"Partying" epidemic

I only dislike parties more as I age. I asked people why they participate in the events, and they say, "it's when you let loose and do what you want! Just being yourself!"
ok? So you're saying that your real self is abusing alcohol, puking, making regrets, fighting, having meaningless and empty sex with people you don't know, and making messes? And then waking up having no memory of those moments, with a hangover from a night of self harm? THAT'S when you're peaking? THAT'S the most fulfilling thing you can do with life?
What is wrong with our generation? I used to think I was strange for not being a normie, but the older I get, the more I realize Normies are broken people.
How do we fix this behavior, Sup Forums? We need to get to the source of the problem; who raised these people?
Parties cause
>Spread of disease
>causes irresponsible pregnancies; will either have an abortion or will grow up in a bad home, etc
>Drug and Alcohol abuse
>destruction of property
>dangerous group think; people do things they wouldn't normally do, can lead to dangerous outcomes
>can result in theft; too many strangers in one house
>encourages celebrations of meaningless accomplishments, or just plainly celebrating for a narcissistic reason

I am not against celebrations, but "partying" is degenerate.

just have a beer with the guys jesus Christler


Parties are the result of the party goers, so just watch the company you keep like with anything else.

I used to go to wild house partys near the university of milwaukee campus. I fucked an asian girl in a bathroom once but other than that it gets really boring and i havent been to one in almost 3 years. You can only stand in a circle getting drunk so many times before you just have enough.

If people want to party it's fine. I used to when I was in undergrad, I didn't really enjoy them that much though. It's much better to drink with some friends at a bar. I agree though, it's annoying as fuck that they are seen as the 'normal' thing to do.

Holy fuck, kek is definitely watching this thread

hahahahahaha what a loser, stay at home baby nothing will harm you

""partying""" is so horrible. Our society merely sits back and thinks nothing of it, like it doesn't even matter.

It's like I'm living in some bizzaro world, where this behavior is totally abominable but nobody cares. They either participate, or just merely look away.
There is nothing fine about the described behavior. Those are all serious problems, and they cause direct serious problems for life and people around them. I mean, partying is like a celebration of mental health issues, and not in a meaningful way; a very, very destructive one.

I never got what was so hyped about parties either.

I think they are mostly a result of some fake form of hedonism. People watch too much movies and think that having fun means acting like the characters of American comedies. Because... that's what they have been taught. At least that's what I taught.
That the good life consisted of being popular, having a large number of attractive partners and this kind of thing.

And then, people end up sad but pretending to be happy.

Parties don't have to be degenerate and about sex, drugs & strangers. Good parties are with relatives/families, where you might sometimes drink too much, but not because you planned it.

I know! as you age and look at the situation as objectively as possible, you realize how sad a party looks.
These people don't look successful, happy or balanced. This is behavior I'd expect from a group of people that exhibit the opposite of the aforementioned kinds of people (successful).

Degenerate (((American))) culture has redefined "party" to mean like a house party. An event where young people gather that requires alcohol and sometimes other drugs for the purpose of binge drinking and casual sex. It's normie central

I said in the op
>I am not against celebrations, but "partying" is degenerate.
There are some things worth celebrating, but """"parties"""" is what I mean


You have mental health issues if it bothers you that much. Just don't do it yourself.

Stop pretending you're older than like 20, kid.

Here is proof that people who don't drink shouldn't have rights.

I'm not ill if i merely observe it and it causes me concern. Thats called being rational.

For me partying is 10 to 30 people who sit at table and go through courses of national dishes and slowly drink some juice or alcohol. Not a single thought is about sex or drugs.
There are people who go out just to get drunk, i done that couple of times, but still with friends, but got border very quickly with it, especially because the wine was very low quality and made me throw up.

Oh look, the shills arrived

Commenting on negative issues is not allowed anymore? Should we all become autists who ignore the outside world?

Yeah eating doritos n' dew and browsing Sup Forums all day erry day is a lot worse for your body and mind than going to a party every now and then. Get friends. Seriously.

>For me partying is 10 to 30 people who sit at table and go through courses of national dishes and slowly drink some juice or alcohol. Not a single thought is about sex or drugs.

I like how you assume I'm fat and have no friends because i don't chimp out once a week just to feel my emotions.

No I assume you're fat and have no friends because you're posting about all this on Sup Forums

also yeah because everyone who has this opinion has like two autistic friends max

>everyone who disagrees with me is retarded

lmao you people are so stupid. It's hilarious that it's always the same reaction from you types.

Parties are overrated, never been to one myself but they are.

>go to University
>no urge to get trashed every weekend
>immediately an outsider

Yet I work a job, have a decently successful/productive hobby (music), & a group of truly best bud's who I speak to daily. So meh let normies be normies my man.

I've always looked at it as people trying to desperately find a way to cease to exist. They are always looking for means to become unaware of time and to (at least partly) lose conscience. It seems to me ultimately degrading and sad, as the latter is precisely our gift as humans. I never understood how can they call this "fun".

I've never liked going to them because people always act crazy and belligerent

no what you're seeing is someone who believes they're "trolling" everyone, because they think it gives them some kind of power. Like, "Ooo, nobody knows i'm just lying and there's basically no punishment for my actions! Finally I have free will for once in my life, and I'm going to seek a balance from years of my personality and individuality being pressed and molded by social engineering! haha this is so fun, to finally say whatever I want! Nobody knows my past, which haunts me, and !"
But in reality everyone is thinking "oh look another youtube commenter who's going to leave after a couple weeks because they got outtrolled by some ebin troll.

They have abandoned God, so they find their gods in the things of flesh. We mock the ancients for their worship of idols, yet no barbarian shaman could ever love his gods as much as a Millennial loves their Iphone. There is no progress in atheism, only regression, and eventually death. Suicide by Islam.

This too. I find that people who generally have no ambitions/known meaning outside of work + school tend to party the hardest

I'm not taking advice from some guy who drinks Doritos flavored mountain dew and only has two friends.

You don't get it - the whole concept of partying is set up in a way for young people to socialize.

Consider this, for fifteen years of your life you didn't gave a shit about that annoying mess that is the opposite gender and then suddenly you wake up and think 'Oh shit I'm attracted to them'

Now what do? You never interacted with them, you most likely have no social skills, and you don't know what they are interested in. That is where clubbing comes in the picture:

- there are dim lights so that it covers your ugly mug and ease the insecurities
-there is loud music so that you don't have to really hear that the other person is full of shit and the bystanders don't mock your hapless flailing
-there are flashing lights to hide the fact that majority of people can't dance for shit, try to focus once on the dancing crowd and watch
- the alcohol is there to makes you forget how embarrassing you were and it is automatically something the kids consider rebellious
- it helps you get rid of excess of pointless energy that teenagers have

Adult are not partying because they already interact with each other in different manner, mainly due to the experience
Adult people don't g


Having a BBQ, some beer, music and conversations is more enjoyable than a cigarette smoke filled, overcrowded house/apartment with obnoxious drunks starting fights. Plus hangovers fucking suck, especially when your passed out on floor and surrounded by beer bottles and liquor that make you gag. Going to work hungover is even worse.

I've gone to my share of "parties," but now that I'm past college it does seem kinda sad to see people still living that LIFESTYLE. See, it's ok to party every now and then as long as it doesn't get too crazy, but I know this girl who has been throwing nearly DAILY house-parties for at least the last 12 months.

>she rents a house with two or three other partyfiends
>her share of rent comes from dad's college fund
>hosts several parties every week
>they always go on til morning
>she has cried RAPE several times
>now has a steady BF instead of sleeping around
>he is equally degenerate
>posts snapchats EVERY FUCKING DAY about it all
>"what's good?!?"
>"what's REEEALLLY GOOD?!?"
>"we got shottttttsss!"
>want to unfollow her
>too morbidly curious about her lifestyle at this point
>also sometimes she posts sexy snaps of her friends acting like strippers

>>"what's good?!?"
>>"what's REEEALLLY GOOD?!?"
>>"we got shottttttsss!"
lol'd like an idiot

I understand why you would say that.

You're 18-23, and you don't dig the house party scene. You don't go to nightclubs, college bars or bars that cater to the 21-24 year-old crowd because they are overcrowded, tacky places full of obnoxious people, and they blast shitty music so loud you have to scream just to have a conversation.

I don't mean to sound condescending, but you will see things differently one day. House parties aren't even a thing once you're over 25. The only "house parties" you will be going to will be family get-togethers.

You'll also find yourself going to different bars.

When I go out barhopping, it's usually me and 1-3 other friends, who generally seek out quieter, more laid back, less crowded places to have a drink, talk amongst ourselves, enjoy the atmosphere, and maybe see some live music or have some conversations with new people. Sometimes in a quieter bar without a lot of people, it's fun to just bullshit with the bartender.

It's not the drinking that's the problem either, it's the people doing it and the atmosphere.

Trust me, when you're 25+, you're going to LOVE drinking. You'll be anxiously awaiting 5pm so that you can leave your shitty job and coworkers you can't stand behind, and go home and crack open a cold one or sip on some wine/liquor in peace.

kek, it's become pretty amusing to me as well. It's her catch phrase. She hasn't failed yet.

You're an idiot

huh good and productive discussion

Make all of this illegal and force the police to shut down every instance of it

That's the solution, also $250 reward for anyone who reports illegal fraternizing

>you will see things differently one day
I hate this phrase, people have been saying this about everything my whole life and it has never come true, probably just idiots like you projecting on other people

Life isn't a challenge to see who can keep the most healthy and have the least fun. Yoy haven't got long here, so what's the big deal in doing stupid shit that's only hurting yourself?

What ill never get is why people go to trendy bars and clubs. Such an unpleasant and expensive experience.

It seems that you don't like parties. I think I can help you with this. What I'm about to tell you is going to solve all your party-related problems

Don't go to parties you twat.

I thought this post would be about identity politics and the problems with a two party political system, but I agree nonetheless. Drugs and alcohol in general are degenerate.

Ehh... I admit, I fucked up on that. Should've phrased it differently. That shit does sound wishy-washy I'll give you that.

What I meant was that the whole culture OP was describing doesn't really exist once you reach a certain age.

The superficial "party culture" ends post-college, at least for most people.

I'm on Sup Forums arguing with autistic people. Believe me, I know full well I'm an idiot.

Your ultra-authoritarian version of the Hollywood version of the 1950s is never going to happen.

Neo-con "moralists" like you are an embarrassment to this country.

>ultra authoritarian 1950s
>Implying I'm not proposing we return to Oliver Cromwell's England

>tfw idiot coworkers/"friends" try to "help"
>"lol we'll teach you to be more sociable"
>"isn't this fun?"
>"Dude, bro! You gotta just let loose!"
>loud music
>shitty food
>boring people who only know how to talk about other people behind their back, or sports
>"see, I told you you'd love it!"
They're embarrassing. I know this'll sound like edgy cringe bullshit, but it's like being surrounded by children, who require constant stimulation to feel satisfied.

Maybe parties in college. After you get married, parties mean watching your wife's friend's husband eat cheese and onion chips with Fritos.

This is like the second time I've rolled those numbers tonight. Happening?

They spend the week working/studying, and the weekend partying.

Your arguments would have more validity if the majority of 4channers didn't spend the vast majority of their time masturbating to pornography, playing video games and shitposting. Of course you don't see the need to "let loose" and "party" when your life is 24/7 digital hedonism.

> For me partying is 10 to 30 people who sit at table and go through courses of national dishes and slowly drink some juice or alcohol. Not a single thought is about sex or drugs.

So much this. This is how Turkish "parties" are as well. Always with friends, families or families of friends.

Nobody gets too fucked up in these, and there's so much good conversation.

I just had that kind of party tonight on a campus-related occasion; and man, did I miss this kind of thing!

True. Who isn't hedonist though? Orthodox Christians?

t. That kid who never got invited to anything now projecting

Kill yourself.

You know what? Before the later years of uni it was all fine, but when I see people from my hs whose only goal in life is to party everyday in their mid 20s, spending everything they earn to piss it out, finance cars that they can't afford, it really seems stupid in the end.

I have 2 friends
That's all I need

The whole scene is a big degenerate mess. Where ever did the semi formal dance scenes ever go? Sure you had a drink or two but you spent the night dancing and not procreating.

As stupid as /pol?
They might make some business connections at least. This place has given me a Jewish question tumor in my brain.

>He never got invited to get fucked up at a bonfire in the hills with his older brother's friends.
>He's never fucked a girl in the weeds outside his house because he thought they were still with that guy at the party.
>He's never gotten into drunken fights with his friends in genuine good humor. Coming away bloody but loving it and laughing the whole time.
If you have no friends just find the other people who don't have friends and form a clique. Its what we did when I was younger, we hated every other dynamic so we made our own centered around video games and giving each other shit.
Jeep in mind partying doesn't always mean you end up in a pool of your own vomit, a party can be any shared activity between friends.

I think you just have had bad experiences when you have tried to be social so you are crafting this argument to justify your lack of social skills.

Yeah. People don't dance this is true--I wonder what happened to that--I think it's because betas got cut out of the mix in the 1960s, and now we're either providers or eunuchs after the bitchs finish riding the alphas.

>business connections
>at juvenile house parties that emulate the most predictable "peak" years of chad and stacy so they don't have to face their car payments and student loan

I am glad I got indoctrinated by Sup Forums when I was 14, I do not want to imagine my life as a normie.

Parties aren't all like that.

>tfw too smart to be a normie

>i'm a degenerate

Kill yourself laddo.

I agree with you. Having a few beers and no drugs with a group of 10 or 12 friends at an apartment is one thing. But full on raves and the like with X and Weed and sex with strangers is fucking degenerate and pathetic

t. bitter loser that got bullied by the cool kids in school

I hate my old self that went to parties. Felt so degenerate

t. chad desperately emulating le peak years and still wears his moth-riddled letterman


The lowest common denominator of human shaped meat robots finds meaning in proximity to other humans while strumming their hypothalamus with pleasure unearned.

notice how pathetic wannabe chads brag about how cool their life was because they had that one cool party?

It's pretty sad when you look at it from a non-child perspective.

It must suck to have never been invited to a party

Notice how wannabe chad continues to pretend the best time of his life was the one cool party he experienced?

It doesn't bother him directly. What bothers him is societies attitude toward it, and what's more, encouragement to party, do drugs, hvd sex and get drunk. The startling reality is this is promoted by people who want to make money off of you.

>The revenge of the nerds

It's always been that way. Some people really expect nothing from existing. Most in fact.

>Being social is degenerate.
>Forming life long friendships and shared experience paradigms is degenerate.
Oh sweet summer child.

It must suck growing older and fatter as your degernate tendencies catch up to you.

Agree with you.

People from my hs still stuck in the same mindset. Their brains don't develop from the substance abuse or something. This is 5 years after grad. How is the only source of one's pride and their only goal in life is to 'party?'

They basically want to kill them selves but are too scared so they do the next closest thing

Are you a kike or something? People having fun in groups is '''degenerate''' now? Laughable shit, man.

They do it because they're fake as shit and need to stop being such fake cunts sometimes.

The point is what experience? People just laze around and hit the easy button with people who have no purpose to each other.

If that's socializing to you then you might as well get a lobotomy. Or just Kys.

Normies are extremely repressed because of their boring jobs, boring hobbies, and boring opinions. They spend so much of their time trying to fit in that they become uncontrollable animals the moment that behavior is approved.

>le it's just fun and games goy, why do you care?

because you're another (likely white) prodigy destroyed by the promotion of promiscuity and alcohol/drugs as a way to enjoy the now hollowed social life the jews present to us. And, when presented with the hollowness of this existence you defend, you kvetch and beg people to just leave you alone and allow you to enjoy the degeneracy you embrace.

In other words, I look at you like god looks on us. Like you're a subhuman, a person unable to experience the basics of human life and desires.

It appears Kek has very mixed feelings about parties.. a very nuanced and complex view worthy of a god of chaos.

He must be fun at parties, when he decides he likes them

>having some people over and having a bonfire outside

Good healthy clean fun

>playing loud robotic music in a townhouse while a bunch of dysfunctional insecure nutcases chug alcohol, scream at each other, and MAYBE have a conversation where they have to yell at each other over the music

Weird and degenerate

I see where you're coming from but the real reason they party when they are young is because they're stupid, we not taught self control and are degenerate. Doing drugs and partying is not an excuse to meet people. I've had a girlfriend my entire life since 6th grade, I don't think I've ever been single. Lots of different girls & I never once went to a party

Simply put, it's a form of escapism. No different from the basement dwellers of Sup Forums or Sup Forums who escape in media.

>On Sup Forums.


Keep lurking bud.

Damn, all of this asspain because I essentially said that the house party/college bar/"club brah" scene is usually something that doesn't matter at all when you're over 25...