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I miss buttons, actual fucking buttons that you press.
This, famalam.
>tfw liberals want a future in which everyone is so weak we cant push physical buttons, only touch responsive screens
These have always made me feel queasy. Not a turn off but straight up avoid mode.
Especially on the car radio.
This is their prototype
Oh god, they're trying to turn us into half life stalkers
are liberals secretly the combine
Get a mechanical keyboard, I got one for home and the office.
Everyone hates me in the office because it sounds like I'm on a typewriter.
So is this what it boils down to? We're some piece of data on a server hidden some place in the Pentagon? Is that what all the millions of people who died in the past few thousand years worked and gave their all for?
This is beyond soulless. We deserve to burn in hell.
don't stop at a regular keyboard, buy a mechanical one you mongoloid.
you realize everyone having phones and an extensive digital presence is way closer to a "mark" than any shitty implants, right? Trying to give everyone implants would be the shittiest way to 'mark' the masses that you could think of.
But then, it's not exactly the brightest or sharpest folks coming up with these paranoid spergings, so I can't say I'm surprised.
I would hate that too
>more like why is everything all digital I miss mechanical switchs and shits
>you phone now has touch volume and power buttons
it's not the mark of the beast you retard.
lol that guy literally has 0 test
The Mark of the Beast has to affect your ability to buy or sell
They aren't going to force the mark on you, that's the thing. People will willingly get an e-tattoo or a RFID chip because it will, and IS, being marketed as a useful tool that you NEED to have in order to keep up with the "modern age". You won't be able to buy or sell in the future because the world will VOLUNTARILY CHOOSE to take the mark and accept the mark only over cash or whatever. The reason they CAN'T REPENT of it is because they ALREADY CHOSE IT. It will never be forced until the idol shepherd shows up and tells the non-religious so-called tin foil hat wearers who saw this coming miles away and true believers in Christ to take it or die.
you're a stupid, melodramatic cuck.
If they make my hands work in VR games as the controller I'll get one desu.
What the actual fuck is that thing
This man knows about the Mark of the Beast, folks. He's a wise man. In other news, e tattoos are fucking gay. Get a real tattoo. People have been putting ink under their skin for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Do it for tradition.
Average Berner.
"Swipe left to buy now!"
Mark of the Beast will probably end up being tied to somekind of digital crypto-currency.
Self fulfilling prophecy, also known as predictive programming
They get off to that shit, regardless of their real or imagined affiliation with the antichrist
Anyone who takes the mark damns his soul.
it's just the begining user. That comes later
A vegan
I'm OK with this as long as it's a press on tattoo and non permanent
I love virtual reality and the thought of not holding a controller and still having 10 finger input is awesome
As I said, having an extensive digital presence and a GPS/sensor loaded phone you carry with you all the time to provide more information about yourself is a far better "mark" than a shitty RFID or e tattoo.
Take it from someone who takes classes for IoT/Data Science, things like RFIDs or NFC chips are garbage for more than one or two very specialized purposes per chip. You can't read them at great distances due to their tiny scale either, for one thing. I mean maybe you could turn them into bitcoin/cryptocoin wallets, but the lack of an actual interface w/o a phone undermines it even more still.
Everyone having cellphones, voluntarily dumping their information at all times, is far more useful.
But as I said, it wasn't exactly individuals with relevant educations or technical backgrounds who came up with the decades of histrionic ravings over what amount to repurposed package tracking aids.
Have you fags not been paying attention? Here, former director of DARPA, Regina Dugin, now a top dog at Google, talks about her "beast tech" computer tattoos
2013. Try to keep up.
Cathy you only had to listen.
looks to me like a standard strain guage
We've had these since before WWII apparently
Oh, I forgot to mention. Remember how it was SO COOL to get a tattoo? That was preparation. They wanted to use a venue where the rebellious youth would want to take the mark in order to be cool.
We are speaking of Bible prophecy. Unless all transactions are conducted by phone it is not the mark.
Waiting for Hillary to start shilling them on TV. Her being a witch and all. Or maybe Bernie.
This one is even more hilarious. Thanks for reminding me of how nonsensical some of the stuff on youtube, here they are shilling a book about how it would all end and yet here we are 3 years later and the Israelis are still having their shit flinging contest with the Palestinians.
mark of the beast is apple you silly goose.
Couldn't it be interpreted as a consumerist lifestyle rather than a physical mark?
Money on your mind, all you do is spend money. Forgetting about the one true God
I work on transhumanism technology, dude. Most of my salary for the past 15 years has come indirectly from DARPA.
I'll leave it up to you whether and how it relates to prophecy. I'm just reminding folks it's been on a very obvious trajectory for a very long time.
Perhaps it will be. People aren't exactly getting these e ink tattoos are hilariously unergonomic NFC bitcoin wallets en masse either.
Check out an example of what I'm talking about though:
The mark was about nero. 666 is the number if his name (or 616 which is an alternate spelling)
>Mark of the beast
the bible and all religious texts are bullshit, however, there is a giant conspiracy to make the masses willingly submit to world government
you have to go back (to reddit)
Thoroughbred pureblood pleb
Oh sorry, wrong video:
> I Put A Payment Chip In My Hand To Replace My Wallet
Like I said, you still need a phone for it to work so it seems more than just a little obnoxious, as well as completely unnecessary.
Electoos? Praise the Omnissiah!
2 variants of the razer blackwidow
Mark of the beast is Arabic words that have the appearance of 666
This is the thing
No, it will not be physically imposed on you. If it is, you will be able to remove it.
The problem arises when you can not buy nor sell.
They won't need to physically force it on you. You will have little choice.
The preparation comes in putting your faith and trust in God. That no matter how bad things get for you, He will take care of you, even should your wither and die.
So sure. No one is going to put a gun to your head, or tie you down and stick it on you. They simply won't need to. Most people will be begging to have it. Pray for eachother.
One step closer. The real trick of it is to get you to want it so that later you'll say
>oh finally!
>now I don't need the phone anymore!
Yes, I believe it is. And the physical mark is just a representation of your greed-fueled life. Like when you're a weeb you buy dolls and bodypillows, its just showing the world your lifestyle. Taking the mark shows you love money more than God.
Remember this verse
1 Kings 10:14
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,
>six hundred threescore and six
really make u go "hmm"
The love of money is the root of all evil, eh?
>everyone who doesn't believe in my gilgamesh rehash with extra mental gymnastics is from reddit
C'tan worshiping heretic!
Your beliefs are a lie.
As a former christian and current agnostic, I wouldn't want a cybernetic implant, no matter how they marketed it to me. I'd have to be conned into it, like lose my hand and they implanted the artificial limb with it, or something.
>muh biblical doomsday delusions
Kill yourself anytime
Religious people truly are a scourge upon this wretched planet
I need to get a bell to ring every so often, to make it complete.
Everything becoming a screen on the car is really frustrating because you can't fucking do anything without looking. 2 knobs and a seek button I can handle that with my eyes on the road.
I am okay with this.
Couldn't agree more. I got a car with one of those touch screen things in it for the first time in my life other month and all I can say is thank God damn everything but the radio is controlled by reasonably well laid out knobs, buttons, and dials.
At least I don't use the radio much and have a cassette player jacked in most the time instead (lol).
Feel free to drop some ideas, a successful one could become an easy billion once the payment chips take off.
Till then having a phone with NFC that you also gather more information all the time, the aggregate of which is rapidly becoming more valuable than just money, will remain a far more reasonable suspect for your paranoid spergings about the end times.
Shreks deformed, liberal brother, Shork.
Are we near the age of nano augmentations yet?
Damn it moon, I was about to get it!
I don't think I really need to, considering the major payment transaction firms (i.e. credit/debit card networks) are already cautiously moving toward the direction where you could just use a chip in your hand instead of your card.
used to be able to text and drive without taking eyes off the road to with the old school razor flip phone. I'm thinking about going back from the iphone. The updates are bullshit anyway
The mark of the beast is circumcision. It's also the mark of the nigger and the kike.
the only creepy shit about this is the fact you its stuck on you. your cellphone can record you, track you location, lots of spoopy shit. but you can leave that in a drawer when you don't need it. sticking that shit right in you body is some next level retardation. the alphabets can watch you jerk of from a fucking finger cam. jesus, and some tech faggots actually think this shit is cool. smart but not wise, alot of that in the nerdosphere.
I don't understand smart phone or touch screens. Why is pressing buttons so hard for normalfags?
cause it dont tron man.
Part of the mark of the beast is also that the mark leads to unbearable boils and skin lesions. So an e-tat makes sense as the mark.
ive never had a touch screen device
Touch screen stuff seems like such retard technology to me when buttons did this shit fine.
you realize they intentionally are slow on upgrading to better tech...right? Those "new: chipped credit/debit cards you've probably seen are nearly a decade old in terms of being practical. They're over 20 years old in terms
And yet they only appeared within the last couple years because pressure had finally mounted for them to be more secure.
Once again, these chip shenanigans offer almost no benefit over the current chipped cards. Well, besides them maybe needing to steal your arm for to use your money vs maybe they steal your wallet and you call to cancel your cards lel. Not to mention, they could just mail the cards to everyone, this time around you'd need everyone show up at a clinic kek.
This global rollout is sounding dumber and dumber the more we discuss it. XD
These are all one and the same.
Bonus points to the leaf for Shork, lel'd
no. it says its a physical mark, on the right hand or forehead
yeah, something 3d is easier too control too. a few pixels with absurd sensitivity settings just makes your fingers fuck up whatever your doing.
Oh they offer benefit. They roll the next dumb thing out, tell everybody they need it because they """accidently""" couldn't provide security without it, and now you either accept it you don't get your credit card that you increasingly rely upon.
It's all one big scam.
Every fucking time I've tried using one of those awful things it just feels like over complicated crap that is made to look fancy.
>over complicated crap that is made to look fancy
That's how they get the kids into it know it's not a computer capable of any of that, right? It's more like, a wearing touch screen adapted gloves on your skin that can send signals to devices very close by (if you read the article, they had to have the arduino almost right ontop of the tattoo for it to work.
If someone offers to put a computer in your skin...even idk if that's a good idea haha.
I need to make a copypasta about how the Mark of the Beast appearing now would put it out of sequence with the rest of Scripture and how every thread about it is literal fanfic.
>i have no idea why designers would want to get more screen space and make the screen double as an interface when the device has to comfortably fit in dumbass teenagers with skinny jeans' pockets.
we also seem to be in another nostalgic bullshit thread somehow
wow, I bet you genuinely believe everyone else would be so much dumber than you they'd totally fall for this "extremely obvious" scheme
totally m80, can't argue with you there. No one would even question why everyone suddenly has no choice but to get these implants being handed out by likely the worlds biggest corporations, nope.
It clearly hasn't appeared yet. We're just having a giggle about how it might be getting closer and closer.
I was out in Momonland last year on vacation and my sister was having a problem with her chip card and in the course of a few sentences all of a sudden the checkout lady and I were explaining to my sister how this chip thing was less safe, not more safe, and that this is how they're going to force the next technology on you until you take the mark of the beast in order buy or sell.
In the back of my mind I was like
>I'm just trying to buy groceries in the middle of nowhere
>and now we're calmly talking about the incipient end times
>I don't know if I should like this timeline or not
Yeah well I don't know why anybody wants to have their dick chopped up and turned into a fake pussy and take pills to pretend to be a girl for the rest of his life, either, or vise-versa. But yeah, man, nobody could be that dumb!
The number of the beast is 616. 666 is a mistranslation.
some rando posts this coincidence on the internet and nukes the project. wow, this sounds sillier with every comment
those are a tiny minority, vs (what I'm guessing is) the entire developed world
But false equivalences can be fun, so I'll let this one slide lel
Thanks Satan.
It is a tiny minority, but you have to take the derivative over time. It's shot up like gangbusters in a very short time not just as an industry but now into some big force to browbeat social norms, political necessities, etc.
Don't underestimate the power of cultural subversion. How long did it take to get from physical bread lines to EBT cards? How long between EBT cards and something more sophisticated?
When people need to eat, they typically do whatever they need to do to eat, be that take something closer to a mark or be that riot in the street. Food shortage is historically an extraordinarily powerful force for social uprising and social control.
>out of order fanfic
yah but read this
>predictive programming
They're marking their steps with 6-6-6 breadcrumbs until the final product is rolled out.
>religious people think the mark of the beast actually means anything or is relevant to the end times
Nero Caesar
Cherry blues are real nice. That little resistance and click with each key is so satisfying.