Wall at local uni.
Wall was painted over today. Here is a high res picture of it from yesterday.
Its a
>Combat White Supremacy
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Wa-wa-weewa, look at that, Drumpftards and Conservative Snowflake Poopooheads vandalizing things they don't agree with, reeeeeallllllllllllll mature fellas!!!! This oughta get Drumpf up in the polls!!!
It's time to start thinking about fighting back against these "people"
Where you at? There was a "resist white supremacy wall" at my university today too
Did it get taken down? Or did they just hit the reset button because they got a result they didn't like?
Victoria B.C.
>make white wall for "public voice their opposition to white supremacy"
>don't tell anyone about it
>post pictures of it on Sup Forums "hey guys look at this gay libtard shit LMAO"
>bait Sup Forums into vandalizing/"ebin trollin" it with Sup Forums meme shit
>take photos and send to newspapers to promote anti alt-right / "whatever meme pajorative you want to use" opinions and promote yourself
For a bunch of faggots always on the lookout for Jew conspiracies you sure are pretty fucking dumb to get hustled by the first real one come across
News was there yesterday, but nothing aired that evening. I checked. Today it was painted white as a reset. I wont be back until Monday.
Knock the wall down idiot
This was this morning
Straya logic is not good logic. The people who believe in white supremacy are already deep up their own ass.
why not goyim?
A bad goy made this
Fun but don't get caught: If your town likes graffiti or murals, discretely add swastikas to the picture in a place that looks either artsy or proper.
For example, if a flag is in the picture, redo it as the Nazi flag. If there is a large face in the picture, add a swastika to one of the eyes. Lefties go bat shit insane over pranks like that.
>spray "KILL WHITEY" on wall
>Trigger niggers
>Start race war
It's being taken down.
this is Victoria BC, there's like 5 black people in town
Insert Asia here.
>Praise KEK
>Long Live Pepe
>Dessalines did nothing wrong
>who is paying for the wall?
>Star of David
Lots of Sup Forumsiticians there.
True, the black family lives a block away from me.
It's not vandalism it is art
Press S to spit on
>give birth to more poc
wow people are getting real crazy
It's just 1 guy who's got nothing else to do since he's going to fail all his classes this semester regardless
>Daphe Shaed
Sup Forums would have a field day with this person. They're a "White man who identifies as a Hindu woman". They walk around the student building with a beard, and they're in charge of various "women's rights" movements on campus.
You must keep reminding them every day that they will not crush the white spirit
That whites are fighting back and will always fight back
>combat white supremacy
>by writing on the wall
Does writing on the walls make niggers not commit crimes and generally be pieces of shit?
A lot of the memes I saw people writing on the board were written by asians and middle eastern people
because they're the nly ones allowed to be publicly nationalistic still
the jew knows this, and thus fears the white-loving asiatic nationalist
I go to that school, I was waiting for someone to make a thread about it. I think I'm gonna fuck with the snowflake wall tonight; any suggestions?
Draw Pepe giving the okay hand symbol with milk in his other hand
I'm not an art Major (thank god) but I'll see what I can do.
It has to be quick to draw so you don't get caught. Use a spray paint stencil.
>fuck with snowflake wall
>on Sup Forums
Wait for it! Wait for it!
Can you paint this?
I'm gonna go at like one in the morning, I'll be up all night studying Chemistry anyways. Everyone will be piss drunk tonight too so I can play it off.