Redpill me on north korea, what's it really like?

redpill me on north korea, what's it really like?

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Literally utopia, don't believe the memes.

the media does lie a lot on nk, but doesn't mean it's not a shit country.

Yeah Kim so cool he loves bantz, country is so prgressive and the women are so nice. Every weekend we go over to kimmys, have a few VBs and discuss the bantz of the week.

I dont know how life is for most but they make it seem like a very militaristic country with good values and anti degeneracy. I understand that they have economic embargos by literally everyone except for china so its hard to be self sustainable.

Not as bad as Africa, not at all as industrious as China. Think of it as a Cuba ran like a Nazi Germany except without any money

Basically this. It's way better than how western media depicts it but it's not the perfect utopia NK propaganda declares it to be. It's somewhere in the middle more than likely. Juche is a fascinating ideology though. At this point it's more NatSoc than communist.

agreed. you can't change the fact that, for example, north korea's gdp per capita is like 3% of south korea's

you just made this thread to find a North Korean R A R E flag

Did this ever happen? If so it was Kim itself

Is production a good measurement for human fulfillment?

Imagine Nazi Germany, then take away the threat to the western world, then take away cool outfits then imagine a pile of shit with a haircut that was meme'd into existence. That's kinda what it is, oh and all the chicks are slim because no one has food.

Ask the millions of third worlders trying to migrate to the west.

Kim Il Sung seemed to have been rather charismatic leadership wise and was smart enough to create a cult of personality that worked so well many leaders after tried to copy it but with nowhere near the success. Someone as awkward as Kim Jong Un wouldn't be the leader of a country ever if it wasn't for that. That said I don't think passing it down through the family is being very effective. It would be better if the nation chose a new Dear Leader based on actual leadership traits instead of just being Kim Il Sung's descendant.


The media portrays it as being a giant impoverished prison camp.

In reality, NK's economy is Cuba-tier, and their society is Nazi Germany-tier.

It's actually free of memes.

They use their own.

Nazi germany was pretty comfy, nk it's really bleak but nature oriented.

It's an oppressive shithole with draconian laws

That is why I said Cuba-tier economy but Nazi-tier societal structure.

The nazis at least had some sense when it came to free enterprise. NK is an entirely centrally planned joke. I would agree that juche is fairly interesting, though.

>The nice parts of North Korea are fake and set up just for publicity and tours
>...which includes a city of nearly 3 million people
>People are starving to death and getting executed and tortured
>...even though we don't have any incriminating pictures or evidence despite the entire Western world desperately trying to spin this narrative
>The only "evidence" we have is selective word of mouth from defectors who spend 12 months being groomed and indoctrinated before they're allowed to join South Korean society
Why do people believe blatant propaganda? North Korea is a great country hindered by Jewish sanctions.

I don't know how to describe it but I feel like it would be super comfy to be a mid level NK Officer in a staff headquarters or something similar. The challenge of trying to make your unit function with the limited resources while at the end of the day laughing around the daily coffee ration with your officer bros about the recruits you chewed out earlier, then going home to your skinny yet healthy wife and kids knowing your position grants you better rations than the neighbors.


DPRK seems to be warming up to free enterprise a bit but it's slow. I imagine a lot of that has to do with a lot of the political bullshit in the country. Military demands this, old guard demands that and so on. I think despite what the media claims the brainwashing isn't that strong on the higher ups and some would be more than willing to "make Dear Leader ascend to the heavens" or something to get what they want if he doesn't cooperate. They also seem more interested in copying western designs than innovating their own. They'd rather just make exact copies of a Chevy or Volkswagen and claim it's the oc do not steal of glorious revolutionary car company. That doesn't really make for a good economy either. It's interesting reading about them honestly. I think with the right reforms they could easily become a great nation but I don't think those reforms can happen with certain people in the system resisting it.

Typical Communist shithole stuck in 1950.

It is true that the government heavily controls where you can and can't visit. I'm sure the parts you aren't allowed to see are the less nice parts. It also has a lot of heavy handed rules on your daily life like those apartments in Pyongyang with radios that play 24/7 propaganda and there's actually no way to turn the radio off. I wouldn't necessarily call DPRK great, just interesting and full of potential.

Interview of a north korean expert who has visited multiple times.