Australian Teacher Quits After Islamic Students Threaten to Behead Her

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wow i never knew you guys could be such cunts

Glad she learned her place

Wow, it's almost as if there is a cultural propensity for violence, regardless of which country they live in.

who's gonna teach them tolerance? awh

fake news

one less leftard


just a bit of banter

i thought australia wasnt taking migrants, wtf?

is that why there have been so few aussie shit posts lately?

Wtf? Mass Immigration is literally the only reason we haven't had a recession. We're dumb cunts.

As for the teacher suck shit leftist idiot.

>Mass Immigration is literally the only reason we haven't had a recession.
please explain

Its the same thing here. Our GDP is a hair above zero with MASSIVE immigration.

Do some research and educate yourself.

>immigration makes the GDP go up goy, why dont u believe me?

Fuck off kikes.

yeah you goddamn retard, without immigration our gdps would be much better. Educate yourself

>Frightened teachers at a Sydney primary school have revealed students are showing signs of extreme radicalisation at a young age

Oh cool... we're next

A recession would literally be preferable to the long-term effects of importing large amounts of third-worlders

..... Race war ?

You deserve it for thinking you can wait out subhumans as you open the border to them. all whites deserve to watch their closest, most precious family member raped and tortured in front of them. Then maybe we'll see you weak faggots wake up and fucking do something about it.

They were obviously threats of peace.

What a drama queen.


I'm sure a lot of Americans can tell me about all the black on white crime in America

Maybe fix your own country before come talking shit about other countries you fat worthless cunt

This is literally how it ends for us.

Honestly, after reading this article I'm now 100% there's going to be a huge global racial war in my lifetime. And I think we're going to lose.

I didn't say australians. I said whites.

But you're so cucked and triggered you think your borders will matter if the USA falls to the browns as well.

You'll continue to post on Sup Forums about how white you are, as melborne spews more subhumans into the rural territories.

Soon you'll hear news about your town having gangrapes, about little children groomed, and your police will do nothing unless you make a big deal out of individual cases.

Then your neighborhood will have 1, 2, then 3 mixed-race families to go with the few token nigger families with your half-asian neighborhood.

Then you'll realize it's too late.

>And I think we're going to lose.
Yea I think this too but I'm also placing my bets on the Chinese to dominate the world

>race traitor
>also a defeatist shill

Makes me think out loud, xintai

Why cunt, just fucking why.


cool i love useless infighting

Rotherham is the child sex porn capital of europe, far outpacing moscow now.

wtf i hate islam now

cool, some more

Dumb boong

>I think we're going to lose

It's almost as if you weak cunts purposefully ignore my posts and take them out of context, makes me think out loud

Dude, that's fucking racist.

That teacher needs to go to jail.


that's a shitskin dude

I'd prefer to be a shitskin then nu-Sup Forums nigger lovers like you would say im le based and a real natzee like you.

>Punchbowl Public
Why am i not fucking suprised?

>nu-Sup Forums nigger lovers like you
try again faggot. Get the fuck out tortilla nigger

Not6ice these shills desperately sliding after being called out for being so weak and allowing this to happen?

it's almost as if they're bots.

>Mass Immigration is literally the only reason we haven't had a recession.

Yes, Brother