So Somebody went and got "Make America Great Again" Tatt'd onto their Bunghole (nsfw)

Donald Trump Finds Himself Inside Performance Artist's Butthole!

Trump supporter or not, that's still degenerate of what he did, I feel sorry for the cunt that had to tattoo this freaks butthole

What did Sup Forums mean by this

>MAGA is a xenophobic, fascist phrase
>I got it tattooed on me
>Around my butthole, so I think about Trump every time I get buttfucked

I've never wanted to fuck a boipussi more than I do right now.

should have gone with "he will n0t divide us"

I'll take things stupid liberals would do for a $1000, Alex.

>Haha take that Drumpf!
>8 years later
>Trump is no longer president
>he still has a constant reminder of Trump on his asshole
>his asshole has been spread across the internet
>haha take that Drumpf!

Looks like someone's a little butthurt.

that's really shitty of them

Nice boipuss on that bird

kill americans on sight, there's no other way to stop their postmodern filth

He's going to get a terrible infection there.


You forgot """""""""""""""""artist"""""""""""""""""""""

you look that and find it attractive ? can you use a proxy not to disgrace the flag


That leaf is using a proxy


>Tattooed Butthole

Nuke the planet please

>it's a faggot
>he didn't go for "Make America Gape Again"
missed opportunity
also a very good explanation why Trump is slashing funds for "art"



I'd also like to note that the Huffington Post is leading this as a "HEROIC ARTIST"

As a person who makes his money working in a creative field, it makes me sick that someone like this is classified as an artist

It's pretty clever it has a deep meaning.

>Gets "Make America Great Again" tattooed on arsehole
>Is almost guaranteed to get pozzed at some point
>Dies 40 years before average life expectancy
>Helps make America great again because of this

The only time I've known a degenerate to keep their word desu

should eliminate funding for the arts completely

Hey man, we are not all this bad, okay? Some of us never advertise our degeneracy, as to not corrupt the society (or influence children). Isn't that how you do it in Russia? Faggotry and fetishes stay in the bedroom. Otherwise your children grow up knowing about the Goatse meme...

Why is it that "arts" gets so much funding and promotion and has this reputation of being subversive and necessary for dialogue. Yet a bunch of Sup Forumslacks vilified by the mainstream media and every political institution can change the world with MSPaint pictures of frogs.

How do people make their buttholes so pink? Is it a cream or something?

The problem are the American megacorps. They push the same degenerate shit everywhere because by breaking up the cultural identity they have an easier time establishing hyper-consumerism.

They bleach their assholes.

Where's our funding!!1!

It's called not being a nigger

Yes but I think they use hydrogen peroxide, like teeth whitening, not literal chlorine bleach.

Corporate agenda of anal fisting...? CAAF


What does Sup Forums's asshole look like? Are they all this hairless and clean?

Mine's like a gotdamn jungle. Do you all shave it?

that's going to look like shit when he's 55

I'm glad the left is publicizing stuff like this. Pretty much guaranteeing a second term for Trump.

Nice boipucci desu.

Also, why do they assume this is in protest and not support?

>performance art

aka not art


Oh Carlos..

Thank God you're an anchor baby, we wouldn't want to lose you

looks pretty gay to me

hurrr forgot pic

Irrelevant. You'll always have some libertarian fag screaming about muh freedom and muh rights.

Kill all anglo-americans, westerners, their negro and muslim pets. Kill them all, kill on sight.


Your missing the point of the weaponized autism here
>We do it for free

*blocks path*
What did you just say you vodka nigger?

we need to gas anyone who gets tattoos whether it's trump spergy reactionism or not

>white men

Should be "Make Anals Loose Again"

Only the regressive left would do something this autistic by choice.

That ass is as bleached as hillary's emails. Absulutely degenerate.

How long ago was that? Are their ideals true to what is being snuck under their guise today? How would they react to tattooed assholes?

Kill all anglo-americans, their negroe and muslim pets and their Jew overlords.

There is no other way, this has gone too far.

protesting intensifies

Modern art is a Jewish money laundering scam

I mean, it looks ok now, but like all tattoos, once he gets old and prolapsed, it's gonna look like shit.


Burning effigies is such a 3rd world move.