i want a white country as much as the next guy, but I have this non-white friend that I grew up with and I dont know how to feel about this. any similar experiences? what do?
Non-white born in canada
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Be a normal human being and stop being a white supremacist.
video calls exist user
Yea. Steal his shit and murder him like a (((normal))) human being would.
yea but kinda lame when you were doing dnd and shit since kindergarten
You don't know how to feel about a friend you grew up with because he's not white? See a therapist.
Dude other races are fine as long as they aren't serious muslims
All races are literally equal you dumb fuck. Sup Forums is just satire and 90% edgy retards took it too seriously
>t old fag
desu sempai
hes a turkish atheist actually, his family fled from turkey as it is becoming more and more islamic. the thing is, he will dilute the gene pool unintentionally.
Also, have you considered the fact that perhaps people here are more worried that the people moving here from the opposite end of the fucking globe might hold cultural values completely at odds with what is considered appropriate or even remotely acceptable in Canada and that they are dramatically increasing housing prices, increasing demand for various jobs that are already over-saturated, stretching our already very thinly spread social programs to which they have never payed a single red cent into while people who have paid into it their entire fucking lives see the value of their tax dollar shrink every year...? Have you considered any of that, user?
Have you thought about how automation is now expanding further and further into jobs of all collars and that importing even more "cheap labour" might not be the smartest idea right now?
The second ANY of the economic bubbles bursts, the entire thing will come crashing down. Banks will close their doors as people rush to take out their money. Food prices will skyrocket and chaos will ensue. How many people do you think need to go hungry before it turns violent?
Do you REALLY think everyone concerned about immigration is just some fucking racist prick? Have you EVER CONSIDERED that maybe you're being played for a FUCKING FOOL?
I second this. Murder him.
>non white.
fuck of you negative albino, read the fucking post, doest it look like pro immigration to you?
Your friendship with him is already dead. Over the next year, intentionally or not, you will slowly distance yourself from him over the cultural differences and racial identity issue underlying every thought you have now.
Just let it happen. If you feel REALLY sympathetic, promote white "separatism" instead.
nigger it's time to decide where your loyalties lie if you have any.
Yeah let's just write people off over something they had no say in
Fucking nigger.
Don't worry user the economy will start growing at 4% a year again, any year now...
stop being a racist fuck?
and start being nice to non-whites, whites are going to be a minority soon.
It is normal to do that shit, Humans are very primitive, tribal, uncivilised and barbaric
The only way to stop humans from acting out on basically their "human instincts" is by controlling every single human on the planet
Shut up faggot, not every leaf has a dildo for a brain.
It's a civil war. You can have friends on the other side but that doesn't mean you surrender. I have non-white friends. They all have to go back. Doesn't matter that they only speak English and their home countries might not accept them. If they stay here they'll die. Not my fault. I didn't start the war.
Clearly the problem is we're not SPENDING ENOUGH!
Fuck. Maxime Bernier can't be PM soon enough.
>they all go back
When did you come here?
Harper has a Master's in Economics...
Haha. Get ready bud. We're going to be a minority soon. You afraid?
>It is normal for niggers to do that shit, niggers are very primitive, tribal, uncivilised and barbaric
I wonder if that's how indigenous people feel about whites? What would happen if they sent us back?
Gun him down
You're a literal retard
It looks like you went to Trump University. Better get your money back. :(
>tfw you're not memeing
I've been here longer than you probably and for sure have done more this nation than you.
Definitely sensing a high probability of betacuck in you and likely a poor representation of your race.
They did feel that way for a pretty long time. There were lots of raids when we were moving west. The sentiment is probably still there, but there's nothing they can do anymore.
>I've been here longer than you probably and for sure have done more this nation than you.
Doubt both of these things guy
>OP asking about how to feels
Fuck just realized OP is literally autistic.
Or a sociopath. Maybe both.
I have a simple solution for this:
1. Any non-white man can only have one child legally.
2. Any non-white woman can have one child with a non-white man.
3. If a non-white woman wants more than one child, she needs to use a white sperm donor. This can be done using stored sperm, or the blond alpha aryan can do the indeed on her bed while wearing a nazi uniform as her husband watches in the closet as he masturbates with his right hand and waves a small confederate flag with his left hand.
In the long run this solution will be both humane and will make the population whiter.
You're retarded but let me spell this out for you.
Most people want White nation not because of the color but because in general whites have better manners and respect for other than niggers.
Of course that's not always true. I'll take nigger woman over your new york liberal whores.
The point is to build a country of good humans. If you're friend is a good human being then he's in.
Get off pol if you don't understand the nuance of arguments and are just skimming the surface.