When did you realize that JonTron was the Anita Sarkeesian of the right?
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Babys first redpilled youtuber?
Go to bed Destiny.
He literally would rather be an edgelord than have legitimate debate, the destiny debate was cringe worthy to watch if you're actually concerned about islamic immigration. It made us look like the retarded racists the shitposters are.
Because they both slept with Zoe Quinn?
He could have been more useful if he actually took the time to do research before heading into a debate. He should have been able to beat an autist like Destiny
>being the anita sarkeesian of anything is a good quality to have
Do you actually take Destiny to be a smart, thoughtful person? Fucking hell dude.
you have to go back
No I don't all the more reason JonTron should have destroyed him.
I dont like Molymeme but thats a debate I'd like to see, just because Molymeme would instantly shut down all his retarded shit.
Jontron is spooked af
HES A FUCKING MUSLIM AND DESERVES TO DIE!!! Cant you see, he even has a jihadi beard? Hes gonna one day visit pax or some shit and blow up all the popular gaming community figures. Hes NOT our guy
>both sides are bad XD
>destiny keeps btfo'ing altright figure heads
are any of us smart?
this. how do we stop him?
Literally the most strawman argument ever. Over 90% of Muslim migrants in Europe and are unemployed and latino immigrants on welfare in America are a net drain on the economy.
it's over guys...
My nigga ross
>the destiny debate was cringe worthy to watch
Jontron blew Destiny out
>Making a-political videos directed at making people laugh is the same as making hateful videos that teach women to hate men, and men to hate themselves
Why even post this/ What do you gain?
Holy fucking shills.
why does this guy look jewish even though he's iranian?
Saying "this." to your own post i hope this is a troll otherwise, BTFO shill
Any person who didnt go into the debate hoping Destiny, or hoping Jon to win, would have sided with Destiny.
Good point user, but I don't want Sup Forums to actually support this guy just because he shares our views, if he can't articulate why very well when he chooses to go into debate. We should condemn people who make our views seem cruel, and prop up people who can better make rational arguments is my point with this thread. I'm not a left testicle but you have to admit some of his comments were off color.
>Failing to comprehend simple point
The point is Jontron is profoundly stupid.
HOLY lol no
Seriously you don't want to shill for some random basement dweller that parrots what he heard in college and on facebook.
Sup Forums's autism found the HWNDU flag of an undisclosed location in America in just over a day via chemical trails, the doppler effect, and star charts. Making this retard leftist an enemy is like putting a giant nuke here target on his back.
Do you really want blood on your hands?
found a selfie by OP
Muff tugging done aians. N. Zmmmmm hare
Lol good meme leaf, continue being racist if ou want the movement to have next to no support, it'll be funny to watch you crash and burn. But in all seriousness we cant let the nuclear codes get the former.
Fucking BOOM
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
>well in Tibet
>well in Europe
>mfw I see people unironically saying Jontron was unprepared for this
My only point is if you want people who want to limit immigration in positions of power, people like Le Pen, you need the movement to be less cancerous. That exactly why trump won, was because the american left was very cancerous at the time. I hope the people on Sup Forums dont want to become antitumblr, and be just as retarded while not having much to say except "muh sister is dating a sandnigger". There are legitimate problems with Islamic immigration, but being a racist isnt going to help anybody solve it because most people aren't autistic basement dwelling Sup Forumsfags. I'm all for having stupid racist jokes and significantly decreasing islamic immigration in Europe and making them assimilate, but if you just want to be a racist you'll face a lot more trouble getting people into office. Which is why we should condemn figures who are just saying edgey stuff and not making great arguments.
>inb4 wow what a leftie faggot he called something racist
wow what a leftie faggot he called something racist
lol what the fuck are you talking about. he's not trying to force anything on the industry and ruin it you dumb fag
>When did you realize that JonTron was the Anita Sarkeesian of the right?
Serious question, does the alt right have an anita sarkeesian?
So i'm imagining some youtube alt-right alarmist who bitches constantly, goes around sticking his dick in organizations and campaining to stop degeneracy, just to suck donation money out of saps who think we're going to gas the jews
I feel like a person like that would last longer in the cold vacuum of space than planet earth
What's with Destiny's retarded underage fanbase raiding Sup Forums constantly now?
>Do you actually take Destiny to be a smart, thoughtful person? Fucking hell dude.
That's a weird person to ask someone who never implied anything close to that
question to ask*
Who is this guy?
>2 hours of "no, hold on sorry, hold on sorry to- sorry to interrupt, but"
Sounds riveting
Strawmanning is all Destiny can do.
our guy
I was making a false equivalency, the idea behind me equating them was they're both involved in video game culture, though Anita is bullshitting and probably not someone who plays video games. And I think they both surround themselves in an echochamber that reaffirm their views, which we all do to some degree, but seeing him debate with destiny wasn't fun to watch. That being said Anita would probably dodge any debate she could
Only Destiny streams I've seen are JonTrons and Sargons, never heard of him before a few weeks ago
Hey 4cuck, HanTron here. Just got back from steamrolling Density with nigger hate facts. 1488 and Hail Victory
>t. Enlightened moderate
Good goy, now cuck for shekel or I'll have Jamal diversify your asshole
>the idea behind me equating them was they're both involved in video game culture
One reviews games as entertainment, and the other is an activist critic on a single issue
>though Anita is bullshitting and probably not someone who plays video games.
She has admitted she doesnt. It's like a movie critic who complains about sexism in the film industry but doesn't watch movies.
>And I think they both surround themselves in an echochamber that reaffirm their views
Anita is a political ideologue who is attempting to influence as many people as possible, and yes she does avoid actual debate and criticism.
John tron is an entertainer and has only recently come out his views, he used to keep them private. He also keeps it in open discussion, such as livestreams and twitter.
They really aren't similar in any significant way.
Debating is a skill, and losing a debate doesn't Always make you wrong. Taking positions, and countering positions of others require thoughtful research and articulation. Live Debates for politics should go the way of the dinosaurs. People should just read up on the topics, and if they disagree they should be allowed time to assemble their arguments and present them clearly. its like how Americans choose their president based on how much shit they talk in the elated. Big fucking deal. In the end destiny is wrong and jontron is right. And maybe jontron intrigued some listeners to go down the rabbit hole.
In the debates*. Sorry
When he crowd funded massive amounts of money to release regular right-wing analysis videos, and then almost completely failed to deliver. Oh wait.
The comparison doesn't even make sense. Jontron built his reputation as a funnyman and only recently went political once he decided he could no longer be silent. Anita came onto the scene as a professional offense-taker.
>And maybe jontron intrigued some listeners to go down the rabbit hole.
He really didn't, he
1) Was vague and held back explanations, usually with laughing and asserting things as if they were self-evident
2) Argued against the left in general instead of destiny himself
3) Didn't seize huge opportunities when destiny said retarded shit that's easy to rip apart
4) Made a false claim gaff and didn't present any sources for anything
5) The main things he wanted to argue needed to be supported by valuing preservation for euro-ethnic culture or the thesis that homogeneous societies function better. But he never brought those up. So it's unclear to the audience why he's arguing for assimilation and European whites retaining their majority beyond tribalism.
OP your falling for the classic "Fallacy Fallacy". Jontron is a bad debtor and didn't prepare because he thought that it was just going to be a discussion, while Destiny is "seasoned" in debates.
Live debates remain important because they bring both sides to the table. Response-counter response blogging can't be the only form of exchange because audiences gravitate toward their biases, and even a relatively open correspondence will give bias depending on who you're paying attention to. Never mind exchanges like Harris and Chomsky where they cannot resolve a common topic to avoid utterly talking past another in correspondence. Never mind still the kind of people who do not generally correspond and will ignore strong opposition points, shielding their audience from such troubling ideas in the process. Live debate is imperfect because debate skill and correctness are not the same thing, but it can't be superseded. If your stance really holds water, you can expect there to be at least a few good debaters willing to challenge it. The fault here was in hoping a random internet comedian could hack it against a random twitch streamer.
I've given up on being right wing lads, it's too much effort
Anyone wanna join the globalist cult?
I don't remember Jon Tron crying at the UN.
You start at the back of the queue m8.