he's just won't stop fucking up
Trump's approval rating drops below 35%
Other urls found in this thread:
>He is just won't stop fucking up
>drumpfs approval rating is in the negatives
I am now a #CruzMissile
I'm sort of pissed he hasn't had that fucking Hawaiian judge murdered yet
Your forgot to rename your filename you nerd virgin.
I want to see it lower. I thrive on chaos
>original filename tumblr_shadowthehedgehog.jpg
I love watching Trump. He fails so spectacularly that I am truly entertained. I also like watching vids of suicides, and that's pretty much what's going on here.
Are those polls from the same people that said Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the presidency?
He was talking about a different Jeff.
>Believing polls
He damage he is doing to America's international standing will last a generation.
I didn't think this would be China's century but seeing Trumpnim action, I'm starting to change my mind.
the dude fucked up a long time ago
wtf I hate drumpf now
looks like I'm
Pay for the wall.
Says you, taco.
It's the healthcare bill, don't know why trump is pushing this shitty bill so hard. Here is what I hope happens:
>bill is turned down by senate
>new bill is put forward by trump cabinet that is doing everything the actual right wing wants
>Starts serving urban communities
>significantly lowers crime rates
>destroys SJW's
He hasn't fucked up at all until the healthcare bill, he is doing a lot of good. Creation of new jobs, taking restrictive policies away from American companies, creating A LOT of jobs. I think that in the coming months people will see trump reviving the American economy in ways we have never seen.
Do you not remember the campaign promise of bringing back industrial jobs to urban areas, user? Our poor will be your rich. Too soon to call anything on the don yet, he's done some really awesome things for our country though.
Says the person from Mexico lol
Cuckblue posting is getting intense
>peed his pants
wew laddie
This dude is a fucking clown already. Let's himself get fucking punked by Angela Merkel of all people. Now everyone's calling Germany the LEADER of the West. Fuck him, he needs to go.
That would lead to angry mobs storming the white house.
Dude, there's no way we're getting Mexico to pay for the wall. Hell, they could just embargo us and sell to China.
let me guess, Hillary approval rate is about 90%
None of the demorats would vote yes on TrumpCare no matter how perfect it is, it's even going to be difficult to appease most republicans, I know Trump wants to do good, this is probably going to be his most difficult obstacle during his presidency.
>Mainstream Media says Trump's approval rating is low
>should be a wake up call to Democrats
They won't wake up.
Tax remittances. Mexicans in the US send 25 billion home each year via wire transfers. Tax them at 10% and the wall is paid for in 10 years.
I think he's backed into a corner and he just has to let the shills do their thing for a sec.
no, his tax reform plans this summer will be an even bigger fuckup
enjoy the ride
He making the pay via a tariff. It's not rocket science, but so long as you keep reading the fake news you'll sound like a complete idiot.
>Trusting MSM polls
You haven't learned a thing, have you?
America's international standing has been the world's bitch. Footing the bill for everything, and enabling third world shitholes. The world is going to learn to respect us.
The tariff would either decrease imports into the country or increase prices consumer side. That is, our side.
if they're undocumented we won't know which ones are the immigrant's wire transfers.
>terrible grammar
>1 post by this ID
You idiots need to stop responding to this bait
>if they're undocumented we won't know which ones are the immigrant's wire transfers.
The fuck are you talking about? ALL remittances from the USA to Mexico will be taxed.
Trump is a loser, what did you expect?
>said so in fake news
>must be true
>is moron
No, it won't. We got all our tax revenue from tariffs before the federal Reserve back was instated. I think it's absolutely hilarious economically challenged socialist berntards criticize Trump for this.
Nice filename Shariablue.
Fuck off.
I wasn't surveyed
where did all the newfags like yourself come from? go back there
Shariablue shills in full damage control. At least rename your files before posting.
Hey CREW and Alt Right Squadron, how does it feel to work for pedophiles?
(((((((approval ratings)))))))
Every one grabs pussy, unless they're a fag or a woman. Wiretapping is true and little hands is irrelevant bullshit.
Now isn't it past time to prep the bull?
Can't he just accidentally fall into an exploding volcano? They have those there now and then, I hear.
Can't wake up
>Wake me up inside
Can't wake up
>Wake me up inside
Says the nigger from the US lol
Are you seriously so retarded you still have a shred of faith in American polling data?
Nigger, spic- two shades of shit, one's just generally short and fat.
nice source, dipshit.
This the same place that keeps claiming that hillary won the popular vote?
I bet that after this trip is finished, our Merkel will have a higher approval rating in the USA than Trump will.
his reading is lit
its time for trump to auto down
i guess for trump... i regret it more
i wished i had vote for Clinton instead
she had experience in points
truly sad day rush
covering did win popular vote
your are mad that's it truth is on our side you lose trump need to step down is time for him to give us our Priscilla
Has there ever been a bigger disaster like Trump fuck up this badly this quick? He's done everything he can to divide this nation.
fake polls
fake news
op btfo
is it a normal reaction to piss your pants when punched in the face?
fake trump
whats bad about it?
explain. is the problem in conducting the surveys? calculating the significance? how the media reports the numbers? what?
>covering did win popular vote
Covering? what?
Look, fool, hillary didn't win shit.
The liberal media is just reporting that bullshit to try to hide the MASSIVELY HUGE Trump Landslide Victory.
lol trolled em
All Drumpf BTFO threads are shill threads.
Tell the CIA how their employer is broke and their pensions dont exist. You CIA are unsecured creditors of your insolvent banks through your bank accounts. and you only can earn federal reserve dolars too, which is national debt.
What do you CIA giys think if the debt ceiing? Will your "jobs" still be there - NO because your employer is insolvent.
Have you faggots never heard of fight or flight? He probably shat himself too.
needs a shoop of zog putting pennies in his pocket.
Zog needs gold around it's neck
Is it fun to post memes as a job?
Why did Trump lie to us. Turns out he's just another corrupt politician
It is when you're a coward
This is some advanced shitposting, OP. Well done.
>The world is going to learn to respect us.
The world thinks you're all idiots, and fucking NOBODY respects you. You were kind of starting to begin to look like a serious country under Obama, but now you just fucked everything up again.
fight, flight, or expel waste?
Probably those same assholes who told me bernie would win the nomination, probably those same assholes said hillary would win potus. It's probably a much higher precentage. Can't buy these 'feel good' statistics anymore.
Lets see them get through our shields boys
Who are those people
Shareblue posting shillent Pedo funded Soros emailed images without changing the fucking sample names TOPKEK posting in a shareblue thread, hope this gets saved
saved and saged
Serious question; has Trump fucked up even once? Any fuck up at all that has legitimately set him back?
That's good for us. Republicans under Trump will continue to grow more powerful. If the Dems keep this up they're gonna be crushed in 2018.
mind if I save that?
The GOP is 1 point higher than the Dems. Wow. And they're gunna fall big time now that people see what they're doing.
>trump's approval ratings are so low
>says the polls that said he had a 0% chance of winning
All Drumpf BTFO threads are shill threads.
Tell the CIA how their employer is broke and their pensions dont exist. You CIA are unsecured creditors of your insolvent banks through your bank accounts. and you only can earn federal reserve dolars too, which is national debt.
. . . .