Do you respect black U.S military?
Do you respect black U.S military?
If they aren't fucking retards that give the military a bad name, sure.
I hate all niggers.
I don't respect any military
Even the ones in your military? That's sick
Mixed race classrooms perform worse than all white. I have no reason to believe military is any different, I bet there are internal studies. So no, faggot, I don't think we should risk lives so you can bask in the diversity of your nigger military.
the military currently uses affirmative action to promote officers. this puts the lives of soldiers at risk with authority being determined solely by race and skin color.
>certain things should be based ONLY on ability, not making quotas to avoid looking racist
>hurr duurr look me with my big guns
>yes Mr shekelbergenstein I'd love to go die in a middle eastern shithole for your oil profits
Correlation doesn't mean shit there, captain
combined with the sad fact that our military is at Israel's disposal, that we send our soldier's to die for their benefit, has replaced all respect with suspicion and shame.
for Trump to make our military great again, he'd have to segregate the armed forces and free our army from its Jewish masters.
(never gonna happen)
Sure, why not?
we should segregate the military
The leaf is right for once.
Also, /reddit/ get the fuck out.
I don't respect spics, either.
They have inferior intelligence.
Imagine being led on the battlefield by a nigger or a spic with a double-digit IQ. Imagine entrusting them with your life. I'm sure a lot of people have needlessly died because of their intellectual incompetence.
You don't have any proof
There's a difference between a black man and a nigger so if blacks can pass the tests set before them by the white man then so be it, I respect their character and achievement. They either accomplish the mission or a black dies so it's a win/win.
>All these faggots ITT who've already forgotten about our greatest hero Dorner.
In my experience, blacks in the infantry are 50/50. Half are worthless hoodrats, and the other half are based and fucking hate other blacks.
Not even the ones in the military?
After actually joining the military I have the same opinion.
Used to fight anyone who says that military is bad in the slightest.
It's a terrible institution. People with way less resources and support can become better warriors all on their own.
You fags are in denial. If you're so desperate to signal enlist, kill mudslime and post pics here.
You don't have any friends.
>People with way less resources and support can become better warriors all on their own.
explain plz I would like to kill at least one nigger/mudshit to cancel out my failure of a life before I die.
he is just bait-trash shitting his 'feelies and believees' at us. ignore this sheltered & socially conditioned garbage.
A nigger is a filthy nigger.
Only a White Homogeneous Military is superior.
Waffen SS Wiking vs American mixed shit-tier Navy Seals.
We all know who would come out ontop.
Fuck niggers and these shill le_reddit fag threads.
Civic nationalism is the cancer destroying western civilization.
Look no further for examples of why letting subhumans into your military and excusing it as "w-well we needed manpower goy" being a disaster than the visigoths and the end of the roman empire.
Only five oh double up niggers.
>muh based black
>*listens to nigger music*
>*uses nigger vernacular*
>you mean
>*watches BBC porn*
>*smokes illegal drugs*
>they just like us!
Kill yourself nigger lover. One drop rule and Dorner is still a nigger
Look up Lithuanian/Polish partisans
Vietnam farmers
And these dudes:
>implying blacks make up any significant portion of any SOF.
Navy SEALs would since technology, training and equipment is on an entirely different level these days. Besides SOF is majority white.
With Affirmitive Action , they will
>nigger loving faggot
>from the caliphate of "please rape my children"-stan
>If I call him an autist, that invalidates all of his points and I wiiiiin!!!
Some of the niggest nigs are in the military bro. In fact, some real A1 pieces of shit regardless of color are in the service. Blindly showering military people with respect just because they were in the military is ignorant and can be dangerous.
t. Navyfag.
Kek'd and checked.
the entire US army is full with subhumans.. you can't respect these "people"
They literally use Waffen SS Training and modeled the special forces on Germany's Elite.
Also the Fallschirmjagers ( German Paratroopers) were even more Elite than the Waffen SS.
NSDAP had the SS
Luftwaffe had the Fallschirmjagers
Kriegsmarine had the Kommandos
Idk what the Wehrmacht had.
I mean the do have a better chance of dying so that's a positive
nice la
Fuck off we're full
Kek be praised.
>Other victims
had a giggle
i unironically believe niggers are more or less on the same cognitive level as anyone else, so yes. thanks for getting cucked while i fuck your GFs back home, whether youre white or nigger dont matter to me.
I respect anybody who displays appropriate civic virtue. Whites are more likely to do this and pretending otherwise is silly, but the non-whites who step up should get their due respect in kind.
na i dont respect any us military rofl
Nigger-loving faggot.
Degenerate waiting to hang
digits dont lie. neck yourself.
>There's a difference between a black man and a nigger
Goddamn am I sick of seeing this meme.
the Wehrmacht had the werewolf
>uhh arguments, arguments, where find!!!
Face it, you got BTFO'd by a LEAF. Do the honorable thing and sudoku yourself.
Pure speculation off racist anger. Next
Figured you CIA boys would like the military
thats funny, because no one respects a kiwi
What are your accolades in life? Lmao
Psychopath. Next
Building funds and training a group of men to splinter into cells across white lands and preparing to hang you and your family.
There's a big split with them. They are either 100% mentally retarded, or actually pretty decent at what they do.
Every time this commercial comes on.
It's just funny how they hype up some negress for plugging in color coded wires into a generator, in what appears to be a mild tropical storm.
Ah, so nothing. Kek, loser mentality. And of course has degenerate fantasies
Wasn't the Waffen SS Werwolf a post ww2 guerilla resistance force ???
((( Speculation )))
The US military is run by satanic kabalists.and are one of their jew world order tools.
the very same fuckers who operated slave trades of the west which these niggers blame whitey on.
I dont respect anyone who serves them at all.
The jew desperately sews defeatism in a hope that his shock slaves will still be around to save him when the day comes.
I am the lowest most pitiful nigger. Im attracked to dicks on chicks. I dont know why this is so, maybe analogues of duality principal>eternal halves
Do you even know what that word means?
Lol I'm white, just not a pathetic sperglord like you are. Degenerate
Murder without reason is degeneracy at its finest
Only blacks I've ever liked served
Not an argument, loser
>respecting deck apes
Uh, no.
Who thought it was a good Idea to train these outgroup monkeys?
Our people spent all this time mastering war and weapons to give them to enemies within.
Its like training a bunch of wetbacks and let them loose on the country
a lot of niggers in the military take bullshit MOS like "dental hygiene" or "AC repair". Go up to a 88M (truck driver) battalion and 90% of them are niggers. They are real pussy and don't go infantry most of the time
Reality check
Scoring gaps on the SAT between Blacks and Whites are increasing.
Income differences do not explain the increase, nor do they explain the scores. Whites from poor families scored more highly than Blacks from wealthy families.
In addition to this, almost no Blacks are among top-scorers on the SAT. A simple calculation of race-neutral competition for collegiate admission yields that if affirmative action were removed from US universities Blacks would matriculate at less than one-third the rate they currently do.
I love them! As a vet who served from 2001 before 9/11 to summer 2006. They can become very useful in times of war.
I respect anyone who puts his or her life on the line to defend their community.
I stress the word defend, though. If you've joined just to dick around with guns and kill people, you can fuck off.
>everyone who BTFOs me is a trump supporter
Do you respect black Finnish military?
>Back pedals after being called out
>has no argument to discredit the face that his nigger genes are inferior
>keeps replying to me as if he isn't BTFO
Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van.
Depends on the person. Lot of based black guys in the military. Also, with reduced standards, there's actually black gang members as well.
>So paranoid and angry he calls other white people nigger
I have no skin in this game, but if you are going to splurg your "superior" genes all over the interwebs without being laughed at, you might want to spell check before posting.
>don't you think those blacks are based and just like us, fellow hwhwhite nationalismist?
Close the top and bottom plates of your mouth completely and get back to me clive