Will you guys accept me even though I'm 40% European/White, through being 23% Spanish, 17% Italian/Greek???
Can I be a White Nationalist
No Jose. And if you fuck up my hedges again I'm firing you and your goddamn brother you spic.
>White nationalism
No such thing
Hit the books, you're nowhere near redpilled yet son
>those percentages
You can be w/e you want to be if you try hard enough.
Nigga, like I give a fuck.
Follow your heart, user.
Fuck off pajeet
Welcome fellow right-winger...
>White nationalist
>Not white
First, learn to read; then we'll discuss the nationalism thing
C'mon bro
What if ur 50% black and 50% white would I be accepted?
Wtf? That would be like me asking if I could be a Blm nigger. Fick off mud skin
literally no power in white power. just a bunch of manlets beta orbiting retarded alphas with nice shiny heads
fuckin fags, essentially
The only white thing open to worship is the cross. Brings the niggas in together for a group hug so we can crush the dindu+sandtrap+ju-jitsu menace
stop pandering to WNs and be proud of your heritage whatever it is
Dude... why would you post your pic...
we might have room in our new york chapter
Fuck off Shareblue, white nationalism is a thing, it's been a thing longer than we've been alive, and it's objectively the best political worldview.
I will accept you as an ally OP. You can fight alongside us in the race war, and if you do well you can be considered an honorary white, but you really aren't white. You personally can be our ally though.
But that doesn't mean you can't fight or be a part of white nationalism. I would not accept you as a "white nationalist" but if you uphold to the ideals of national socialism then you're honorary in my books.
Remember that the Wehrmacht was one of the most racially, ethnically, culturally diverse military forces in all western history, second to the contemporary French Foreign Legion. People from all over the world came and fought for the Germans.
Mixed race individuals were put under the Nuremberg Laws. You can stay but if you breed or even attempt to breed I'll lynch you nigger. White countries are for WHITES ONLY. Not polluted shitskins. Get sterilized and I'd welcome you with open arms
Also, on top of that only halflings can stay. If you were full nigger you have to go back
>no power in white power
>whites are the most superior race on planet Earth
Your entire "argument" is contradictory faggot. Your entire life and existence is just wishing you were white, nigger. It's why you come here to LARP
>mfw that's literally the kind of person who classes themselves as a white nationalist in Germany today
Some kraut will easily confirm this.
That guy is an Arab not an European you lying hijo de la gran puta gringo de mierda.
>60% don't forget
The good thing about white nationalism, and something I don't think people really understand, is that we don't want to genocide non whites. Niggers maybe.. But not real people. Jews we'll ban from entry for sure. Idk, what do you make of the jewish question?
Typical nazi argument that basically means he wants you as your slave/property. no freedom for you OP
100% fagget
Join the American Nazi party mate. Doesn't matter what race you are in that party.