Is the bioshock trilogy Sup Forums approved?
Is the bioshock trilogy Sup Forums approved?
First two are just exploring an ancap hellhole, third is intended to have an egalitarian message but it just made me hate minorities more than the white pardise of Columbia.
>Bioshock: Infinite
Nothing about a living nigger is redpilled
>get my PS4
>use my month of free PSNow
>play Bioshock Infinite because people told me how amazing of a game it is
>something like 20 minutes in
>game gives you a choice of whether or not to stone an interracial couple (which the society in the game wants you to do)
>game expects you to be a good goy and not stone them so that you can be chased by the cops
>choose to stone the coalburner and her bull
>game doesn't even let me do that and makes up some bullshit excuse to put me down the exact same path as if I had chosen not to
Closed out the game right there and went to play some Third Strike. I swear to God AAA games need to stop with this (((moral choice))) meme if they're just gonna put us through the same storyline just with slightly different dialogue.
>tfw no Irish gf
The thing about that game specifically is that none of your choices actually matter at all.
>potato nigger with ugly feet
Infinite could have been good if they hadn't cut 2/3 of it out. Why are game devs so retaded?
That's her hand you idiot
>infinite comes after 2
if you can't understand math how can you possibly be redpilled
But this isn't
Please no bully user, this is a free speech zone
>no bully
>insults my Irishfu and her feet
Really makes you think.
>game written by a jew
>entire plot is just his fantasy of killing Anglo Americans
>shoves in a chick with tits just to get people to like it
Will they ever stop?
I just told you, this is a free speech zone
First game shits on libertarians and third game shits on racism/religion, so I don't think it's a /pol approved.
Infinite is amazing if you understand the lie of Quantum Mechanics
I heard the game is kinda related to Ayn Rand and objectivism, would you say that's accurate?
First game is a classic. Second game is alright but much more linear and the villain isn't as good. Infinishit isn't redeemable in any way.
There's way more to the game than that. Levine is a self-hating kike and all three games are a critique on the lust for power and freedom that all ideologies are guilty of.
Infinite's DLC even has references to ritual child sacrifice (jewish blood libel) in the beginning.
Sure it's more complicated. But the entire premise of Bioshock 1, is the failure of the ideology of libertarianism/objectivism. Not sure /pol's can i haz road, crowd would be on board with that.
Andrew Ryan is so delusional about the power of his ideology that he allows himself to be beaten to death.