Are East Germans ashamed of their ancestry?

>Be me
>Talking to German chick
>She mentions her family was from east germany
>Casually mention that I also have Russian ancestry
>She gets upset


Yes because east germans hate the russians. You deserve this.

Deserve what?


A sensible chuckle, I guess


homophobia - a cover for dictatorship (?)

bumping for sauce

Pretty sure it's either a gay man who got his head kicked in or someone saying bad shit about gay people who got his head kicked in. Not sure which.

That's what I got out of it!

Top jej


and this is his over

I was with an Ossie for two years. She was a total cuck, but I think that was due to East-German education + Young Pioneers. She did admit the current German government will "never be able to socialize these (Muslims) people".

>americans being proud at flaunting their ignorance, episode #693745

>can't comprehend bantz mixed with ironic humor




How does it feel being cucked out of so much legroom, Lars?

Also, Hi if space Germans are watching this thread.