What's wrong with bleaching brown qts, Sup Forums?
What's wrong with bleaching brown qts, Sup Forums?
Trash wife material. Good for fucking no strings attached or as a mistress
t. ivan
you can take a nigger out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger
there aren't any whites in brazil though. what if we bleach the brown qts but keep breed the white wimminz too
The baby will still have sub-human DNA because of the mother. It's recommended that black women abstain from breeding with any men to encourage a decline in their population.
Zoophilia thread?
Ivan has a point
That will take fucking generations, America is 60% white and we need to start breeding white children. Niggers can wait another time, They're disgusting anyways.
47% of Brazil is white you fucking retarded australian.
Black "people" look disgusting.
>47% of Brazil is white
brown people aren't white. "white" brazilians wouldn't pass as white here
What on earth is this?
Nothing, it's every white man's duty to bleach some ebony goddesses
Self reported white. One drop rule.
Dat ass kys
Absolutely nothing, so long as you produce at least 4 white children as well
>Implying that sex outside of marriage is not degeneracy.
Exactly most southern "Whites" have nigger ancestry and they're dumb as rocks.
All I want is a black girl with a huge butt who likes to have her asshole licked.
And let us whites become a minority in America? Fuck off your nigger bitch can wait after you have white surrogate children.
Not when we're a rapidly declining race in America it is. Whiteness is more important then blackness, White children are better then mongrel children.
i simply don't find them attractive. I think its wrong, that i can not express that i am just not attracted to black women. Ray cissssssssss
>Implying Russia was not conquered and controlled by the Mongols for 200 years.
Which flag is this?
Nothing. I have a black girlfriend who is top notch. Met another white dude at the Trump rally the other day with his black girlfriend. Good people.
Nothing, as long as you do it in non-White countries.
Unless you get a white surrogate child, Don't have kids with the nigger. America doesn't need more two race mongrels. At least have a white child through either surrogates or adoption.
What did you name your dick, Sup Forums?
Mine is named "The Golden King"
There aren't any whites in Australia to.
Forgot to mention, The majority of aussies have abo in them. They aren't even close to white at all.
That's not true actually. Don't know where people come up with this stuff
Dominican Republic
oh man...muh white dick just got rock hard
She'd have to be 'light-skinned' for me to be interested.
the qt in your photo loves BIG BLACK COCK
who dat?
she need to get BLEACHED
You're Russian.
Russians are not white.
On top of that, Russian women like Mandy Dee flock to porn to get fucked by BIG BLACK COCKS
Muh brotha from anotha.
Says the kike
Got any good women there?
Look at brazil op. Do you want us to become brazil?
who is this mulatto?
Higgs Boson because peer review didn't confirm its existence until recently.
People encouraging racemixing only ever show mixed females with gigantic asses. Post some of the males. Remember your children will invariably grow up to be stupid and worthless, whereas that only sometimes happens with white children. Do you want your genes to propagate and succeed, or to push us to becoming a third world shithole faster?
Their hair is fake. Don't be fooled.
>having black in-laws
Says the dumb minimum wage faggot who thinks he's superior because he has white skin.
no idea
Can't make more white people even if you bleach them. White genocide not averted.
>Marrying them
Do it. And then get her pregnant and raise the kid to be a good person
I'm not a dumb minimum wage fag though. Niggers suck, even poor and stupid white people are much better with rare exceptions.
>What's wrong with fucking niggers
Half of them have diseases that chill with you for the rest of your life and can be spread to others. Not worth the risk.
>inb4 condoms
Condoms don't protect from everything. If you're fucking a nigger right now, or plan to in the future, you are playing a game of russian roulette with 3 bullets. 50/50 - 3/6 chance you get something you really don't want and might not be able to treat/prevent/cure.
That's Curious George.
This woman is perfection. Her genetic diversity is the reason her facial symmetry is perfect.
We must encourage interracial mixing.
Stephanie Bertram Rose
>Proof that blacks are only attractive after having white genes introduced, somewhere down the line
Mixed race women are more attractive than any pure race including whites you dumb tiny dicked faggot
Lol this map is such bullcrap, there was no North Norwegian participants in Dodecad project at the time when this was made, also I friend of mine who was participating(scored about 1.9% East Asian admixture I believe) and they are from south-eastern Norway.
How can you get 1-2.5% when there are no samples to confirm it. it might actually be slightly higher on average, since 1-2% East Asian(Siberian) is usually what East Norwegians score in these type of admixture tests.
I just like mulattos, but here's a black qt.
The guy who made the map just assumed that the highest East Asian scoring Norwegians were from North Norway when they were in fact from East Norway(and no North Norwegians were part of the project then)