islamic terrorism and that's being funded by Iran and Assad and I wouldn't be suprised if Putin is involved somehow.
How the fuck do you know it's a cancer patient?
If you fought for the freedom of others then celebrate the fact that they are free. Stop being a dick. You shouldn't have joined. Fuck you and your PTSD. Vets like you piss me off. Bitching about your gibs
And I never made fun of her suffering i made fun of the fact she has to smoke something she finds disgusting everyday.
>freedom of speech
I'm a marine veteran, small business owner, and marijuana legalization proponent and user. I wake up at 4am every morning and go to the gym. I run my business during the day and provide for my family. I also will occasionally smoke a little weed to relax. Get over yourself.
We are freedom patriots you are nothing but a fat burger
>likely touts anti nationalist rhetoric
>unironically thinks modern troops are even needed in Canada besides basic decorum
>The NYPD could likely take on a good amount of our military
>thinks he fought for freedom instead of fighting in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East for globalist government's schemes
hahahha yeah buddy thanks for fighting for muh free speech wow if it weren't for highschool dropouts like you. You aren't even the problem, the problem is the media and people in general thinking that serving in the military makes you a brave hero who should be respected but it DOESN'T. You aren't even fighting anyone, people still don't realize that the nazis were wrecked 72 years ago and that most people who join the military are just failures like you who think they deserve respect for serving in the military.
Just remember that you are a worthless human being and you contribute about as much to society as an obese transexual welfare leeching NEET. Hopefully your (((((PTSD))))) will get worse and you will end up killing yourself because of it.
You fucking moron. American degenerate macdonalds eating burger munchin slurpy sippin cock suckers got NOTHING on true Canadian patriotism. Canadian military may not be as strong as Americas in terms of strength but in terms of intelligence and skill outweighs America so much. In Canada we laugh at your armed forces. You don't know shit about Canadian pride
I am tired of you trash talking my country when you haven't fought for yours. Why don't you try sticking your head up your ass ok? To be clear Canada has more free speech than most ok, the only thing you can't do is ADVOCATE GENOCIDE of a race.
I hope you put in Federal Prison you commie rat bastard
You know what? You're a fucking moron you know that right? You are a socialist, a fucking socialist in Canada. My nation was founded on freedom and pride not socialism. FUCK SOCIALISM. You are scum, you are rat bastard
This isn't about the Nazis dumbfuck. Vladimir Putin makes the Nazis look like a bunch of puppies. Vladimir Putin is way worse than Hitler.
You are a worthless welfare leech I hope you get cancer You socialist, you're a fucking socialist rat.
leafs pretending to be anything other than polite cucks is actually kinda cute. I mean even we could wipe out your entire joke of a country with a single missile but it's still cute. Hope all that military time was worth it though, I hope they at least taught you how to properly lube your asshole for mohammeds massive cock to penetrate your tight leaf asshole.
awwwwwww thats cute, thats cute. I would insult you but I got North Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and English ancestry so yeah
If I had a canadian flag I would lie about being British as well. Don't worry I understand.
You need to smoke some weed and chill the fuck out and you are from Canada so how did you fight for my freedom?
You are lying about being British now
Well this surely is a troll, but jjust imagine that out there are really American soldiers who think invading and bombing nations on made up pretenses for Jewish interests really is "fighting for your rights".
Shit like Panama, Iraq, Yugoslavia.
Like imagine unironically being that retarded.
top jej
well atleast he put some effort into it and it's not a 1 post was made by this ID thread
I fought for nato
Who gives a fuck what you think
You fought for your own selfish reasons. Fuck you.
Your a disgrace
How did you fight for my freedom? Youre canadian. Meaning you dont understand the concept of states rights. Go warm up your queen elizabeth kettle for some tea you queer.
I fought for nato dumbfuck which includes u.s and Americans have no concept of health care
No one fucking cares what you think leaf.
Stop trying to force your opinion on us.
You care
You didn't do shit for my freedom.
Externally(which is what the military is used for btw) there has never been a real threat to Canadian freedoms for a while. You're a pawn user--not a freedom fighter.
Plus you're an entitled POS who doesn't deserve anyone's respect because you demand it be given to you rather than expecting to earn it.
Internally(ie politics) there is a threat to muh freedoms. You havent done shit there.
Fuck off.
>funded by Iran and Assad
>Not Saudi Arabia, US or Israel(these two are quite possibly behind ISIS)
Really made me think...
>being this anti-putin
You sure you're on the right board? Putin is well memed and liked here for the most part.
Trips prove I don't.
No he doesn't fuck boy
dude you're not allowed to do anything that i don't approve of because i killed some sandnigger for israel. drugs ruin your life, so go to prison because that won't ruin your life!