Believe it or not NPR has actually increased their anti Trump rhetoric. They have nothing to lose now that their funding could be cut. Anyone else notice?
This is the closest we will ever get to killing this beast.
Believe it or not NPR has actually increased their anti Trump rhetoric. They have nothing to lose now that their funding could be cut. Anyone else notice?
This is the closest we will ever get to killing this beast.
I knew that would happen.
Left Right and Center was fear mongering that Trump will start a war with North Korea and get Seoul destroyed.
.gov funding is actually a small percentage of their total support, they will not go away that easily but they won't be paid by our taxes to spout anti American propaganda.
Npr has some good programs. There is an agenda they follow though that is inconsistent with being neutral. It's become liberal propoganda and with defunding them they will open up their market share to other listeners and other programs.
If we are going to be taxed to fund organizations we should be able to decide where the funds go. Obviously nearly half of america voted conservative..why don't we have a conservative based NPR then?
Also...all the radio hosts sound like jewish cucks. #DefundTheMerchant
Ive noticed. They're used to be pretty decent for MSM
>liberal yet fair host report actual facts
>lefty guests audibly butthurt but soldier on anyway
Their bias was obvious but not underhanded.
Now they sound like a mix of CNN and Vox
NPR has been full blast propaganda mode for the past 6 months.
Why are people suddenly getting upset about it?
They obviously spew propaganda.
I foyu guys listen to one of their interviews with a Syrian Doctor, they cut him off RIGHT after the Syrian says that migrating and refugee programs won't fix the Syrian problem.
These evil bastards want to kidnap Syrians out of their homes. .
There are worse places than NPR that get this kind of funding. KPFK for example is a station in LA run by radical communists.
>Why are people suddenly getting upset about it?
>They obviously spew propaganda.
At least my local station stopped touting themselves as a fair and unbiased source of news when fundraising.
I have to listen to NPR every day as part of a car pool to work. They flog this emotional babble regarding the "refugees" as though nothing has changed from a year ago. They talk up "Russian hackers" while mocking Trump's statements about surveillance. There is not enough pain in the world that can be inflicted on them.
I can't listen to my NPR when they switch to local because for some stupid fucking reason they bass boost the voices of the local hosts and it shakes my car's speakers and I can't fucking understand what they're saying because they talk with low voices way close to the mic. fucking stupidity
they need someone new to give them a narrative.
we should do it.
That's a midel if journalistic integrity compated to NPR. NPR does incoherent sound bites and emotional nudging. have heard two interviews in the past month in which they ask the same god-damn question -- a totally meaningless question -- "Are immigrants emotionally distressed by Trump?" -- five separate times with slightly different phrasing. One cop they were badgeri g like this was nominally sympathetic and finally stated outright that in the event of an illegal being apprehended his department would cooperate with the government. The tone and course of the interview shunted abruptly to other things.
I get a kick out of NPR interviews of former Obama administration officials that were just fired to give a "unbiased" opinion on how Trump is doing so far.
Just today they were talking to David Brooks and EJ Dionne, not only have neither of them ever been right about anything or accomplished anything in their lives, but also, both were especially egregiously lunatic during the election. Can anyone else but a zhid be wildly wrong about everything yet retain an opinion-offering job?
NPR is the fucking worst
glad to see the most smug cunts in the media get cut
Today was all about the meals on wheels cuts and how many meals could be paid for by Trump's security budget.
>Funding threatened
>Attacks the president instead of doing job
Just like clockwork. Losers with no morals need to be fired anyways. Their behavior here cements the need to boot them.
>Anyone else notice?
No, because I can't handle their cucky voices, dry, pseudo intellectual prognostication, and paint-drying "human interest" stories.
NPR didn't even talk about Trump until he started winning.
That's why I support NPR, its the only place in this media landscape that hasn't lost their minds.
Yesterday they talked about the terror-sponsoring organ harvesting CIA front organization USAID being cut as though Trump was personally removing candy from the hands of refugee babies.
Trump could put a burning man out with a garden hose, and NRP would frame it as him living out power fantasies a the expense of poor people he decided to point his evil, capitalist hose on today.
at this point it sounds like moonbat babbling
>tomorrow is all about the lack of water in Ethiopia and how the greedy assholes living in the great lakes region could send all the water from lake Superior to save Ethiopia, but they wont't and are probably nazis
Their people seem to have a lot of connections to foreign policy wonks. Kai Rysdal from Market Place worked at the State Department during the Clinton years.
Heeeeey, it's Kai Rysdal, and
is Marketplace. :)
Yeah, they were so openly against Trump in the run-up, they thought he'd lose and they could get away with it. Though I listen to them, I'd love for them to get a chunk bitten off their butts.
That said, I'm pretty convinced that this severely pared-down budget is just Trump's opening position. Congress controls the money, and I bet it'll end up less harsh all around.
That keeps coming up that these disgusting nepotist sons of bitches really are all one clique.
I'm Irah Glash
Wulcum to Thish Amurican Life
I heard this and found myself angry. Then I realized that it was David Brooks and not Frum, who they also like to have on every day.
and that EJ Dionne faggot only spouts nonsense
t. PhD.
> neoliberal
u wot
then get a car you fucking commie faggot
I listen everyday while driving the wife to work and kid to daycare. It's about 40 minutes total worth the NPR nonsense.
When I get pissed I listend to Silly Wizard or the Deftones to calm down a bit.
my local station has comfy classical music which is produced locally. Ill be really sad to see it go, I fucking hate the dems but public broadcasting is really good as long as you avoid the political shows
I used to be a delivery driver and I'd listen to this for the lulz since the music on the radio was always shit.
Holy fuck those soft voiced faggots need to be hung from trees.
>listening to NPR
>even once
You will be purged on the day of the rope.
They have a dedicated classical station in some markets. It's not bad.
you do realize classical music is the one genre which is dominated by the contributions of white people?
Ill crucify you on my lawn to wagner. Rope is too quick for race traitor phillistines
Ira, as inescapably Jewish as he is, as unlistenable as his voice is, is honestly the best guy on there and someone I would keep if I was in charge if it. This American Life is the only program that actually tries to do something like journalism. It has often accidentally bourne out our worldview, like when they described how a drug rehab clinic exploits immigrants who think they are going to get a good deal and find themselves warehoused.
Steve Inskeep on the other hand I would have dropped naked into Somalia.
also not all public broadcasting is NPR
>They're used to be pretty decent for MSM
They aren't mainstream media. They borrow frequently from MSM pool (ABC, CNN, FOX, CBS) coverage and snippets because they're radio-based and thus only half the story.
Collecting opinions, even if opinion-based, is arts-enriching and follows their mission as a charity.
I'm Robert Seagull. Nobody comments on my voice.
>when you think they sound 25 but really are 58
look towards a different station, mine has jazz with very limited nonprofit interruption and really limited proficiency DJs
True, but of all US public media (NPR, PBS, VOA), NPR is probably the worst because it's opinion-based and in bed with liberal ideology instead of trying to be impartial like the latter two. It's a sad day when the cable-industry funded CSPAN provides more impartial coverage of government events than your own government-funded media.
>collecting opinions
>soliciting the same pre-scripted party line multiple times in the same interview
What is wrong with you assholes?
>a fucking ladyboy
Ironically I've heard just about as good stuff from 'Snap Judgement', /storytelling with a beat/, hosted by a black guy. Or The Moth Radio Hour. But you might have to be near a big city to get those. In my current suburbanish area I get little more than the news and Marketplace.
Is neoliberal being changed or something?
It usually means right-wing
Those are the only good thing which is why, if you notice, there are several programs that are all just that, ten different moth variants.
Neoliberal mans something like DINO and was applied to Tony Blair and Bill Clinton.
That's classical liberal. Neoliberalism is using globalism and virtue signalling via media control to surpress an ignorant population's rights
Well I think he intends to give that impression. I saw a case made that it's to push the Chinese to ramp up their efforts to bring the norks under control. Because supposedly their next missile is meant to fly /over/ Japan. And if something went wrong and it fell short /onto/ Japan, there'd be hell to pay.
If that happened I would wholeheartedly support
>There are worse places than NPR that get this kind of funding. KPFK for example is a station in LA run by radical communists.
>radical communsits
>Actually owned by progressive liberal media company