Why are there so many shit threads about nothing when an election this big and this important is happening in little over a month? We should have a general for this for Christ sake! We lost Geert for the same inaction, no content being created, not gets, no meme magic and look what happened. France won't survive much longer and Le Pen won't either without help. Now stop with the "ironic" shilling, fuck the black pillars and get on this shit
Le Pen Must Win
Other urls found in this thread:
she's a little xenophobic for my taste tbqh
France is already Algeria Jr. I don't think rhey can save themselves from this.
she won't win
France could use a little xenophobia
What the fuck did I say about "ironic" shilling
pol couldnt meme le pen into presidency. literally not possible. sorry m8
Not with that attitude
i will play a game. if you roll trips i will do a song dedicated to marine le pen.
And i encourage all other artists to do the same. culture war is being lost. we only won the political war. the culture war is still controlled by the left. until we infiltrate the culture we will lose
we cant speak french
Geert is kike anyways
xenophobia is never ok
vive la france Is all you need to know
Hell, even with the politics aside that would be awesome, Sup Forums makes the best music
Nice belt.
I agree, Sup Forums should focus more on Le Pen.
The election drove in too many normie faggots to Sup Forums
Now all they do is post about fucking youtube celebrities
You have to go back!
What is wrong with all the gay fags here lately Fuck off back to Redit
And when white genocide starts in S/a you can make that tut sound and say xenophobia is never ok!
We need to get a general going, there's two Trump generals up for fuck sake
The west will only save france AFTER it gets taken over by the islamic arm of the german blitzkreig.
>Marine Le Pen program in english
>Marine Le Pen program in english
>Marine Le Pen program in english
hi French user, can you please provide video links in French that will persuade French normies to either vote Le Pen or not vote at all?
>Wanting another traitor to win
She'll lose like her disgrace of a father
Why do you need to speak French to follow her on twitter and RT everything she says ?
Why do you need to speak French to tweet #Marine2017 ?
Why do you need to speak French to post redpill like pic related ?
Now this is what I'm fucking talking about!
But all we have to do is meme her hard enough to that Steeve Bannon will move is fat ass and launch Breitbart France
We can't put ourselves in the mindset of a French normie. Only you can do that for us.
Through my line of work, I will be able to directly reach the eyes of over a million French people before the election.
It is imperative you thoughtfully respond to my request for the best possible videos that will spook French normies into voting Le Pen.
Please also provide still images/memes that will persuade French normies.
I am not sure your pic is quite good enough, it needs at least some words superimposed. What words will fit nicely on that image to persuade French normies? I will add the words myself if you tell me what it should say.
And remember...
Spring is coming
Here's 40 minutes of footage, not all heavy hitting stuff but good for stills, filler and sound bytes
Shit, my bad youtu.be
>It is imperative you thoughtfully respond to my request for the best possible videos that will spook French normies into voting Le Pen.
French people in concerned area will be sensible to the migrant effect, according to thos article
Residents threaten their mayor and say they will vote Marine if the Gypsy camp is not removed, same goes in Calais with French people sometimes expulsed from their home. MSM will try their hardest at shilling peaceful exemple of cohabitation, ignoring this cases.
French people in rural area are really shocked at video like this about islamization of some part of France
(something aired on a national TV channel)
That's it for migrants and islam.
She won't win. France is already too far gone.
I have added that video, thank you.
I think I have enough videos to persuade people with long attention spans. What I'd really like now is a supply of memes/images with words on them, to cover the people with short attention spans.
But anytime I ask here, all I get are Joan of Arc memes, or a Pepe version of Le Pen pooping diarrhea on a muslim.
Macron will save France
Looks to much like that dike Ellen.
Do not trust.
Im on the flip side i think Europe is already too far gone at this point. Putting these semi right people into office is like putting a band aid on a much bigger problem.
There needs to be a war and commies need to be hunted down and killed. Things have to get much worse before they get better. The normies need to be so pissed off and disgusted with how things are playing out that they finally make their move. The welfare system must be destroyed no more helping those that dont need the help and abuse the system. When was the last time you saw someone on welfare that actually needed?
No we must be the shining beacon so we can show the EU what it takes to make a country great.
She's against xenomorphs?
First one appeal to normies and is part of her strategy to appear "normal".
The second is more appealing to FN supporters since it's a comedy, part self-deprecation, part hyperbole of their thesis. The combined effect help them assume their belief, it's basically what Trump supporters do when they go like "the wall just got 10 feets higher"
So, the first will appeal to normies but will spread more slowly than the second and get first raided by antifa. The second will spread vrery fast but be restricted to a pro-FN audience.
>Had to deal with Sarkozy
>Had to deal with Hollande
>Now have to choose between Macron or Hamon
it's amazing how our presidents can be this dangerous garbage piece of shit.
I can't tell if serious. user. I am sure her being anti-EU is the whole point of why she must win.
Guess who is topping the polls right now...
All I know is that if le pen wins and europe keeps being suicidal it will turn the US even more red than ever before.. a revolution will happen.
>The normies need to be so pissed off and disgusted with how things are playing out that they finally make their move
Honestly sounds like what's happening to me, plus if you're waiting for the fourth Reich, by the time it gets to that there might not be any Europeans left to save
its almost as though some malevolent force is orchestrating a deluge of shit threads for the purpose of derailing Sup Forums. hmm.. naaaaaaaaah that would take time and money
this meme has legs...
With how retarded the 2 turn system his, it's literally rigged against her. Win the first turn, loose the 2nd turn because of unholy alliance. WTF is this shit the 4th Republic?
Now, if we had a 1 turn proportional system on the other hand...
Crazy to think that they have only 2 deputy to represente them.
What are her actual chances in your retarded voting system? It's like you Euros all structured your governments to achieve maximum cuck as fast as possible
Le Pen will win
kek wills it
Nope. He wills that Macron wins.
She would make a good Ripley
Macron ? Who's that ?
You mean (((Drahi)))'s bitch right ?
That's some good meme I see here
What's the French equivalent of "check them", That image is perfect
So with 3% margin only on the 1st round, for second round she will definitely will lose to Macron?
Lepen must win to stop the cucking
matte les
Honestly I think VIème Republique is gonna have to happen sooner or later.
Too bad the guy pushing it is a huge leftist.
*mates les
(time to wake up)
>for second round she will definitely will lose to Macron
That's what they said about Trump right ?
It seems that nobody realizes how much of forced meme is Macron, there's litteraly only the media and high finance that supports him. He never held a debate and will be obliterated by Marine.
This is what happens when a good goy who has been pampered all his life being taught that he is a genious is facing a hardened politician (and ex-lawyer) who has been insulted for 30 years.
huh? why do French sheeple obey the orders of whatever loser they voted for? why don't they simply vote for whoever they want of the two options in the 2nd round?
Someone posted their notes on how to influence the French election last night.
From the looks of things Marine has a real chance here, but is a bit behind. I'm positive we can meme her into a win.
Because of alliances.
They feel that if someone who they voted for as enough votes he will weight more in the policy of whatever political formation he is going to join.
Also there is the negociations for the legislative vote which happens shortly after the presidential vote.
I don't see this backfiring in any way
I think there's a statistic theory or game theory behind it. Too lazy to search now
Not gonna lie, former Le Pen supporter here. It's fucking hilarious watching her crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let this woman get the nuclear codes
Very nice
We are loosing the meme wars
Don't take the Lord's name in vain or to shill for zionism
We need to create memes in French and reach out in popular French social media. Is the only way
Not even for the lulz?
Actually that's a good point. Where is the FN merchandise?
Women can't lead women, let alone men.
You can add that for Macron
>An NGO asked for Macron funds to be investigated because he didn't declare where some of it went
The biggest scandal should also be when he sold SFR to Patrick (((Drahi))), who is also owning Le Monde (a newspaper) and the bias of the French TV president for Macron :
So, one attack patterns against Macron could be
-corruption, embezzling public funds
-socialists and globalists favorite (clearly a no-border and pro-EU, close friend with current socialist president and ex-socialist PM)
-anti-French (when he says there is no French culture and France is not white)
It's a nation inhabited by frogs, this shouldn't be difficult
> Doesn't sell baseball caps
Figures, France is too classy for that.
But would any FN supporter wear any of that out in public? A lot of Frenchanons said they don't even admit they support FN out in public.
>Figures, France is too classy for that.
More like you will be beaten to death by antifa and niggers for wearing one (even harder than in the US), publicly saying you support the Front National is like a death sentence here.
Even in a very respectable company between people who acknowledge the dangers of mass immigration, they only use satire and humour to talk about it. That's how cucked the left has made us.
we need a good video that will convince French normies and women that Macron is a faggot
Damnit I wish I could do my part and go over to toothpasteland and vote for Le Pen.
I've worked for and then alongside several french chefs suring my culinary days.
And mother of god you guys have to be in my top 3 Eurobros to drink with.
I've gone on all night benders with Frenchbros. I have to say it's a close race between you guys and Russians.
Godspeed to Le Pen and to France.
Just remember Frenchbros. Trump had an "Abysmal" chance of winning the election as well.
You guys need to get out and put her into office.
Good stuff.
Actually the Anticor thing might be why Macron has dropped in the polls the last few days.
Come on, do it, you know you want too
Il faut qu'on commence à créer les "memes" en français alors qu'on attire les francophones.
Should've been a bullet instead
Le Pen shills go away
French Patriots support Macron
Man, that was a good throw
should be a permaban tbqh
let's not go that far.
A bowling bowl should have been enough.
>Brexit wont happen
>Trump wont win
You gotta believe now, lad
>Hofer won't happen
>Geert won't happen
yeah and no.
At least, Geert got more seats.
If Lepen lose, she won't get a single one.
What Sup Forums must once realize is that memeing is no different than pro-candidate activism. If you, French people are willing to translate each and every bit of information from English to french and sometimes vice versa, we will all be willing to help.