Don't be a prisoner of ideology.
Don't be a prisoner of ideology
The fucking madman
>Wakes up after binge of junk food,junk media
>Gasps - aware of the monster lurking
>Within the depths of the human condition
>Returns to first principles
>I know nothing
>Admits one is flawed
>Admits one cannot possibly know everything
>Lifts weights - forgets about self-pity
>Goes on Pol - shocked at the cavalier "jokes"
>Remembers life is suffering
>There are worse outlets for darkness
>Acknowledges that novelty is addicting
>Bill Hicks said "it was just a ride"
>Who is driving the ride?
>The crowd surfing the consumer wave
>Will you drown?
>In the lands of plenty
>with a mind almost empty?
>Always waiting to be filled, satisfied,
>a black hole baby
>Take a deep breath
>Hold fast
>The second will pass
>Bear the cross
Revivify your dead father
Zizek will destroy the pure ideology
Zizek is ass
Decides to pretend that an almost fat Scottish Mid-Twenties dead-end Job fuckwit
Is in fact Jordan Peterson.
>Okay Bucko - straighten yourself out
>First it is you that defines you
>Not some freakin' Job
>That is called bearing responsibility
>You are a being that experiences reality
>choose the path between chaos and peace
>You are a battle between good and evil
>Fight for the good in you
>Realised potential takes bravery
>Hero's are ordinary
>Cast out the superficial fantasy
>Speak the truth
>Don't deceive yourself
>Find your own philosophy for life
>Knock yourself into shape
>Listen to your conscience
>Write out your truth
>Unburden your soul
>You are a creature of the present
>The past is not to be lived in
>Confront it and be done with it
>Follow the "golden rule"
>mistakes are what makes us great
>And That's That
Do you need your lithium prescription refilled buddy?
Be a radical centrist like Based Joe Rogan.
Smoke DMT and inject Brainforce into your skull and the veil of biased ideology will be lifted from your eyes. Only then will you be awakened to the Powerful truth.
Right calm down Bill Hicks, stop telling people to get "off the ride"
I think writing a diary.
Eating healthy.
Are more viable roots of human occupation
Just my take on the DMT craze that I ain't touching.
>Don't be a prisoner of ideology.
ya, you could be like the left and be a prisoner of something you cant change...
like race.
like gender.
like sexuality.
go fuck yourself.
>like gender
>like sexuality
>like race
not according to the left.
sexuality is not "born this way" a new gays meme
that's insensitive, dont say that.
I didnt choose to be straight!
but what if my ideology is the essence of my growth?
Sounds like post-modern bullcrap to me bucko
this may have helped me
>I didnt choose to be straight
You are not
no my ideology tangibly leads me to topics to study.
like Christianity has led to language and masonry.
I don't know. I guess I don't even know what you mean by being a prisoner.
Okay let's see where this goes...
Following the principle of
My Ideology leads me to
Topics to Study
As my Ideology is the essence of my growth
What is my essence?
>the spirit within
>The mind critically thinking
What is my growth?
>Me reaching towards the focus of my potential
>Moving forward purposefully and honestly
>Between chaos and peace
What is an ideology?
>A theory of ideas
What is my ideology?
>A theory of ever expanding ideas
>An adaptable maxim for learning
The obvious warning
>Don't be a prisoner of ideology
>That is impossible
>As my ideology is the essence of my growth
>I will have different conjecture throughout life
Life is a prison
We are bound by constraints and limits
We are a prisoner of life
In the intellectual arena freedom of understanding - is only achieved through unlimited analysis.
But we need a ground to stand on.
We stand on the bones of the ancestor
>Take the wheat from the chaff
I'm not sure what that all means right now
wait that's cause I didn't get the wheat metaphor. That's a good perspective. I like to view incoming ideas as butterflies that are captured gently and released easily if desired.
I don't have an ideology, it's called being an ancap.
>Live in the moment
>Don't postpone it
>In a sensible
>Rational fasion
Damn, it's a Peterson Expression
>You shave the wheat from the chaff
>You know
>Seperate the bad from the Good
never heard of him
>Rational Fashion
>Sounds kinda "Hitler-ish"
>a prisoner of ideology
What does that even mean bros :(
It's also my job
Hey whatsup guise its Scarce here!
fuck he's so adorable
Life is Hard and So am I
>Who wrote that Lyric?
He is our savior
Kek's own mad prophet.
Well my South African friend, let me be a dick and berate your countries past.
Say for example you are the white Afrikaner it's the early nineties - you support the Apartheid - convinced that it is the correct way for South Africa to continue - while ignoring the oppression of Black South-Africans determined they have no right to be anything other than second-class citizens that is what a prisoner of Ideology is.
And with by the same token - when Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe chucked out the white farmers him and his people where and still are prisoners of ideology.
When you can't hear the voice of what your society perceives as "the other" - when all they appear to be is "less than human" then one is not only the prisoner of an ideology - one is the Nazi Camp guard - the mindless plaything of tyrants - doing their duty.
In other words don't find yourself in a fucking cult of belief.
Speak the truth.
>Ideologies only tell you half the truth.
Pepe has a brother and his name is Jordan Peterson.
What a legend
If when you talk to someone it's possible to predict everything that comes out of your mouth then your brain has been parasitised by an ideology. You need to be able to adapt to the world, not just follow some prerecorded opinions that aren't your own. Wish upon a star - the highest good you can concieve of - and maybe you can become a real boy, not a puppet.
TTC is great
he is a fucking clown, he thinks he can change anyone with his "muh indivijewul" mindset, no one is interested in that
sort yourself out
looks like someone fell for ideological possession
>when the protestors start shouting and insulting him in his class and he simply talks about how they are in concordance with the primitive part of their brain now
Peterson walks up to you and offers to show you the real Dragon that lurks inside your soul.
But you have to show him the last thing you fapped to in order to sort yourself out.
How fucked are you, bucko?
If Justin Beiber fans exist.
Then their opposite exists.
Peterson is the zeitgeist.
His central message is "take responsibility"
For what?
>Your life
>Your family
>Your Society
>Your country
>The world
>The Universe
>TFW a pre-tree lobster needing antidepressants.
you're a victim of ideology m8
>After gazing upon the Anime Porn Orgy
>Peterson looks you up and down
>You need a fucking Job
The memes make it so
>tfw you wish Jordan Peterson was your dad so you could save him from the underworld.
I had a dream last night where Jordan peterson was being bombarded in his lectures and eventually took it to the street
I wake up and see the videos
this, only reddit-tier faggots and robots like him, Sup Forums isn't your faggy self-help forum
>Don't be a prisoner of ideology.
I was about to ask why you keep posting this kike. But that really says it all, doesn't it?
He is way past self-help
Saying he's self-help just shows how uninformed you are
How do i sort my self out?
Yeah be a prisoner of sandnigger fairytales instead.
Dumbfuck nu/pol/
Marxist located
He could just be an apathetic douche.
Nope. Polish Commie. Hitler should have gassed them all.
"Nope. Polish Commie. Hitler should have gassed them all."
Don't be a prisoner of Ideology
This man is a hero.
>kermit the frog has been declared a symbol of hate by the ADL
Don't be a prisoner of ideology so live a life with no meaning or no cause advanced while zealots shape the world into ugliness.
>Being trapped by Ideology = Your life has meaning and direction
That's where you're wrong, bucko.
"don't be a prisoner of ideology" doesn't mean having no set of beliefs you will stand up for
This is not rocket science lets simplify;
I think that covers the "don't be a prisoner of ideology" enigma that some are struggling with
What's his middle name? I can't find it anywhere...
Jordan "Bill C-16" Peterson
I am what's necessary.
Anons, take up your cross and bear it.