Be 6'2" black guy

>be 6'2" black guy
Whenever white coworkers make harmless non-racial jokes about me they always apologize or weakly say theyre just kidding

Why are average white people so intimidated by us blacks? Im a carlton and they fear me

Fuck niggers and fuck black people

Because you work with faggots that are willing to work with a nigger.

How do you respond when they tell the jokes about you?

They don't fear you. They know you'll sue if they use a word with 'black' in it, or mention the slave hard drive in a server, or etc etc etc.
Blacks are hard to work with. I avoided hiring them when I made hiring decisions.
Blacks and Nazis both suffer from self-inflicted wounds.

They're afraid of other white people gang attacking them for being politically incorrect. Also pol racists hate you because they're involuntarily celibate

lol fucking nigger

There sure are a lot of blacks and women on Sup Forums these days.

They aren't intimidated by you, they think that you and probably blacks in general are such oversensative faggots that if they don't say that disclaimer you will be offended enough to ruin their life by complaining about "racism"

They think you are a pussy

Because they are degenerate betas. A man shouldnt say things he isnt willing to stand behind. If they are intimidated then they should at least keep their mouths shut, but they are too feminized to understand even that.

>Why are average white people so intimidated by us blacks?
They realize correctly that blacks commit aggravated assault at staggering rates. They've also seen the videos of blacks chimping out and assaulting whites (along with everyone else) at the drop of a hat.

I realize you're not a niggerish black—you likely have a higher IQ—but you still have the hormonal imbalance that causes niggers to chimp out. Blacks actually have more ESTROGEN, not testosterone, which coupled with nigger IQ causes them to get violent.

They're aggressive and prone to crime. It's nothing personal, their instinct is just to never relax.

Most blacks just laugh shit off
Its whites and (((whites))) that get pissy and get folks fired

I don't get intimidated by black people.
I have some black friends.
Most of my friends are white.
That's because I live in a mostly white area.

don't worry OP, who probably is a liar. If the posters on this board matched what people who visit here actually think then pedo Milo wouldn't have a surprising number of supporters nor would Molymeme.

Literally if you go to HR and tell them that someone made a racist remark, that person is going to get fired. Doesn't even matter if it's true or not.
They just want to keep their jobs lad, they know you have the power to end any employment prospects they'll ever have by just saying the magic word: "racist"

You're built for tribal warfare, they're built for high civilization.

White guilt forced on them by faggots like Barry

Don't worry OP, they're still calling you nigger behind your back.

End of thread.

> or weakly say theyre just kidding
just to let you know.
> Why are average white people so intimidated by us blacks? Im a carlton and they fear me
Because they think you are a pussy that will go to HR, get them fired and then sue (with the help of some Jews) or go on some TV show crying about the Joke and demand reparations for people who will spend it on drugs just like Jewish record company owned musician Snoop Dogg tells them to on Jewish owned media outlets. They are probably even more scared to offend now that Jewish owned Hollywood keeps pushing SJW shit that implys everything is a microagression that you can sue over.

Did you know that Evangelical Christians were told by Jews that they are the chosen people and that is why they defend both Israel and Capitalism, dictated in the western sphere of influence by the Jewish banks like GoldmanSachs?

so basicly
They fear the Jew and think you are their puppet.

I hope my answer is helpful and comprehensive (unlike your healthcare).

Because it's impossible to beat Mr. Perfect

my theory has to do with threat perception due to test levels. you might have noticed it's only been racist to make fun of asians very very recently (thanks to hyper sjwness) and is still okay amongst most 'normal' people whereas jokes about black people is generally not okay. this is due to asians having lower test and therefore lower threat levels.

threat/test power rankings from high to low:
>rice niggers

tl:dr - risque race based humour is only 'bad' when normies fear getting their ass kicked

I just laugh usually even if theyre stupid

It's all in the attitude. Go for a drive in your car with some buddies, see lone nigger walking down the road. Grab him, beat him nearly to death, shoot him several times, go to court, get no punishment, say 'i'm just glad justice was on my side today'. White people used to be cold motherfuckers

Also this is how it goes when white people make jokes

"Hey honkey, ya cracka asses woman is gonna get plowed by my big dick"
"Yeah, well... black people can't swim"
"Ahh you got me back there white boy"
~3 weeks later~
"user I need you to come into my office. Yes now that we're here, I've heard you've made some vile racist remarks, you need to apologize, then we're escorting you out of the building, and you're never working in this industry again, and we've told your wife and she's divorcing you and running off with Jamal"

You're in America. It's all about race. Come to Australia no one Fucking cares

FYI all the Australian poltard "nigger haters", number about 500 in our entire country of 21 million

>Whenever white coworkers make harmless non-racial jokes about me they always apologize or weakly say theyre just kidding

>Why are average white people so intimidated by us blacks? Im a carlton and they fear me

Its not you they are actually "afraid of", its the repercussions in society of being seen as racist. Like if you work with black people, you have to be much more careful around them because you never know when one might just think "fuck whitey" and tell hr/your boss/whoever that "he rayciss" and you get fired. Liberals use claims of "racism" and "misogyny" to ruin someones reputation.

I think they have to apologize otherwise they think their reputation will be ruined.I'll call you a nigger I don't give a shit.

>what is social stigma

It has nothing to do with the fact youre black, free speech is dead as a whole now thanks to our (((rulers)))

Don't be fooled. Pol is 100% black aimed at starting a race war. All the whites are at work.

niggers tongue kek's anus

they think that you think that they are attacking you all the time because obama and hillary told them to be more considerate of your feelings because your feelings are that they are evil white slave jockeys

give me your best nigger joke


>Why are average white people so intimidated by us blacks?
History has taught us not to trust you black people, hell not even the smart blacks trust living around their kind either..
Of course whites do commit some bad crimes but not on the scale of what you black folks do

Full blooded Africans make white women seem thick skinned. I mixed up the names of two Nigerian guys at a house party and my excuse was that they looked similar.

He looked genuinely sad like I was saying "all black people look the same". I said I didn't mean it like that and just stopped talking to them. Not worth the hassle.

because we like the humor and don't actually mean any offense.

They aren't intimidated, they just don't want to be seen as or called racist. To the average person, being called a racist is the worst thing that can happen to you, and SJWs have shown us you can be called racist for literally anything.

shut the fuck up you abo loving faggot

I took a sip of water today then I stood there and thought about how blacks can't swim.

Because people fear their career. How do you not know this? .. Oh thats because you are really a nigger.

>being polite means you are afraid

Spread more wisdom, king.

"FYI all the Australian poltard "nigger haters", number about 500 in our entire country of 21 million"

The rest of the country just hates niggers without /pol.

What makes you think you wouldn't whine like a little bitch if they didn't apologize? They do now and you're still bitching

Because if you ever get butthurt you can totally destroy their career and livelihood.

1.If you ever decide to be a little bitch you can run to HR and whine that you're being called hateful things and they will investigate it as a hate crime and most likely get them fired or the police called on them.

2.You can use social media to destroy their lives because apparently the world has decayed to utter madness that being able to ruin a persons reputation for the tiniest transgression and leave them no corner of the world they can start a fresh slate, save for Amish communities or 3rd world countries is apparently ok.

3.You are a nigger, your culture teaches you that any perceived insult towards your person is to be met with instant, violent retaliation no matter what because image is all that matters.

Niggers who use the internet must reach climactic levels of frustration because they cannot react to banter with explosive physical anger.

white person #1:Hey dave nice shirt, you know my gay cousin has one just like that, I should introduce him to you some time
white person #2:Na, I'd hate for him to cheat on you
*both laugh and get along in a friendly manner*

white person #1:Hey dave nice shirt, you know my gay cousin has one just like that, I should introduce him to you some time
Nigger:What the fuck you say muthafucka!?!
*cheap shots whitey on the chin*
Nigger:muthafucka Imma cut you real good Nigga!
*murders whitey and gets a life sentance in prison*

Because in reality, they look down on you, and their jokes are ways to reveal bits of how they feel about you

Because they know niggers usually act like niggers, so when they see an nigger, they expect them to look for any excuse to chimp out.

Plus, upsetting blacks is kinda like making a retard cry -- no matter how right you are, most people are just going to think, "hey, that fucking asshole picks on retards".

They might feel comfortable around you and slip a non PC joke or one that can be interrupted one. After they said it they remembered that you have the power to have them fired and ruin their lives and they are pleading for your mercy

Why'd you repeat yourself?

They're simply aware that niggers in general are be extremely sensitive.

>t. i've never met a inner city black in my life
They'll call you "white boy" and beat your ass just for looking at them funny. 33% of blacks are criminals. I can't imagine they'd take a joke from some punk white faggot lightly.

Because one wrong word, and they might trigger a chimpout.

They're just trying to keep you from burning down the ghetto

Not sure where you live. Maybe Darwin

Why do blacks always think it's about race?
Your average American manlet is intimidated by any gut that is 6'2".

No, it's because people have more pity for blacks because they have a lot more to be embarrassed about.

We can't be real with you it only leads to problems

I say funny ass slightly racist shit to blacks all the time. I can say a lot of negative things about your race, but you people laugh easily. And in my experience you take a joke well. Just the other day, I was walking down a hallway with some brown paint, saw a dindu who lived in the building walking towards me, and made a fake motion like I was going to douse him in the paint. He flinched back, and laughed, then I said
>I'm going to paint you brown... Well, browner!
He laughed his ass off. And this was in Detroit.

many reasons but it depends on the person.

black males from the age 15-35 commit about half of all the violent crime in the US. half of all black men have been arrested by age 23. it's only common sense to be wary around blacks. what if one of them goes all Gentle Giant on you

See, now a reasonable person could argue that that thought is racist. A SJW would argue that it's racist without even knowing your thought about blacks not being able to swim.

It's 100% about race. Height really doesn't matter that much (I say as someone in that ideal sweet spot in terms of height). Unless you tower over someone (which 6'2" compared to the average 5'9" doesn't really), you aren't intimidating them with height alone. It's about race because you know someone at the office probably won't fight you, but he can call you a racist and talk to HR (in which case you'd be screwed as a white person).

Don't worry you tar faced cunt, come down here and you'll be made a monkey of (get it you fucking primate?)

When I was closing up shop with my two white coworkers and 1 black coworker, the black coworker had bought a UV light like pic related. He was gonna walk to his car in the dark with it. I told him it kind of looks like a gun, so make sure no cops see you or otherwise they might shoot you. Everybody kind of chuckled.

The next morning I was told that somebody reported me for racial harassment and that I was going to be fired if the "investigation" (they just basically ask the guy who reported it more questions) finds anything. I got fired a week later. It was a shitty supermarket job but goddamn it I needed it to pay my bills.

That's why whites are reluctant to make jokes around niggers. Being a racist is the new Red Scare of the 50s.

> get it you fucking primate?

But cops shoot blacks with guns. Were you fired for being racist against white cops?

>don't apologize to you
>you start crying about racism like a typical nigger
>they get called into HR and fired cause they are white men
>they lose their job and can't feed their children
>their whole life is ruined because of a sensitive nigger

hmmm I wonder why they apologize to you, you stupid nigger, it must be because they are intimidated by a thick lipped chimp who only got hired due to affirmative action quotas.

Whites apologize and say they are just kidding all the time. It's not because you're black. Stop being so paranoid.

maybe because a large majority of your population are violent idiots


>Black guy asks honest question on POL
>About white co-workers being socially awkward
>Gets blamed

They aren't intimidated, they just think you're a snowflake. If they were scared of you they wouldn't joke in the first place