Why do millennials question religion buy not science?
Why do millennials question religion buy not science?
Stop making these threads.
cause science is based on evidence. religion is based on fee fees
Soe is my waifu, stop labeling her as an incompetent millenial.
Science is based on evidence, and demonstrably works, ya fuckin gook
Science is a joke nowadays. It's just libtards paying "scientists" to confirm their beliefs without actually testing hypothesis that contradict current consensus (AKA actual science).
Do scientists ever disagree?
Most of these millennials think that "evidence" is whatever a "scientist" says. They don't care about actual proof, it's all appeal to authority. Most of them can't read stats or a scientific paper, I guarantee.
they just don't want to interrupt their day to go to church
most of the shit they believe isn't based in science lmao, just leftcuck say it is
see egalitarianism, feminism, gender identity, economics, race, biology, etc
Because the state tells them. Religion can actually be subversive. Science on the other hand can be easily controlled and be used for control. Religion was always unstable as a tool of control.
Children today rebel against religion because they want to defy the tradition of their forefathers. In a few generations kids will become spiritual to rebel against science instead.
That's already happened.
See: the existence of bullshit 'x studies' departments, social 'sciences', and stupid shit like 'gender is a social construct'.
Christianity and modernism need to unite against the postmodern Marxists.
> kids will become spiritual to rebel against science instead
That's literally what happens here.
>I have never seen God so he doesn't real
>But atoms are real even though I've never seen one
most christians havent read the bible
Where did I even name Christians?
Also, not an argument, no parallels can be drawn from what I said. Two completely different things.
Some may question it but that is not my place to judge, I follow my own path before the Lord. Pushing 21 has allowed me to learn many lessons in life, but one of the most important is those faithful must stay true. True to God, everyone and yourself.
They question religion because they don't want to follow it's rules.
They don't question science because it doesn't establish rules and questioning it would mean doing work which they don't want. It was the main reason they questioned religion to begin with.
holy shit Sup Forums
this cunt has been posting threads with that same attention whore always with the line "why do millenials x?"
and you keep fucking falling for it. same with the cuck nip.
>Typical nu-male faggot answer.
Because of the cultural marxism and the conformity being pushed.
They'll see a man get turned into a woman by medical science and most of them will be fine with it.
They'll hear someone say something simple as "God bless you," and give you shit as if you're insane.
You know I go to church because I like the people but I fake it. Im gnostic but dont believe in the bible. Its just an old newspaper imo.
Why don't millennials falcon?
Science is
and does not require faith, or a lack of question. That being said, religion, here in the west, has done alot to preserve and further science and knowledge, and build people into the best versions of themselves. The stoic philosophers of late Roman and early medieval Christianity were wiser and more learned than most anyone you'll ever meet today, and tough as nails.
This is true. Major problem in Christianity
It's actually why so many Christians are cucked. The Bible says to throw faggors out, call out evil pieces of shit, cast evil people out of your area ect etc
Christians don't even know this. They just listen to whatever the retarded pastor tells them
same and jews lying about the effect of jesus for profits
This makes no sense the whole point of science is to question. We are where we are precisely because scientists disagreed with other scientists and proved them wrong
This and often in science something we considered correct is disproved later on down the line. People used to think the world was flat and now we have proven it isn't.
That reflects badly upon millennials, not on the scientific method.
Science, by its very nature, is anti-dogmatic. That's the whole point--- we look for the best explanations, based on the evidence available. We don't just say "Earth is flat, death to nonbelievers" like a bunch of retarded zealots. When new evidence is discovered, we accept it and improve our knowledge.
Cause science is self correcting. And it does not require a single but of human input or interpretation.
So just because we aren't climate scientists means we shouldn't accept global warming despite almost all of them signing a pledge that it exist? Are you guys fucking retarded?
Yeah and you could also use this and claim the Earth is flat.
This shit is what gives us conservatives a bad name...
Also, consider Christianity:
>religion invented by jews
>bible written entirely by jews
>call themselves "god's chosen people"
>god's son is jewish
>christfags literally worship a jew
It's time for all the filthy Abrahamic desert-cults to be destroyed.
Millennials dont question science, but neither do they believe in it.
Millennial post structural culture was created by post-modernism and critique theory; they claim that there is no truth, with no truth there can be no empiricism, as everything is a product of our subjective experience. Furthermore, logic can't exist, as logic and rational would imply at least some degree of objectivity, but post-modernism vehemently goes against this.
What Millennials do, however, is to instrumentalize science in accordance to their ideology. This is why you always here them cry about but CC deniers, but wont admit race realism.
But you yourself can prove the Earth is round. You can verify and observe it yourself.
Is there anything you can do to personally verify that the climate is changing due to human activity? Can you personally verify that "race is a social construct"? Or going broader with these "experts" can you verify that Trump colluded with Russia?
I'm tired of this "asking for proof means you are an anti-intellectual" bullshit the left has going on right now.
No, we should look into the actual situation within the scientific community, the results presented by AGW supporting scientist and definitely question any summarizing journalism on this topic, as this is a highly divisive topic, with MANY REALLY FUCKING MANY special interests.
You shouldnt just blindly accept it because it has yuge implications.
In fact, I was talking about them
Clear appeal to authority by a typical millennial. I didn't say not to look at papers and research, but to read and study them and use common sense, logic and reason before believing anyone just because. But you didn't get that because you obviously can't understand what you read on a goddamn anonymous board, let alone a scientific paper.
People do question science. It's called fucking science. It's how the process works. That's not the same as trying to deny scientific theories with lots of evidence because they disagree with your personal beliefs.
This is fucking retarded. Science is nothing but questioning. Religion is incapable of introspection. Delete this shit
Science an religion are the same thing. How do you explain the art?
You better learn a new argument instead of parroting the Christianity=jews meme fedora faggot.
>almost all of them signing a pledge that it exist
Most things you see on the internet were drawn digitally, like your pic. Not that some shitty nu-male with a tablet is anywhere near the level of talent of the old sculptors, or even just illuminators, of Christian history, but that once can feed the other, or they can exist independently. You know just 'cuz one thing's one way, doesn't mean the other thing has to be the other way?
Bill Nye goes on the news every night and says the planet would be a frozen wasteland if not for humans, when asked how he came to this conclusion he as lazily as you can get says "because science and logic you morons, it's well accepted by the scientific community and if you disagree you should be sent to prison for warcrimes"
So what exactly constitutes as science other than making a passionate declaration with no hard evidence?
Not that I'm defending religion...
Religion is based on faith, It asks you not to question it.
Science asks a question and seeks an answer.
What part of the scientific method involves consensus?
Religion is something made up .
Science is based on empiric proofs