Men only Clubs

This Cuck is against Men's only Golf Clubs. Just in case you missed it. Murfield Village (One of the oldest Clubs in the World) is being forced to accept Women at their Club. If they don't comply, they will lose the British Open at their venue.

Watch and thumbs down




Covenants and freedom of association with race based immigration is the future of the North America. Freedom and racism. Fuck this cuck





Cuck time!

Cuck Cuck Cuck


>looks like a Jew
>acts like a Jew
>probably a Jew

Bet you he has a stake in what other course would take the open.

Why not make his own fucking golf club?

Hello, Peter Finch

So you've heard about us from Buzzfeed and HeatStreet and you want some (((views)))?

I now see why Jews were banned from all New England country clubs up through the mid 90's.


Faggot alert!

Cuck Alert!

>men's only clubs

The neckbeards I hang out with to tabletop with are in no danger of women trying to join.

The women are only concerned with status. If you hide your status or actually have none they will avoid you like the plague.

I hide my money and don't act rich and women won't even glance twice at me.

