What act of war would it take for every single peace loving man of the western world to leave his life behind, travel to a distant land and fight for the world his ancestors left for him?
What act of war would it take for every single peace loving man of the western world to leave his life behind...
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No one knows now since barely anyone's been alive to witness an atrocity that would be that motivating
Do you really think our sons and grandsons will grow up in a society that has them take pride in their identity and heritage? I don't. Not in today's world with these SJWs infecting our education system, MTV, Miley Cyrus and all the other trash pushing degeneracy down the kids throats. We in the year 2017 as young men are the last hope. You think being 'redpilled' will even be a thing 60 years from now?
Bump. I guess eceleb and blocks your path threads are Sup Forums now
Nothing. Any war worth fighting has already happened. Everything is done with drones now
Many experts on 4th generation warfare disagree.
also checked
Are you a secret nazi poster from Antarctica probing for tactics when the time of the 4th Reich comes? I'll have you know I reported you to my friendly neighborhood JIDF
Not true. During a cease fire you can wage war with physical violence and intimidation. Instead of immediately uppin the ante to projectile weapons.
There was one general (I think Mattis thinks this is a bunch of shit tho desu) who said that the future of US deployment will be these small, tight-nit teams of basically defiant Chads with cool tech and 3d printers that will help print parts. I didn't favorite the article on this CPU, but if I had it I would link it.
Some really interesting shit is going on. Drones are just a major component of what is coming and what is already here. Not the big picture.
>travel to a distant land and fight
I wonder who could be behind this post.
A nocturnal Scotsman watching LoTR in bed and reading about the crusades
Nice meme tho
I wouldn't travel to a distant land to fight because I don't care about any country other than the US
If anyone were to invade the US I would definitely fight
Honest answer:
I'm really pacifist. generally dislike our government, but strongly feel for other people's suffering. It would take something incredibly major for me to go to war. A country nuking another would probably do it. I'd be more likely if they attacked the US or a western european country, less likely if it was against Russia/ China. Definitely not if we (US) were the ones to use a nuke. Short of nuclear weapons, if a country set up concentration/ killing camp type things or attempted genocide I'd be willing to fight.
This is what I'm asking. What would it take? Half your country being nuked? Something else?
I wouldn't travel to a distant land to fight
The only land I care about is already under my feet
If people stopped "travelling to distant lands to fight" and kept their own bullshit in their own shitholes the world would be pretty decent
What do you think the Crusades were about dude? What motivated the men back then?
yes, if the muslim hordes invaded, I would fight (as previously stated)
yes, if the muslim hordes kept their own shit in their retarded countries I wouldn't have to fight (as previously stated)
we're agreeing. what's the issue?
It sounds as if you'd sit back and allow Europe to be pillaged and burned. Maybe I can't read. 8am and I haven't slept. Peace
>tfw you are asking me to take pride in Canada...
>tfw not being cucked would result in me cucking myself...
I would, because I'm not european
that sounds like a problem for the european, doesn't it?
I hope you wouldn't allow that
typical fucking rest of the world
>"Please USA! Save us! You're our only hope!"
A nuclear terrorist attack in Europe. If it happens in america it becomes a war against whatever subset group is responsible. If it happens in Europe its a war against the entire group plus anyone nearby.
I wouldn't fight for anything short of an ethnostate. I really don't give a fuck about my country or any other Western countries interests when they just being handed over to shitskins. I'd sooner face imprisonment than raise a rifle for this soon to be Asian shithole and I sure as fuck won't be fighting in any war with Russia.
Good goy. Be a pacifist. Just let them fuck you with mild complaints until your ass is dry. Better yet let them fuck your wife while you tell the bull how unfair it is. Being a pacifist is equivalent to betraying your country or people. You are a cuck of the highest degree.
>fight for the world
let me get right on that ahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaha
Destruction of the shire
someone bombing that dome in Mecca, I'd honestly be so disgusted
I would ride forth to kill Sup Forums Nazis in glorious battle to preserve classical liberalism.
i dont think anything could motivate people to do that now, most would probably hide
The moment when muslims terrorists intentionally attack a place full of children, schools or playgrounds.
The moment innocent children start dying, is the moment the mothers start going berserk and with them their fathers.
An event like that would be the turning point.
>Go to war so women can keep fucking 10 chads per month with no consequences
Just let the west die already. Don't save what ain't worth saving.
Reaper invasion
If trump tweeted "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" desu
This is what will happen in the UK
>Major terrorist attack, possibly a drone bomb against the royal family
>all key royal family members die
>mass riots begin
>police are underfunded, told not to go out on call
>lynch mobs everywhere as social order breaks down and cities descend into violence
Too bad the UK will not be a race war, merely everyone vs muslims. Even Nigerian Christians will go full dues vult in London if they get the chance.
Are you even white? I love America too, but Europe is my ancestral and cultural home. I would fight for Evropa before I saw her destroyed, of course the people there would need to start it.
I just need a leader.
If the God Emperor calls me to war then I will go to war regardless of the reason.
Deus vult.
Muslims bombing Rome
Someone will eventually do this. Although the initial global reaction will be sympathetic, the subsequent untargetted rage of the muslim world will force the civilized nations to band together and dimantle the existential threat once and for all.
Remember 9/11? The whole world was behind America.
Till they started bombing people that had nothing to do with it.
It's will be like that. Times Jihad squared.
Like Beslan, you mean?
Anything that would cause him to lose his high standard of living and peaceful sheltered existence. The main reason nobody ever retaliates against the Muslims is that they're shamelessly selfish and unwilling to give up their pampered sheltered western bubble, that and cultural-Marxism domesticating and feminizing them.
Today, nothing. There are too many people too far gone. There's no way everyone in the western world can ever unite. There's have to be infighting until one side won and then that winning side would unite to do whatever they felt like doing, whether that be fighting the threat or joining it or submitting or whatever
Sup Forums has poisoned your mind if you think sjws are the majority. At least here in aus I'd say 9/10 people either make fun of buzzfeed and MTV etc or are just completely unaware of their shenanigans. No one gives a shit about sjws except for sjws and trolls.
The banning of online porn.
McDonalds closing down
>What act of war would it take for every single peace loving man of the western world to leave his life behind, travel to a distant land and fight for the world his ancestors left for him?
A good trap for every western man
>tfw nearly no one here owns a gun so I can get away with using a halberd
>tfw truly deus vult
I'm not in one of the capital cities, but I can tell you that of a wide sampling of folks of different ages around me, most would rise against Islam with violence.
I actually don't think it's possible for our country to end up like Sweden. Cunts just won't stand for it.
They might take Melbourne and Sydney, maybe a few other capitals (looking at you Adelaide) but they won't be as successful here.
I can't fucking wait for them to try though.
Even the boongs, barely any want to convert to Islam. Nearly all of them are 'Christian' in one way or another.
9/11 was that event. many thousands of young males gave their lives.. but nothing is going to make every single man do what those men did
The way that's described makes it sound like a shitty deal for anybody but those who will profit economically from the "victory". They are basically suggesting that the warring states will be competing to destroy all reasons the other has for being a nation, for the ultimate goal of control (resources, economic/political policies, etc). That the war itself would not even be visible at the surface, and the participants unreconizable as soldiers.
What would be the point of being a participant in that? There is absolutely no glory and nobody will ever recognize your efforts. You are ultimately just a tool for the merchants seeking to rule the world. One step closer to the NWO.
>he doesn't own an activated musket
nothing. you watch too much tv.
It takes decades for a war to develop and for the violence to really seep into a culture.
I guess this is the twilight of men
Israel dropping the act, ending beating around the bush, and outright stating something to the effect of "everything has gone exactly as planned, now all of you will suck our nuts."
I wouldn't fight in a war unless I was forced. Fuck dying.
My mate and I were talking about this today.
My thoughts are that it would need to be some kind of nuking of an "innocent" nation
Like one that is generally seen by everyone as a decent place with decent people.
It'd also need to be done openly by an actual nation.
Couldn't be done by a terrorist group since there's then no one to war with.
For example, if the chinks, for whatever gooky reason, nuked new Zealand, would you guys attack them?
If a big nation with a sufficiently asshole culture did something like that to say, Japan or Taiwan, or maybe even aussie, I'd want war.
Aussie not so much, just because fuck Australia.
I'm kidding ausbros, I'd fucking sign on tomorrow if a country fucked with you lads.
um what?
Move to Alaska
Its going to be the last frontier for white people (the whole Arctic circle is)
Once the polar ice caps melt in the next 10-15 years.
I'd absolutely sign up if somebody fucked with my kiwibros, no questions asked.
See the thing is, I love myself a good lamb chop. I think nearly every patriotic Aussie does. As a modern day Aussie I'm also concerned with maintaining a healthy, fit and powerful physique. Well I dunno exactly how you New Zealanders do it but your lamb always seems to have a higher concentration of protein compared to anywhere else. Absolutely amazing. Like you're giving them protein shots or something. So yeah I'd definitely be down to fight against anyone who fucked with NZ no questions asked