Indian hate thread
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>that fatass in the reflection
Unless your baiting Sup Forums with some random fat fuck you found to imply were all just like him, lose some fucking weight OP.
Fat is degeneracy.
India, memes aside, is a future wrod power, and the Raj is partially to thank for this. Hindus ain't so bad.
This is now and Indian Love Thread!
Get on the treadmill fatass
>pretending you haven't seen it before
I went to India once. They couldn't resist the big British cock. I guess us owning them left a mark.
he's not fat, fuck off
>this topic
>this flag
Fuck off Texas. You're making me hungry.
loool mate. made me cough up my warm tea
thats a new one aint it The British Cock
I'd racemix with pic related
Exercise, my friend. If you thin enough you can score that chick.
Swear indians are either QT3.14s or fucking hairy buttugly bush pigs.
>fatass loser takes picture of qt poo in loo on train
that does look really good though
Have a close up
Do mind if I "take it to the bathroom" quick if you get what im sayn'
Holy shit, dude. You need to start seriously considering salads.
Honest answer: I've met a few Indian girls I thought were attractive.
But at some point you'll have to deal with her family, and I think I've met one Indian dude I could tolerate, my whole life. Every single Indian dude is a snotty, arrogant piece of shit - they either sneer at you because they think they're better, or they're begging for money, kissing your ass.
So, i don't date Indian girls.
His big fat belly hangs halfway to his fucking knees, stupid. He's a fatass.
I really need to move back to cali
If only I had a way to get paid lol
"i've just been in this thread before"
Oh wow, its this b8 thread again.
Is there more of this?
is there more of this?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking this.
FUCK some Indians are gorgeous but the rest are foul
They all smell bad tho
From your picture. You would fuck her even if she charged 200 dollars
I live with an indian in college (not by choice) and he's the most annoying cunt I've ever met. I know he slings drugs and I'm so tempted to give old mate Dutton a ring and get the fat fuck out of my country. what makes it worse is that he gets free money off the government and easy uni placement because hes ((diverse)). Seriously fuck these guys British India 2.0 when?
She looks like a tranny.
Alpha as usual
>T. An ugly fat fuck pretending to be from a master race
That's the joke
Fuckers are shit in Tech Support and take all our fucking jobs.
If it weren't for us they'd still be a third world shit hole.
Hearty kek
But not better than the Joke you call USA
>Are so cheapskates that they prefer 3rd worlders more than their own people
>Off course its the fault of 3rd worlders and not the fault of their cheapskates companies.
>whats that in reflection?
I always laugh when I hear you're ridiculous accents whenever I call to get my modem troubleshooted. I call to record it and post it to my YouTube. None of you shit skins are ever intelligent enough to figure it out, I just hit random settings and fix it myself. I am in the process to ensure that all of the call center jobs in New Delhi and other parts of India are removed and replaced in America, England and Canada.
Have a great day shitting in your drinking water, kid.
>USA a joke
>literally any western nation's HDI
>india's HDI
oh pajeet you crack me up
A male american land whale in its unnatural habitat.
pic related
This is the first poo poster I've seen for a few days. Where you guys been? Is it shit street cleaning week or something?
>I hear you're ridiculous accents
>you're ridiculous accents
>you're accents
I usually get a good laugh when white anglos can't differentiate between you're and your
>Higher HDI
>Higher autistic screeching of SJWs
>Stupid people who don't even know how elections works
>And pic related
Very well fucking done mate.
These few weeks were pretty busy for us
>Elections in many states
>ISIS threatening to bomb Taj Mahal yesterday
>Two bomb explosions in Agra (City where Taj Mahal is) today.
Glad to hear the poos are finally getting fixed.
>thinking we are as retarded as america
If we are such a shithole then why do you all come crawling over here then? Oh thats right we don't gang rape women and you can actually drink out of a tap without getting cholera
did the computer witch cut the countries connection
>usually get a good laugh when white anglos can't differentiate between you're and your
Me too, but anyone, not just whites. I do appreciate the Irony from your viewpoint, former colonial. I just feel shame as my race.
Don't die pajeet, we've all missed your shitposting. It's not the same without you here!
I'll give you a rare Pepe if you make a small Sup Forums timestamp and take a picture of yourself shitting in the street with it. Pls. For the internets.
Just been to the mall here and my old girl and me couldn't stop talking about how many bloody Indians there were.
Nobody cares about the explosions though. Idiots put bombs in dumpster and exploded them at 4 fucking am. Nobody was around it get killed.
>Elects a Prime Minister
>Start protesting against the Prime Minister they themselves elected from the day he assumes the office.
>Is a Chinese colony
>Lost a war to emus, who can't even fucking fly
>Is an offshore US military base.
>I just feel shame as my race.
I feel shame for your race too brother
>I'll give you a rare Pepe if you make a small Sup Forums timestamp and take a picture of yourself shitting in the street with it. Pls. For the internets.
Mfw I was born too rich to even consider shitting on a street.
>my old girl and me couldn't stop talking about how many bloody Indians there were
They want the P.
i just despise anyone who isn't white. asians get a quasi pass because they are almost people. i mean, they try so hard.
you will always be a shitskin thirdworlder full of envy lol
It's sad. You could be better than us by now, but your country needs selective breeding. Your lower castes are useless, we know this - many of them are here, and are incapable of all but the most basic tasks, even when educated. I don't get it. Are they essentially negroes?
>No poo in Street
You wouldnt think of it even for 4ch? Kek. You drive a Benz? You people often do.
>British arrive
>make India a prosperous nation
>you all complain
>British leave
>devolves into standard shitskin state
really makes you think
Yeah, they try so hard that they end up eating dogs, cats and octopuses.
White American women are slaves for niggers and white men, white american males are slaves for Asian women
more like Fat Shaming thread
Fat cunt lose some weight you lazy fuck
>Are they essentially negroes?
Its usually a competition between Benz or Audi. I have a Toyota Fortuner, it got pretty popular here. I live in Delhi so some fags also have Ferraris.
This was from a thread earlier this week about hispanics taking over some city in the usa.
I remember OP...
please poonigger, i'm full 1488. no exceptions.
>>make India a prosperous nation
This just proves how much you are mislead by your government. Colonization didn't make us a prosperous nation, it made us poor and you fucks a prosperous nation.
see? peep my digits.
I don't give a fuck about your digits
nothing of value was lost
I saw a cool Indian film once called "the cursed BMW" or someshit. Literally about that. What don't you guys like BMW more? They're great cars.
Also good to know, i won't expect more of them in that case. Infact I've met negroes who are more useful.
Yeah, Brits said the same thing when they left your ancestors (Prisoners and Retarded people) in Australia.
Even the pretty ones can smell bad. Ever smelt an entire Indian family loitering in one place? Not pleasant. I smelt of rotten ginger and spices gone wrong.
>implying you weren't poor beforehand
we wuz oppressed too, just a bunch of dumbshit farmers chasing witches who decided one day it was a good idea to take on the biggest empire the world has ever seen
we done made it tho' senpai
Brown girls are cute... CUTE
>Poo BTFO's burger
This is why i love Sup Forums
We colonised you idiot. And the emus too. Do they mistake them for us, they're our convicts.
Yeah, We generally prefer BMW since you get more quality in comparatively lower price. There is also a surge in Land Rover and Jaguar since TATA acquired it.
I used to love Jaguars but since they removed that Jaguar ornament from its hood, I lost my love for it.
Ashton Martin is also getting popularity slowly.
They never left? We have always had a relationship with the crown and despite prominent republicans around today, we are going to stay connected to it one way or another.
>filthy, sub human who shits on the street actually thinks Australia is mostly made up of the ancestors of ex-cons.
The penal colonies were small, existed for a short time, and were primarily made up of British political dissidents and low tier criminals.
Maybe if you weren't such a subhuman, low caste cunt you'd know basic history.
Oh yeah. Right. Because Brits were so fair that they treated White colonies like America, Canada and Australia same as they treated India.
You were more independent than us.
They didn't destroy your local industries.
They didn't manufactured droughts so you could starve.
They didn't take your food so the wealthy in England can have 5 meals a day during World Wars
They didn't open fired on thousands of your unarmed women and children who were celebrating a festival
They didn't forced your Agricultural economy to grow Indigo which made your fertile lands barren.
And they didn't put heavy taxes on everything, even on a fucking salt.
Ornament was removed because it kept acting like an impaling spoke to pedestrians. In India, you'd end up collecting lower caste on your leaping cat, sadly.
You guys saved JLR, you know that? Ford was killing it. Honestly. Well done, between that and Royal Enfield, you've proven you can run British companies fairly well. And you made the Morris Oxford for like 40 years?
Buy an old BMW 5 series pajeet, trust me you wont regret it. Value for money city, and it's great to drive, and comfy, as like us you have unpaved tracks instead of roads. The only difference now between India and Britain is we don't shit in the street. Oh and our weather is crap.
I am not butthurt by you colonizing us. I get it, you conquered us and treated us like shit because we lost. We would have done the same.
I am against you people not acknowledging that you treated us like shit and pretending that you did a favor on us.
Have some fucking balls
Everyone calls jews cheap - you've obviously never dealt with poo in loos. Cheapest motherfuckers on the planet. Only poo in loos will take the whole fucking family to Target to stare at the paper towels for a fucking half hour, jabbering in their monkey language over which is cheapest.
""Patel"? Fuck you. Fucking Shiva handed this guy a million dollars, told him "Sign the deal!" he wouldn't sign. And the god Vishnu too, into the bargain."
That's definitely a picture taken on a Melbourne, Australia train. Can tell from the seat covering that it's a Comeng model which only runs on a few lines.
How? By making Britain a Chinese colony too?
Oh wait, Britain is a Pookistani colony while you are a Chinese one. And both China and Pookistan are brotier to each other.
I get it now.
Oh I know basic history, its you who think you belong to a master race even when its full of fat fucks and retards like you who only believe their own imagined versions of history.
पू में लू
Nah, i was just irked you referred to the Aussies as colonising you. I know they're of British heritage but they are not the same.
Nah, were a mixed colony of:
-Eveyone who was in the empire
-Half of fucking Eastern Europe
-Ching Ching students
Shit sucks pajeet. At least no one wants to go to India.
Still, the ornament was what made me fall in love with Jaguar. Without it, Jaguar mostly looks like a buffed Skoda.
We don't have any unpaved roads in Delhi, though its either potholes having some road or just smooth and wide paved roads. And a F1 track.
I am considering buying a BMW for quite sometime since SUVs like Fortuners aren't my thing. I like Sedans and BMW series 5 fits perfectly in it.
There is nothing wrong in saving money. If you would have come from a third world poor country, you would appreciate your money too.
And your people won't go that much homeless.
Who are you kidding me mate? I recently travelled to London and tbqfh I saw more muslims and more ugly pajeets than I usually see in Delhi. It was like I never left India and is wandering into a tourist spot in India. The same thing goes for Paris.
Get your shit together mate, London has become cancerous since Sadik Khan was elected.
There's saving money, then there's being annoying assholes like you poo in loos.
Yeah, we are annoying. I agree on that and most of us (Not the rich and middle class ones) but the poorfags and lower middle class smells so fucking terrible that a normal guy can faint because of that.
she can poo in my loo
not anymore, pic related
what did she mean by this
Bro, the Britain did as much as they could to keep control of ALL it's possessions
They didn't give us "special treatment", if anything they had extra interest in keeping us in the empire because of common language and higher productiveness.
They'd have caused "artificial" famines here if needed for population control, like they did for the WHITE Irish, it just wasn't as feasible or necessary to do it here.
They slaughtered 'muricans, poos and potatoes alike.