Right wing retards BTFO by based Paul Krugman.
The Republican Party is an absolute mess!
Right wing retards BTFO by based Paul Krugman.
The Republican Party is an absolute mess!
Who the fuck is Paul krugman?
The guy who claimed the stock market would crash if Trump got elected
Oh I don't know.. just a Nobel Prize winning economist.
Trump tax policy will lead to an increase of 7.2 trillion in the debt according to The Tax Policy centre.
Meanwhile Repubilshits are already reaching the $20 trillion debt ceiling limit. MUH FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE!
What a mess!
This is what trickle down/small government economics gets you. Soon you rural retards will feel the effects of Trump's retarded policies.
A kikel
Referencing a Chosenite. You are a disgrace to Australia and your Saxon brethren. Off yourself immediately.
Debt doesnt matter as long as it doesnt exceed 100% of the country's GDP
Nobel winner who went full liberal. His words sometimes seem rational but he's often quite obnoxious
>nobel prize
>meaning shit in 2017
It doesn't change even after 100%
What a joke, he didn't earn his (((Nobel))) Prize. Cut the dumb shit, secure the border, build up the military. MAGA
>Paul Krugman
I'm not even going to bother to read it. paul Krugman has never BTFO anyone but himself.
So far only ad-hominem attacks.
In short: Trump supporters are stupid and will feel the negative effects of Trump's policies.
>Baited by a jew
Sup Forums is done
Paul Krugman read 1984 and thought "thats a good idea"
Why can't you learn to sage?
You as well. Why aren't you sageing?
Why can't you learn to sage?
>Right wing BTFO
>Links some random bullshit about an American neo-conservative globalist Jew run party
Are you a fucking idiot, cunt? Trump's a moderate and won't even open up gas chambers or concentration camps let alone remove spics and niggers from the country. Give me your address so I can come and rape your kike asshole, faggot
Why aren't you sageing?
1) Republican replacement of ACA is shit-tier. Republicans have no plan and really no idea what the fuck they're doing.
2) Trump is going to struggle to get fiscally conservashit Republicans on his side to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure -- markets will be pissed if this doesn't pass.
3) Debt ceiling limit of $20 trillion will be reach in a couple months which forces conservashits to either live by their own words and live within their means and cut spending thus reducing the debt OR become the hypocrites that they are and raise the debt ceiling limit despite refusing to do so under Obama thus being the mirror image of the big government retards that they claim the Democrats are. The only way to reduce debt is to cut social security and medicare which Trump doesn't want to touch. Trump can't have it both ways, you cut taxes you reduce governmetn revenue and are forced to cut Medicare or Social Security which totals nearly $2 trillion of government spending every year because you have less revenue coming in.
These are just some issues there are probably a dozen more. Trump is a disaster.
>4 posts telling people to sage
This is how autistic and retarded Trump supporters are. They simply can't into political discussion without memes and soundbites. Sad!
2 months in and this crackpot is already a disaster.
After he is done with the Presidency (after impeachment) The Republicans will never be able to recover as a Party. Demographics alone suggest that this was the last election that Republicans could realistically win. After 2020 (if the country and world manages to survive) it will be a Democrat dictatorship.
People should still sage threads when the OP is only interested in making personal attacks and cite such an incredibly discredited source such as Krugman.
paul "the internet is a fad" krugman. master economist.
The personal attacks have been made against me and Krugman.
Nobody has refuted anything that Krugman has said. Calling him a kike or making failed predictions before doesn't negate anything that he has said in the article.
The Republicans are a disaster right now. The ACA replacement alone is enough to document this.
This doesn't address the article though and is thus irrelevant. Economists make failed predictions all the time. I can post one of the hundred lies of Trump and use that to discret whatever he says but alas that wouldn't be an argument would it.
>The personal attacks have been made against me and Krugman.
>This is how autistic and retarded Trump supporters are.
hahaha! What happened to small government and fiscal conservatism!?
Also it will reach 100% under Trump. It's already at 75%.
But you made no argument so it's not an ad-hom attack.
Get rekt.
I never said it was. get rekt
This is Sup Forums. Do you really think we give a fuck about Trump's economic policy, or most other policies? If Trump can reduce the number of shitskins in the US and make it difficult for more to come, he will have done everything we wanted and absolutely nothing else he did will matter.
Your priorities are terribly out of whack.
60% of Americans want stronger environmental regulations -- meanwhile Trump wants to completely defund the EPA and continue to deregulate environmental regulation.
This guy is 100% in the pockets of oil, gas and coal companies. Talk about draining the swamp, lol.
>This is Sup Forums. Do you really think we give a fuck about Trump's economic policy, or most other policies?
I recognize most of you are losers and NEETs, yes.
>If Trump can reduce the number of shitskins in the US and make it difficult for more to come,
There is no Muslim ban and even if we assume there is, there are already millions of Muslim-Americans not affected by it.
And even if we assume he deports a lot of illegal people, the demographic shift is already underway - i.e whites will become a minority. There are 14 million asians, 38 million African-Americans and 55 million LEGAL hispanics in America.
Even without the deportations, whites will not avoid becoming a minority in their own country.
I guess some emus are dumb as rock. Trump never really cared about environment. His main priority is economy, ECONOMY. Climate change shit's getting old now.
>Even without the deportations, whites will not avoid becoming a minority in their own country.
We realize that you moron, what we want to do is slow the process down so that we have as much time as possible to convince whites that we are right. Therefore, when shit goes down and the shitskins start murdering, raping and trying to enact evil policies on whites, they will be as prepared as possible to fight. Our real goal is a white ethnic state, which can probably only be achieved with partition. Trump will help us with this
The point is that he is not really a populist if he is going against the interests of the majority of the people, dummy.
Climate change is happening as we speak. Only a retard would deny this in 2017. How many more NASA climate scientists have to come out to explain it to you dim-witted morons before it gets through to your head that all that carbon that is pumped into the atmosphere has an affect on the planet.
So majority of american just want more stable economy, you dumb cunt.
>hur derpy derp climate change and weed
Only ones shrieking about other bullshit are obviously left-leaning rabid hipsters like you. And I'm actually doing my part helping an environment, not driving a car, not using an air conditioner, are you doing your fucking part? You motherfucking hypocrite. This is why I despise the left in general. You fucks don't have any morals to claim any superiority. Now fuck off and make out with a tree.
>Therefore, when shit goes down and the shitskins start murdering, raping and trying to enact evil policies on whites, they will be as prepared as possible to fight.
This is such a retarded fantasy and has zero basis in reality. None of this shit is going to happen. But keep stockpiling, m8.
>Our real goal is a white ethnic state, which can probably only be achieved with partition.
How do you propose to get rid of 40%+ non-whites? Dividing the United States up into different countries will mean you will seize to be a country.
An ethnic state will be difficult to achieve with a 90% white population let alone a 40% and growing non-white population. Hell whites could be a minority already depending on how you define 'white'.
Democrats make up half the white population, boom 50% of whites will not be white nationalists. The rest of them are independent or republican. White nationalists probably make up 5% of the Republican voting base.
In short, your white ethnic state will never ever happen. It's beyond a fantasy.
>Trump will help us with this
Nope he won't and he can't. Trump is not a white nationalist. He's a moderate civic nationalist.
Maybe if you faggots actually allowed objective studies of global warming instead of screaming muh science is settled and shutting down the moment someone asks you how much of it is due to anthropogenic activity and basic shit like that
>So majority of american just want more stable economy, you dumb cunt.
You can't have a stable economy without a stable climate you filthy degenerate retard.
"Four global warming impacts alone—hurricane damage,
real estate losses, energy costs, and water costs—will come with a price tag of 1.8 percent of U.S. GDP, or almost $1.9 trillion annually (in today’s dollars) by 2100"
> And I'm actually doing my part helping an environment, not driving a car, not using an air conditioner, are you doing your fucking part?
The point is that your impact will always be minimal, the biggest populters are not households but large multi-national corporations, dummy. The point is to get government to reduce emissions + invest in renewable energy.
>You fucks don't have any morals to claim any superiority. Now fuck off and make out with a tree.
We're talking about the future of our children and grandchildren you selfish dogshit disgrace of a human being.
I spit on the face of any white nationalist who claims to care about the future of his race and children when he blissfully ignores the environment.
Stop with the conspiracy theories, retard. Nobody is stopping you climate change denying fucks from publishing your peer reviewed research.
It's creationist bullshit all over again.
It's been settled a long time ago that human activity makes an impact on climate. Only conservashits who are paid by oil, gas and coal companies keep denying this and claiming conspiracy
Fuck even oil companies don't even deny the impact anymore.
you know the industrial revolution and the little ice age coincided, right? The booming economy of the industrial revolution..and our most recent drastic worldwide climate change event -coexisted.-
>the most recent 'little ice age' is fascinating for how it impacted so much of our world; from colonial troops freezing at Valley Forge to Napoleon on the Russian front to Mary Shelly writing Frankenstein. Its a fascinating period.
There's a very plausible theory that the Industrial Revolution, by putting soot into the air, caused the end of the Little Ice Age. Fascinating stuff, look it up.
you are a leftists shit head and dont belong here get th fuck out shit skin
>We're talking about the future of our children and grandchildren you selfish dogshit disgrace of a human being.
All the more reason Hilary's not the answer, you inbred mongrel. Inviting all the 3rd world immigrants aside, the whole fucking crew is filled with fucking pedo, you shit eating motherfucker. Grin and bear with Trump destroying lgbt nonsense and transgender bathroom shit.
that's the most jewish thing I have ever heard, if only they could involve a bagel and an over-bearing mother.
You funny.