Porn should be illegal.
Porn should be illegal.
If you spend 75% of your time everyday watching porn, you need to rethink your life.
By what compelling state interest require people to be locked in cages over media involving nude humans?
If i don't like your opinion, i execute you.
We /MENA/?
People have the right to look at material that appeals to them, as long as it does not infringe on the right of others. If you find pornography wrong, then avoid it and stay away.
What about solo porn?
kill yourself
don't tread on me
Agreed, it stops men from obtaining real women.
>speaks for himself
Absolutely. Though its going to be hard to wipe out. I suggest removing all copyright restrictions on porn and banning the commercial production of it. That way you'd pretty much destroy the profit incentive from the porn industry without too much effort
I don't think that's good enough. I've seen porn that simply should not exist. These girls allow themselves to act out being raped for the sexual pleasure of men. I don't understand the mindset, but I know it should be stopped.
why? you cant control yourself so you want others to do it for you.
i am All stops men from obtaining real women
What about drawerings?
If they were not actually being raped and were just acting, then there is no problem. You have to let adults make their own decisions.
you force is strong with
No, but may be way more restricted. It is to easy to get, not good for you and our children.
Porn is a symptom of the main illness which is guys dont feel sexually satisfied. There really needs to be community centers where teen boys get taught how to ask girls out, work out, eat properly, other important male knowledge.
Ban porn, weed, anime, and hip hop music and you will fix 90% of America's problems right there.
There's a huge problem. Jerking off to rape is a problem. I know it isn't real, that isn't the point. If the thought of rape turns you on, that's a problem.
The orn industry is a very gre area in it's own when it comes to political affiliation.
But you are right, I've seen things that simply shouldn't exist too. However, material like this could be censored by certain sites.
Aren't these done with contracts? Don't they all consent before these acts?
>Aren't these done with contracts? Don't they all consent before these acts?
Yes, though I'm sure many regret it later. And pornstars are always coming out after they retire saying they were coerced, and drugged, and raped while in the industry.
The point isn't even that they consent, it's that what they are consenting to is wrong.
It's a waste of time. I'd make porn, popular music, art, bars, drugs, basically everything illegal.
We've been too tolerant and have relaxed our standards to such an extent that we've really "Amused Ourselves To Death."
We were supposed to be in flying cars and living on the Moon and Mars by now. All this freedom has led us to nothing. No goals.
I agree, it's definitely not a good sign to be into that. Some porn is disgusting and degrading. However, i feel that if the porn obeys legality and consent is given, that no one is harmed or coerced or drugged into it, that it should be able to exist.
>I'd make porn, popular music, art, bars, drugs, basically everything illegal.
t.Oliver Cromwell
Now that you do mention this, I have heard many cases of such in the past. If this really shows to be a wrongful trend, we shouldn't try to ban porn itself, I believe you should tackle the industry behind such. An actual investigation on some of the biggest studios and personas in the industry could indeed lead to arrests or prosecutions.
Did Jews push porn?
That's what fathers used to be for.
It shouldn't be illegal but you definitely shouldn't watch it.
Who else?
how about you fuck off, I hate Sup Forums for responding to this shit.
The thing is, it's bound to happen in porn. Remember that James Deen guy? One girl came forward and said he raped her, and then tons of other porn stars talked about him being inappropriate with them. It's not surprising. He's spent years having rough sex with women, slapping them around and watching them pretend to enjoy it. His boundaries started to disappear.
One girl told a story about him. She said that while they were shooting a scene, he was being too rough with her, and she wanted him to stop. He agreed he would, but then while they were having sex he would pinch her in the side, intentionally causing her pain. He'd do it on the side of her the camera wasn't seeing, so no one would know.
people who think pussy should cost more than it already does are retarded.
as if men don't have a hard enough time already
I know for some time in America it was banned under indecency laws.
prostitution should be legal
this guy gets it.
That's why porno movies have plots. It could count as "art" if it had a plot, even a stupid one like a pizza delivery boy shows up and gets his dick sucked.
Interesting actually. I'll really have to look into this more. Recommend any good documentaries that cover stories and the porn industry itself?
There's gonna be porn any way, bt at least it's gonna a little more shameful, they found senators watching porn during a hearing, enough said.
Miscegenation should be discouraged.
>sure the government should decide what I can watch and what not
gas yourselfs you cucks
If Porn was illegal I'd probably kill myself.
Real women literally cannot compete with 2D dude. Fucking toxic 3D sluts can go to hell, I'll die before I give in to a cancerous western woman. I'm no one's bitch boy, the only thing that makes life worth living is knowing there is an alternative, they fucking hate it with all their being too.
>I'd probably kill myself.
Such a weak cunt.
I don't know about feature length documentaries, but there's this one anti-porn video that I really like. I find it really inspiring actually.
And here's another about a female porn star. These Fight The New Drug people do good work.
>Tfw you will never find a boyfriend free girl, because you watch too much porn
And how would you go about enforcing that?
Enjoy being cucked by tyrone and losing half your shit.
> I'll handle my woman
You'll go to jail for domestic violence.
> we'll i just pump and dump anyway
Degenerate piece of shit that you are, competition is the only guarantee of quality.
You deserve the modern woman.
Theres one on netflix
I forgot the name...
Its mostly about young girls entering the industry
>[action that does not direction harm another human] should be illegal
Kill yourself, you fucking statist.
The worst part is I know you have blacked bookmarked, you insufferable cuck.
It's called Hot Girls Wanted. I haven't watched it, so that's why I didn't recommend it. I've been meaning to though.
>Enjoy being cucked by tyrone and losing half your shit.
That would imply I lived in Cuck country in Burgerland, Leafland, or Europoor.
Prohibition works and there isn't a single historical event that disproves it.
That is the dumbest thing I've read in awhile son. You would kill yourself if you couldn't pop to people screwing on video? Hahah. Sad.
Excuse me, my mistake.
Enjoy getting kim dong un's giant COCK shaped missile up your ass. He fukd your girl to.
>porn doesn't directly cause harm
>implying incitement to suicide should be legal
Why is shilled so hard here? How is it any different from any other interracial pornography?
go to sleep thad you're not suppose to be using the internet anyway
Too late for me.
Keyword, directly. And no, mental issues or abuse in the porn industry doesn't count. That's like saying we need to ban highschool janitorial jobs.
Freedom means the ability to make the wrong decision as well as the right one.
Hell, I'm all for legalizing prostitution too, even though I don't partake in either. Stories get me harder than acting ever will.
Also, there is the word tit in prostitution. That's funny.
I agree. However, it is a necessity so we don'y act on impulses. How else will I get my decapitation warm corpse-groping sadist yuri?
Because it's shilled so hard, it's the only website I, or the average user, can recognize.
This too
nothing should be illegal.
People should naturally be incentivized to not need to look at porn.
do you have social interactions with women?
Stay away from college whores and you'll be fine.
Also get some education into how to handle women without hitting them in the face. If you're a whining beta of course you'll get cucked.
I agree. Porn is degenerate and has measurable, detrimental effects on the human brain.
do you seriously watch porn? what are you, some liberal neckbeard nu-male?
It sure is. This is the most degenerate video I've ever watched. Everything about it is sickening.
All there are these days are college whores or closet sociopaths.
> but you just aren't looking hard enough/in the right place/on the moon/they are real in my mind
If you want to go unicorn hunting you can go by yourself, I'll just keep wacking it to hentai and having the occasional night stand.
I'll look into this, thanks!
>*Rape laws should be illegal
you probably should kys in all honesty
>Porn should be illegal
certain types of porn are, just because you don't like something you want it banned for everyone else?
Sweetie, no.
I have Porn hun, why would I do that?
Back in the early 2000's israelis had taken over three Palestinian tv stations in Ramallah. They started broadcasting hardcore pornography as a form of psychological warfare to make the populace subservient.
Porn is inherently a jewish invention and should be illegal.
I have the right to violently exterminate lolbertardians.
Time to turn yourself in Richard
Indeed. 3D porn should be illegal
you know how many fucking cucked white boys I see on here say "lol i dun want real wimminz" or "real wimminz are too hard" or "they're all tranny tumblr fags now" on here???? fuck all of you. you're adding to this problem. go out there and be a goddamn ye-olde hero. respect your woman and create firm boundaries. porn has destroyed how all you goddamn cucked males view women. a wife is supposed to be there to bear you children and you're supposed to provide for your children and she's supposed to obey you and be loyal. porn destroys all thoughts of this and reduces it to "lolol i like to cum in this slut lolol"
-sincerely, a happy married man who's been having GREAT sex for years
You're an idiot
>its not the increased wages of women
>its not the new wave feminisim encouraging women to focus on a career first
>its not the rigged court systems in favor of women
>its not the ease of women to find guys online
>its not the princess mentality western women are raised on
>its because porn exists
Oh wow thanks user, you really cleared that up.
That's another thing. Porn drains your will to pursue a real woman. It's just bad all around.
Harlots and whores have been a thing for a long time now, so have been their "shows", even in older times. Also prostitution(and its variation,porn) is said to be the oldest female profession, and for good reason. Only cucks would want to outlaw porn/prostitution. Of course when a girl from a good house goes the way of a prostitute , she was shunned. Same should happen , instead of outlawing it all.
Does it really screw up the wiring of your brain?
You bet it does. The only cure is going cold turkey for months.
I spend 70% downloading it and 5% watching it and still i feel nothing
Agreed, also producing porn or staring in it should have a mandatory death sentence by hanging.
In principle, yes. But it is practically impossible.
The use of pornography is related to the sexual revolution, which promoted casual premarital sex as central to the cause of female liberation. This of course resulted in an elite group of attractive men having casual sex with numerous women. This left a large proportion of less attractive (not unattractive) men wanting what they couldn't have -- so they turned to the next best thing: porn.
The only solution is a return to a religious morality, in which men have to make a serious commitment to women before they can have sex. This will benefit the majority of men who find themselves outside the elite, and the majority of women who derive little happiness from casual sex with men who would never commit to them.
Script that mass downvotes "interracial" and "bbc" porn
→ #
Has it helped you? I'm curious in learning more about this.
I use porn as a sexual stimulant to make White babies. Being an asocial fucking loser who can't get laid or build a family should be a crime. Aka don't take away my freedom of choice you fascist scum, or I'll put my double barrel in your mouth and end your pathetic misery.
Define "porn"
Is it three oil covered lesbians furiously fisting each others assholes or is it a woman who's left the house with her ankles showing?
Hitler banned Jew porn back in the day.
There's scores of research about it.
In my mind, porn is anything that is designed to be masturbated to.
It shouldn't.
Jesus fucking Christ. What happened to my fucking country? Community centers? Holy fuck no wonder you fucking faggots can't get laid. (Stick to the script Johnny) 'Hh-hello local w-w-woman, take these fine trinkets as a token of my undying love for you' good God get a fucking clue.