Oh fuck. Did Boogie give him the bluepill?
Oh fuck. Did Boogie give him the bluepill?
just make an e-celeb board already
wait what happened between Jon tron and boogie??
Who the fuck are these people and why are they repeatedly being discussed on the politics board?
only pills he needs are fucking diet pills
No idea, but I don't trust Boogie. He's sketchy, and his relationship is also sketchy. His morals are unstable and so is his lifestyle.
Whatever happened between the two must not have been good, considering that the fat man approves of it.
Obvious, but kek'd anyway.
Faggots and this board is secretly gay.
Hold on a sec I'll imply myself out:
Because they've been discussing politics
>two fat ecelebs talking
fucking sage
He told him about the benefits of swallowing HIV+ nigger semen.
Celebrities that have a considerable amount followers that can be used as platform to spread the Sup Forums message between young impressionable minds
>jontron and boogie hatch scheme to become defacto posterboys of altright
>altright permanently BTFO
>Jontron gets into a debate with destiny
>Jontron is bad at debating, and messes up
>Boogie says he doesn't agree with Jontron's position because racist is bad!
>Says he still wants to be friends and will try to change Jontron's mind on things relating to race and immigration
>Jontron realizes that to be an e-celeb in the gaming world of liberals you must be a libtard
Because JonTron has had a controversy over his political beliefs, which I feel belongs on a political board rather then something like Sup Forums.
Milo tried that, Spencer tried that, TRS tried that. Look at what 8ch aka Kripplekikechan did to them.
No dude he gave him the ecstasy pill because he is an epsilon male.
Jon will probably grow the fuck up and leave the Sup Forums bullshit behind. Thats what will happen.
Is he /ourgoy/?
Have an alien.
Twitter seems to have gone nuclear. or at least his page. can't connect for shit.
Jon is an impressionable fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if he backpedaled because of some biased statistics out of context.
the 'debate' only served to show he's no idea why blacks are problematic and why modern feminism is bullshit. if anything, he indeed came across as a racist. specially if he backs down now, because of fucking Boogie of all people.
Boogie is public image cancer
The last thing you want is him going Sup Forums
hey at least we have /soc/
Destiny? ofc
used to like boogie
fuck him
he talks a good game about losing weight and gets sympathy points from retards and gets them to donate to his pateron and laughs while he uses their money to stuff his fat face..
YEAH THE pandering level is insaaaaane, the wight loss trying to defend that -8 lbs in what was it three years(?) was success and that "ILL NEVER BE BIGGER G"UYS" lmao bullshit
>wait what happened between Jon tron and boogie??
Hopefully there's no video.
Well, at the very least you can't go around spouting outrageous 'facts' that you learned from a Sup Forums meme. After a while it can be easy to forget how far a lot of this stuff is detached from reality and how little evidence you actually have for some of the crap you've been told.
Let me guess, these are some 'internet celebrities' that have a cheap (((agent))) that pushes their bullshit on imageboards?