Previous thread: Since we're having an influx of plebs from plebbit and other trash boards, and the trend seems to be toward replacement of the former white majority on Sup Forums, I propose a daily Redpills General thread to educate leftist shitstain newfags. I will be dumping all redpills related to race, economics, history, and sexuality. Feel free to do the same.
/RED/ -Redpills General (continuation)
Other urls found in this thread:
More redpills on race:
Are you guys seriously racist? Racism is bad.
Women can't feel attraction for mediocre men, or less than premium men.
Women fell attracted for powerful displays of immorality, abuse, violence and male sexual prosperity.
Women feel the urge to compete with fellow women, no matter what.
Women will never publicly recognized their instincts and natural urges in public, because they are too demonic.
>Women can't feel attraction for mediocre men, or less than premium men.
Not actually true, women's sexual attraction varies with their mensrual cycle (preference for ingroup over outgroup racial appearance, preference for men with beards, preferences for assholes vs providers, etc). Women always want something different, they're biologically fickle/facile.
This sounds more like something for
>are you guys seriously racist?
>Racism is bad.
Fuck reddit and fuck brown people
Tfw mestizo with 143 IQ and older white men work for me.
Wow it's like outliers exist
Then you're smart enough to realize what an outlier you are, and stop shilling for leftshit agendas.
Keep believing that. Believe that menstrual cycles make her forget CHAD, the only kind of men she really considers worthy of thinking about.
Female sexual instincts are pure rigid patterns who follow the same recipe:
Dominant, socially superior, strong, capable of abuse and violence. Thats what really zap their brains. Nothing like a drug dealer or a cop to make a girl pussy wet.
I'm so glad people actually have red pills to drop anymore. I thought it was only leddit here these days. Shits fucking exhausting
OK faggot.
>Keep believing that. Believe that menstrual cycles make her forget CHAD
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Maybe you'd get laid if you honestly assess yourself, and realize its about how to sell what you are at the appropriate time and place. Fuck off to you hopeless loser.
Can this be blamed on the way the media invent the news?
Yup and so do many mediocre cases.
The best is how I am supposed to be inferior though. I love that one.
That's pretty fucking terrifying. I think all US Whites need to see that.
This is probably the most important redpill to understand the situation the West is in right now, but a lot of people won't go through the whole thing because they assume it goes over their head
Telling the truth is being a loser?
What a fucking world we live in today
>staten island
Everything can be blame on that, that's why the Jewish Question matters: who owns the media and controls the universities?
Being 100% blackpilled about your sexual market value, while encouraging others to be the same, endlessly crying about how hopeless it is because you weren't born a "CHAD" -- that's being a loser. You've invented a victim narrative to excuse your failure and stress, we don't respect that here.
Affirmative action in california: the post
A wonderful idea. Will bump with red pilled info that I can find.
>jews and universities
In Israel there is plenty of sefradic Jews. Who basicaly are smarter shitskins. Remember that 20% of the population is mudslime.
So yeah, a lot rather low IQs there.
My God
>In 1963 a group of Jews founded the "African" National Congress. The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Denis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel Goldreich and James Kantor, with a few African front men -- Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA.
>Umkhonto we Sizwe was the military side of the ANC, commanded by Nelson Mandela, Denis Goldberg, Rusty Bernstein, Harold Wolpe and Joe Slovo. All except Mandela were Jews of the South African Communist Party. Umkhonto laid on the foot soldiers. The Jews had the brains, the knowledge and the international contacts to organize strategy, tactics, weapons, explosives and training. Some/most/all of the finance came from Harry Oppenheimer
>South Africa's President Calls For Confiscation Of White Land
>Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites
>Jacob Zuma sings "Kill the White Man" at ANC Centenery Celebrations in Bloemfontein, South Africa
>“Whites will be driven out of South Africa by ANC within 50 Years”, F. W. de Klerk, the last Afrikaner president of that country, has said.
>jewish IQ meme