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Sure they did

>assaulted with a .gif
can't make this shit up

>he doesn't tell anyone he willingly pressed play

>assaulted with a .gif
The best timeline

Ban assault gifs.

meme war Nuremberg trials have just begun

(((Eichenwald))) Oh gawd


It's like the Zimmerman trials all over again

won't hold up in counrt


>when the autism is this bad

FBI rarely gives a shit about that kind of crap unless some form of financial loss or fraud is involved. Very likely a feminist-death-threat scenario where he's lying for attention.

>you are now aware that at least some small percentage of genetically inferior leftists have been killed by a flashing meme


Kurt Eichenwald is a disgusting anti-Semite, going after Mr. Goldstein like this. The ADL must get involved!

If this is true, the United States is in real danger.


Wow, I just read through all this stuff, and I have to say it's disappointing. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep.

I'm surprised you sociopaths aren't swarming him with strobe gifs on Twitter as we speak

What a phenomenal waste of taxpayer money and law enforcement time.

The alcohol seems like it wouldn't matter. As a GABA agonist it hits the same subset of receptors as benzodiazepines, which are a known treatment for epilepsy.
The alcohol should've made it harder to trigger a seizure.

hit him again


The issue is the withdrawals, which for the sane reason can trigger seizures even in non epileptics. Epileptics should absolutely not drink, and mixing anti-convulsants and alcohol can be fatal.



The post said he was drunk at the time. It would've made it harder to trigger it due to that alone.

But seriously though, we must keep him away from seizure memes

The post does, but the context it received that idea from says the opposite. According to him, he was drunk, but was on the mend with a hangover.

Unless he was telling the person he was replying to to do that in order to get an approximation of what he claimed he experienced, which honestly was the interpretation I got from it.

Either way this case is going to devolve into a he-said-he-said shitfest that could go either way due to the prevalence of liberal activist judges in our court system.

I saw his original tweets, he said he was hungover. Regardless, drinking alcohol in contravention of doctor's advice can be seen as being reckless and make any adverse effects his own fault.

>yes, that's right, a picture
>I TOLD YOU ALREADY, it was a picture on Twitter
>and then they spammed me with frog cartoons

>Eichenwald's attorney, Steven Liberman, told Newsweek that "What Mr. Rivello did with his Twitter message was no different from someone sending a bomb in the mail or sending an envelope filled with anthrax spores."


>land of the freedom
>get sent to alcatraz for posting gifs on interwebs




>land of buddha
>walk outside and get shot in civil war

post more sexy scullys

Holy fucking shit. I didn't even know this was a criminal offence on any planet

I remember Pokemon had episodes they had to remove in their early years due to seizures. Could be a civil case and not criminal.

did they attack him with this military grade gif?

how do you reset ur eyes after this?

reverse it

Is pic related supposed to be hidden in that image or am I merchant brained?

>Eichenwald's attorney, Steven Liberman, told Newsweek that "What Mr. Rivello did with his Twitter message was no different from someone sending a bomb in the mail or sending an envelope filled with anthrax spores."



Thank for the gif, going to send it to him.

idk man, im seeing a grid of swastikas

>the conditioning is complete


>i could have stayed a liberal normie if i didnt use this website

really makes me think

>"What Mr. Rivello did with his Twitter message was no different from someone sending a bomb in the mail or sending an envelope filled with anthrax spores."

Are these jews serious

nah you were well on your way the second you decided not to close the tab

you would have been one of those purple pilled idiots instead

You could have, but why would you want to? This is the side with tendies.

>Another Sup Forums user going to jail
>We will never know what memes he would have made

Fuck this kike

Fucking burgers please fix your Jew problem, this is getting ridiculous.

Would be a shame if someone sent him some more gifs. Oy vey how could someone possibly do that? What kind of sick twisted monsters would possibly flood this poor mensch with weaponized assault gifs? It's unthinkable.

doubtful, kurt's only proof that he had a seizure is his wife's word, and he was drunk and depressed with no sleep for days in his own words

it'll go to court and there will be a hilarious shitshow where we can root for our based image assaulter bro

This can't be real and certainly has no legality r-right? Fuck this gay earth if it somehow does.

could be fake news

the guy's name comes up with zero social media profile

They are

This is funny and all... but someone got arrested for sending a (non-illegal) picture over the internet. Starting to get frightening.

Twitter needs to die from the stage iv cancer it is.

The case is going to come down to intent, I can feel it. They will find a liberal judge, pack the jury with liberal art students and kikes, and the entire case will come down to the unprovable notion of intent, with the entire prosecution argument being based on emotional arguments.

"Kike" Eichanwald.

Toppest of all keks

3 month investigation?
All you had to do was trave the IP address Sup Forums found a goddamn flag in less time

hundreds of years too late for that