Someone give me a case of why fascism is better than liberalism
Genuine Question
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Why did she smudge feces lines above her eyes where eyebrows should be?
Less non-whites.
I know it's fucking disgusting. She seems genuinely pretty, she should leave her face alone.
weird that you guys cannot answer this gentleman's question. perhaps the american education system is as bad as everyone says it is. interesting
I gave a intellectual sound, entirely objective and thought provoking answer desu.
>just assuming his gender, in the current year
What a bigoted faggot.
*an intellectually sound
Shit. This doesn't help my case one damn bit.
Explain how Trump is fascist first.
Hi sage-faggot! Tbh I can no longer tell the difference between the two. Pls kys
I think your question is disingenuous: I think you're trying to suggest that 'conservatism' is synonymous with 'fascism' and 'liberalism' is synonymous with 'whatever the hell the bloody left is doing these days'...
You are wrong- conservatism is, however, better than the leftist marxism and identity politics of this modern era.
what you're calling 'fascism' is actually centrism, both right and left leaning, and what you're calling 'liberalism' is in fact, communism and since anything is better than communism, bui yaka
Because the overwhelming majority of people are so stupid they don't know their own best interest. They need to be told what to do the same way parents tell their children what to do when they're not developed enough to understand why, because it's both in their interest and in that of the nation.
Liberalism raises individualism above collectivism. Fascism is the correct mix of both individualism and collectivism. Liberal propaganda wants you to think it is completely collectivist. This is not true.
Liberalism either says collectivism is bad, should be second to individualism or the collective dimension or aspect of organizing societies doesn't exist. But it does exist. Ignoring the collective dimension doesn't make it go away, and if you're not optimizing for strength in that dimension, sooner or later there will be an accumulation of weakness-inducing values and beliefs in it.
Liberalism is actually not one smidgen less collectivist than fascism. It's just that is leads to collective weakness instead of collective strength. You've seen it firsthand. Liberals demand the complete eradication of personal opinions and the complete destruction of the freedom of conscience. All personal opinions must be supplanted with the "politically correct" views. It's just that those views are not objectively true and objectively lead to weakness of both individuals and society (i.e. the collective).
Liberalism is the ideology of collective suicide.
Liberals still cling to that objectively wrong notion of equality that is as morally irrelevant ~actually~ as geocentrism was to Christianity back in Galileo's time.
Fascists value and worship strength, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, health, beauty, excellence, self-discipline, virtue, science, reason and objectivity. Everything good in this world.
Liberals value and worship weakness, stupidity, foolishness, ignorance, sickness, ugliness, mediocrity, complete lack of self-control, indulging in every pleasure, vice, pervasive deception and myths, bullying social ostracism, censorship, solipsism and learned helplessness.
This is a true redpill
Facism is better because it preserves your race and country from the outside world, even against other species.
What planet would be more prepared for a direct hostile alien invasion
Planet A: Liberal planet that banned guns and weapons of war long ago
Planet B: Fascist planet united for 1 cause to survive in the cosmos.
quite self evident,TL:DR liberals deny reality, fascist embrace it.
Facism is better because it preserves your race and country from the outside world, even against other species.
What planet would be more prepared for a direct hostile alien invasion
Planet A: Liberal planet that banned guns and weapons of war long ago
Planet B: Fascist planet united for 1 cause to survive in the cosmos.
quite self evident,TL:DR liberals deny reality, fascist embrace it.
Facist seek truth, through reason.
Marxist deny truth, through ignorance.
What about hoppean libertarianism? He specifically designed his theory around eradicating degeneracy in a libertarian society.
>that depends on whether your a nigger or a kike.
More pics of her:
Fascism concentrates power in the few. It means stuff gets done. This can mean prosperity or destruction, depending on the leader. Liberalism takes that power and smashes it apart, so a country drifts forwards towards destruction, and destruction only, all be it at a slower rate.
Liberalism is fine with mostly white people. In fact, it's preferable because it allows white people to better harness their creativity.
The problem is when liberalism becomes multi cultural.
are we talking about true liberalism or the leftist shit that hijacked the term?
just come to europe for a week you doesn't even matter anymore where you will see...believe will see
Fascism worked wonders for Germany in regards to economy as the entire nation was mobilized efficiently without any bureaucratic hindrance in rebuilding the country. Its main weakness is that you need to have a strong leader, in which you'd have to rely on a human. And as we all know humans is retarded.
While in regards to liberalism it seeks to equalize everyone is social stature and the seperation of powers. While noble in goal, its not sustainable as it would destabilized any form of cohesion in a society.
Because the world is a fucking mess due to liberalism.
them tits
what does 4chin mean by this
>Fascism worked wonders for Germany in regards to economy as the entire nation was mobilized efficiently without any bureaucratic hindrance in rebuilding the country.
>bureaucratic hindrance
You mean the French trying to humiliate Germans?
Germany has always had a strong economy since they are the most numerous and industrious in all of Europe. This means they're also highly bureaucratic, with loads of hindrance, but only the larger companies could go passed this.
TL;DR You're wrong and nobody loves you.
are you kidding me?
Worked wonders. As in post WW1 everything was in ruins and the Chancellery was inept and hideously divided with liberal and conservative parties at each other throats , German industries were in stunted. It wasn't till the Nazis stepped into power that it was mobilized to full capacity.
TL;DR you are a moron grasping at straws.
As you are an American, who se country has been under decade of cultural and ideological subversion during the Cold War. I'm going to have to ask you to define those terms first before I answer. As your definitions are unlikely to match the rest of the world's.
>It wasn't till the Nazis stepped into power that it was mobilized to full capacity.
This was merely due to the French and the Weimar republic halting the industries. Once Hitler told the French to fuck off everything went on its natural course.
TL;DR You're a buttplug for the social elite