Ok Sup Forums fess up. Was it you?

Ok Sup Forums fess up. Was it you?

This is hilarious. I can't tell if its a real SJW and another example of the left eating itself... or if its you Sup Forums doing some 4D trolling

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think you understand that the "social" part of "social justice" refers to converting democratic, capitalistic societies into totalitarian communism regimes. In all other parts of the world, we simply call following the law as justice.

I dont get it. explain

its interesting because... its hard to be anti-white without being anti-jewish

Spike Lee almost had his career ended for Mo Better Blues.

Now he's anti-White while tactfully leaving out the anti-Jew part.

OP is a Jew.

The truth will hurt them. Much like many in the right wing refuse to accept that Marx was actually aware of the Jewish Problem, although we know (((who))) makes sure that isn't publicised. Stalin acted upon it. Problem is, as it ever is, all the kikes in the system. The USSR had too many inside.

Everyone hates them, and anyone can figure out the truth looking at these sort of statistics. This is a good meme. Let's push it.

>goyim not to scale

Scale fail. Why even make an infographic if you don't do it right?


anyone got the source file for this?

Yeah. It's in here.

What about the numbers though?

I want to put these up around atlanta.

Yeah it was Sup Forums last night someone took credit for it and he did an ama later on

>Sup Forums does arithmetic

I thought autists were supposed to be good at this shit

wtf i've seen this thread in the catalog four times already in the past two days

someone made one out of the /photo/ of the thing - I had it in a tab, was going to save it, but forgot why the tab was and closed it :(. But make these threads at the right time and someone will re-post it.

how ? If you're anti white a Jew is your actual greatest ally

I want someone to do a showing of the documentary "Reel Bad Arabs." Its basically about how arabs are portrayed in American movies, half of it is about how hollywood portrays the Israeli-Palestine conflict in an anti-Arab light. Do a Q&A session with lots of 'why do you think that arabs are portrayed the way they are?' Then after a few answers point out that jews make up the overwhelming majority of hollywood and how that might affect bias.

The Bretbart piece quoted some Jewess saying it was violence against Jews. Must really have struck a nerve.

yes on my phone hold up famalam

Wait till you idiots get caught putting those up. You'll be charged with so many hate crimes and laws you didn't even know existed that you'll be getting BLACKED for the next 10 years in a federal prison .

Honestly Blacks and Spics defended kikes better than they do with themselves.

>forgot why the tab was
Whoa deep brother. I'm sure a few tabs have wondered why. Sometimes people do as well, but we remember why:
To gas the kikes.

nevermind here it is

It /works/ man - it's really struck a nerve. 'The Jew shrinks back' and all that.


Hahaha. Everything is against Jews. And that's the truth. Anyone of a different race who tries to achieve and not play by their (((liberal))) (((capitalist))) agenda is anti semenism.

I hate them so. The unhappy world of yid-ibo

That's beautiful.

You mad, all the way over there in Israel, making non-ironic puny Jew threats?

Jews /really/ don't like this stuff.


>Watch how he recoils, "I've been found out!"

A kingdom divided against itself shall not stand. And we know Jesus Christ saves. The Old Testament and the New Testament are One. Like Father like Son Jesus is the Living Word. Truth.

So much antisemitism coming from the left. And I thought the right was supposed to be the Nazis

It seems to me that being in Israel/using israel proxy gives you such a great advantage when it comes to shiposting on Sup Forums

>Says the leaf


Thanks man. A whole new rash of incidents over the next couple of days.

Jews are the 1%.
That's why they do everything in their power to deflect attention onto everyone else.


Sounds like the jews are the master race. Thank you for admitting it goy.

thx man, 1488


Not trolling, just the truth.

According to another thread referencing yet another thread, it was a polack. And the image is in this thread.

do yourself a favor and resist the urge to tell people

They'd be 2% if Hitler hadn't gassed 60,000,000,000 by himself in his shed! How dare you fagget?!?!


> Many color printers have tracking dots.


> If you're going to print anything that could get you into trouble, it might be smart to use a safe printer or one that you purchased anonymously.

Marx didn't like conservative Jews. We don't like ALL Jews, as a collective.

Stop being a faggot communist, retard.


What you're not getting is that jews are not technically white.

>Jews are the 1%.
Also that 1% owns 99% of the world's wealth.
With that kind of money, you can manipulate the shit out of everyone.

Oxfam says wealth of richest 1% equal to other 99%

>mfw Sup Forums was right again

Remember the Alamo

It's all true, but you can't really do anything about it. JADAF will ruin your life

CIA cat a cute!

then I guess it's a good thing that I AM black, and I'll make sure your daughters gives me plenty of private legal consultation when I'm in the pen


Thanks bro, my ass is probably going to be on the news tomorrow for this, but wish me luck.

Kek blesses the creation of this meme.

I'm trying to make an Asian Privilege one as there is a large amount of Asians on my campus and they get screwed by affirmative action. What essential facts should I put on it besides the fact they make more than other immigrant groups?

I'm going to say something like their skin is light and therefore they get preferential treatment from white supremacists because of similar skin tone.

why are you so eager to hide this information?
you seem like an evil man, working for evil people, and evil must be exposed for what it is.
don't you agree?

more data for your consideration.

This is the scary part. Jewish power is bound to increase as wealth distribution becomes more unequal.

You should false flag instead w/ some asianmasculinity-tier bait