Is orthodox church cancer?

The guys t shirt traslates as: Pravoslavie (orthodox) or Death. Is it the reason that russians have so many muslims? Because their "Christianity" is as cancerous as Islam?

And why is there so many russian nationalists that praise both Orthodox church and wear pagan symbols? Considering that during Chritianisation of Russia, kniez Vladimir was burning villages and slavic shrines, and killing anyone who stayed with their gods.

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Well I was raised Protestant and it fucking blowed.


I understand, that americans dont have paganism culture (except native americans) and i understand your romantic beliefs of crusades destroying Islam, but all those Abrahmic religions arw just pure cancer and need to be long forgotten. I recommend americans just choosing the paganism that they like the most and at least has some relation to thwir ethnicity and heritage.


>hur mur i saw photo of some freaks and now making conclusions about entire nation and its history

1st of all this is a hystorical moto of some greek orthodox christians. And the context is quite different then you assume.

In 2014 some freaks walked with this t-shirts, and then this moto was marked as extremist and similar to sieg heil. It is banned now in Russia.

The area Russia occupies in Europe was mostly muslim to begin with, only muslims left are based in Kazan

Nah, im made a thread based on the hypocrisy of russian nationalists, that are both for paganism and christianity, even though those two conflicted a lot. I think both Orthodox and Catholicism are pretty horrible and have blood stained history. Protestants and Lutherans are much better, i could forgive them.

>czech talking about how much he hates Christianity
We already know you fucking faggot, we get it. You're atheist scum, your whole country is, we understand. Now leave everyone else alone, go be retarded in your own country and stop broadcasting your retardation to the world, it's already apparent to everyone.

>"to begin with"
>european russia was islamic before it was christian
you're off by centuries you dumbass,

I consider myself pagan, butthurt burger.
I hope you die in your "war" with muslims, that you strive for so much. And at the ruins of your cancerous religions, we would build new world without sharia and popes

>scum fucking faggot retared redardation
Typical mcdonalds

Didn't know Czech was such a cuck.
Lech and Rus are the better brothers anyway.

I don't care what you consider yourself, you're an atheist like the rest of your country. Any "paganism" you have is just larping or some other "spiritual" crap that you just use as an addition to your ideology or identity, it's not about religion or belief in deities at all. As for your talk of wanting me and other white Christians to die in war against moslems I can only say that you're lucky your tiny piece of clay is surrounded by Christian nations shielding you from Islamic invasion. If you couldn't handle Christians centuries ago, your degenerate sewage race cannot handle even moslems today.

So, would you be happy to have war with orthodox, too? Cant you read, Tyrone?

Sup Forums more like /chr/

>sewage race
A have an ethnicity btw, it is you that only can be related to "race", Jose Mcduncan.

I'd be more than happy to go full Teutonic on Pagans, after going full Inquisition on Atheists, after going Deus Vult on Moslems and after going old Catholic on the Jews first.

Wtf is that, even. The only brothers to russians are ukranians and belorussians, who they keep treating like whores. Brotherly love, i would say.

>One of Europe's largest mosques opens in Moscow

>Russia: Drone captures massive Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Moscow

>Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven

>Cucking themselves to the chechens was part of the plan /Kadyrov’s soldiers (20.000) are ready to kill Ukrainians if Putin will give an order

Why do you all hate killslam, even? You are describing a typical mudslime, right now.

I've met Catholic Czechs before, they exist.

Tough as nails too.

Pravosljavlje ili Smrt doesn't mean everyone must either be Orthodox or Die you stupid fuck. It means that if you're Orthodox, you're rather die than change your faith.

>doesnt mean
It only means that they would die for it, if some chechen asks what does their shirt means. Otherwise, they would write: I would die for Pravoslavie, or something

>Neocucked Pagan fag doesn't even know his Paleocuck fairy tale

Kill yourself

They're 10% of the country, and when you consider that only a fraction of most Christians are sincere in their belief, the number gets even lower. I'm sure there are a few, but it's an insignificant number.

>Yes it is
> Georgia is orthodox too.
Once I lost my job because I made a joke about Christians

Gay ass retard, Christianity is LARPing for people who can't synthesize spirituality into a 21st century mindset

Why the fuck you even metion lechs and czechs, you cunt?
>kill yourself
No u. Thats what mudslimes your country are for.

fuck off papist. Long Live The Czar!

literally 99% of the Bible is irrelevant to WOKE morality, those bits which contributed to the virtues of western society are 100% detachable from the dogma and church of Christianity

St. George

I don't understand what you're even saying desu, your sentences don't even make any sense.

Im pretty sure Pravoslavlje ili Smrt came from Serbian Chetnik movement. First because of the Turkish forced Islamisation and devsirme, then because of the Communist ban and stigma of believing in god/attending in church. It essentially means that they would rather die than be forced to change their faith.

It derives from Oslobodjenje ili Smrt(Freedom or Death) and Ujedinjenje ili Smrt from the Black Hand movement(Unity or Death).

So as you can see, it doesn't mean that everyone needs to be free or die. It means that they'd rather die than not be free.

>find a picture of a horugvenoscev
>orthodox church is bad

>why is there so many russian nationalists that praise both Orthodox
Becaus in Russia many pagan rituals (maslenica for example) fused with christianity,

I meant Sloboda

Are there any russians here who respect Pravoslavie, even? Just as i thought, only burgers without ethnicity and pagan religion defend their cuckolisim

Seems like this fatass doesn't know any history.

Orthodox Church is best, Patriarch Kirill is based and not corrupt spiritual leader unlike Fabian Jesuit Pope Francisc, ok?

I can't think of any neopagans 2bh. They don't make it through to serious outlets.

Go fuck yourself communist trash.
The Orthodox are the only ones left who will actually try to defend the faith.

your kirill is a castro sympathiser cuck

It means the same thing, as killing in Islam. Some fags say shit like you, that it means defending your religion. And if you write "death", it already means, that you would kill for it. So. Killslam, basically

Satan even agrees

It literally doesn't mean that tho.
Orthodoxy or death are choices poised to YOU, not that you impose onto others.
Research where it came from and context and perhaps you will achieve a metanoia and cease to be a spiritual nigger

Please show me videos where Orthodox people blow themselves up, make kids shoot civilians and behead people. Show me some proof of Orthodox killing in the name of faith where it isn't a fight against a greater evil: e.g. muslims

>Are there any russians here who respect Pravoslavie

Well yes, i`m here, you can be just another Smerdyakov or Verkhovensky, Dostoevsky had predicted all that shit 150 years ago

>Is it the reason that russians have so many muslims

Nah, it is because we are empire

>kniez Vladimir was burning villages and slavic shrines, and killing anyone who stayed with their gods.

It looks pretty okay for 10th century, Byzantium was the only civilized place in Europe without latin langobard barbarians

>show me videos
There soon would be. Russian muslims, except caucas monkeys dont blow themselves up, either.

>cucked gorillion of cuban diaspora and some ameretards in pig bay

hehe, how does it feel to be jewish proxy-state?


Is this your first time on Sup Forums, newfag?

There are even videos, where those cunts march with stalins pics with them, retard.
We may have some old farts around here like that, but everyone hates communism, since the 60s in Czechia.

More like the reason there aren't MORE muslims, considering all the conflicts. But it's not particularly good for society considering the state of the church

>but everyone hates communism, since the 60s in Czechia
>third party on elections

Wow, nice try gypsy-nigger

>except caucas monkeys dont blow themselves up, either.
>what are metro bombings and russian school occupation

Stop posting

>more muslims
The latest biggest mosque, was built like a year ago or something. For instance, we have a mosqur here in CR, but the windows always get broken and it is shitten all over place. I dont think, it even has their crescent symbol on the top. So, yeah.

I was just talking about those 14 percents, you idiot.
>old farts
Yeah, them.

>Go fuck yourself communist trash.
yfw the orthodox church loved Stalin.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy are both pagan religions, they aren't christian they are satanists parading around as if they are christian.

im not chilean, so this is irrelevant to me.

>calling me newfag for telling some faggot to fuck off with his retarded post
you should fuck off too dumbass

I meant, ony caucas monkeys blow shit up, idiot

You watch too much Varg.
Reminder that he is just a 'cultural' pagan and doesn't believe in any deities.

>real christianity hasn't been tried

Nah, odds are they're gonna say their specific church is the best, even though it probably didn't even exist until the 19th century.

>ironically doesn't realize that Islamist's hate him more than they hate Christians.

>everyone hates communism
>third party in parliament

you are so pathetic

Yes, yes it is. The orthodox church is a cancer. Then again, so is all christianity, so is all religion.

Tis is as real as it gets brah

>le reddit cancer maymay

What's wrong with those people? They are traditionalists, and respect their religion. Hats off to that.

>respect their religion

Well, he's not completely wrong as a great part of European Russia was Muslim and under the control of khanates like the Golden Horde and Crimean khanate.

Someone doesn't know history.

>leave me and my religion aloneeeeeeeeeee

Suck my dick, christcuck.

And then ask for repentance for sucking it so terribly.

Orthodox church hates Stalin, you retard

I'm not fully aware of their ideology but you only presented the "Orthodoxy or death" part, which I respect and agree with. Russia is an Orthodox country, and so is Serbia.

>not fully aware of mudslime ideology
>sits on Sup Forums
You are joking, right?

awnser my calls

Omg another stupid Leaf, speculating on topics he knows shit about.

Just like the other Czech idiot here , who decided to trash on orthodoxy, because he's catholic.

>, except caucas monkeys dont blow themselves up

Neck yourself debil

They have no real idea about the cultural significance of Orthodoxy be it Russian, Greek, Bulgarian or Serbian as the heir of the legacy of the Eastern Roman empire (Byzantium) and Constantinople and as symbol of their culture.

It says ORTHODOXY OR DEATH in greek in the circle below the russian text and i think it'sd badass

What are you even replying to, fucking bogan

Why are you proud that subhuman Slavs warp every kind off Greekness and Hellenism in orthodoxy, such as logics and Platonism ?

they kept the real faith instead of siding with teh catholics

How can Orthodox be bad if it's the religion of Peterson?

Orthodox is the true Christian sect

Other Christians just simply can't compete

The orthodox church has been a mouthpiece of the Kremlin and a symbol of Russian nationalism for a while. Nevertheless they deserve applause for being the only Christians who don't regard single mothers as heroes and gays as being just like you and me.

Protestants contradict the early Christians

Deal with it

"Those, therefore, who desert the preaching of the Church, call in question the knowledge of the holy Priests, not taking into consideration of how much greater consequence is a religious man, even in a private station, than a blasphemous and impudent sophist. Now, such are all the heretics, and those who imagine that they have hit upon something more beyond the truth, so that by following those things already mentioned, proceeding on their way variously, inharmoniously, and foolishly, not keeping always to the same opinions with regard to the same things, as blind men are led by the blind, they shall deservedly fall into the ditch of ignorance lying in their path, ever seeking and never finding out the truth. It behoves us, therefore, to avoid their doctrines, and to take careful heed lest we suffer any injury from them; but to flee to the Church, and be brought up in her bosom, and be nourished with the Lord’s Scriptures. For the Church has been planted as a garden in this world; therefore says the Spirit of God, 'Thou mayest freely eat from every tree of the garden' that is, Eat ye from every Scripture of the Lord; but ye shall not eat with an uplifted mind, nor touch any heretical discord." - AH, 5, 20, 2

And protestants contradict all the early Christians
"Those, therefore, who desert the preaching of the Church, call in question the knowledge of the holy Priests, not taking into consideration of how much greater consequence is a religious man, even in a private station, than a blasphemous and impudent sophist. Now, such are all the heretics, and those who imagine that they have hit upon something more beyond the truth, so that by following those things already mentioned, proceeding on their way variously, inharmoniously, and foolishly, not keeping always to the same opinions with regard to the same things, as blind men are led by the blind, they shall deservedly fall into the ditch of ignorance lying in their path, ever seeking and never finding out the truth. It behoves us, therefore, to avoid their doctrines, and to take careful heed lest we suffer any injury from them; but to flee to the Church, and be brought up in her bosom, and be nourished with the Lord’s Scriptures. For the Church has been planted as a garden in this world; therefore says the Spirit of God, 'Thou mayest freely eat from every tree of the garden' that is, Eat ye from every Scripture of the Lord; but ye shall not eat with an uplifted mind, nor touch any heretical discord." - AH, 5, 20, 2

one more time

>Is it the reason that russians have so many muslims?
No. They have Muslims because they occupied a lot of central Asia for centuries

400 lb Russian bishop hackers

Protestants are the fucking worst.
>Muh everything in the bible is literal!
>Muh hell!

Do you think those are sanctioned by Orthodox church?

Oh and I'm really not a fan of the church in general but I'm also not a fan of Westerners who quite literally want to exterminate us as evident from history.
How about you curb it down a bit? Mind your own business. I don't see Russians invading countries across the globe, like Westerners do and did.
They do shit in their own backyard.

the only thing im against are churches having a place in politics, which is actually could happen ,considering recent events, caused by muzzies. the already have sharia in some of their countries, which are already critisized by all over the world, it would be just hypocritical and downgrading, if other countries would go the same way, as shitty arabic ones did.

You did not explain this dingus

based, christians should just genocide the other religions from europe
kebab is not human after all

I don't believe church should have a saying but they should be consulted in some areas. Secular humanism kinda failed, it's obviously not capable of replacing religion. Real Orthodox church is not as bad as your cherry-picked example demonstrates. Try learning more instead of hating.

>a fucking leaf

what should i explain? i didnt not write that, to explain it to you
>learning more
even in the op, i wrote a question mark, so we could talk about it more, im not an orthodox expert,