Americans need to be shown where their limits are

32% border taxes on German cars built in Mexico? That is illegal under WTO rules and we will not tolerate such shit - Trump will thus never implement any barriers which could hurt German exporters.

Other urls found in this thread:

Germans probably rely on American consumerism more than Americans rely on German goods. Fuck off Sharia fag.

Based germany strikes back

>America incidentally empowering Germany and China

And this is why I didn't vote for the Red Hat Man, I knew this was going to happen because of what the Aussies and Krauts were talking about.

The only way to stop this is to prevent the dipshit from getting a second term.

America doesn't give a shit about the WTO. Pound sand or do something about it Abdul.

What are you going to do? Sanction us? Fine us?

Hitler had it right, even with the Jews boycotting them, they were still the most economically powerful country in the world

You and what army

who would make america pay?

reminds me of chinese """""debt"""""

Technically, we could nuke your shithole country.

also you can technically fuck yourself. USA USA USA

> we will sue over tax

Lol bye NATO, hello Frexit

germany has a good point, their cars are fantastic.

a strong germany needs a strong economy, merkel saying it does not change it.

we want a strong germany, not a weak one that encourages leftists.

>America doesn't give a shit about the WTO.
America would immediately go into recession if Trump announced to withdraw from the WTO... and withdrawal is the only way to impose punititve tariffs on imports. Which is why no American president has ever impose such high tariffs on normal products from Mexico or Germany etc.

Technically they could nuke Germany. Its overdue.

Trips of truth. Nobody is capable of enforcing this. Even if the entire world teamed up against America it would result in a net loss.

also this, trump is just meming and understands why being friends with germany (not merkel) is a good thing.

germany is a solid ally full of good people and he wants to help them rid themselves of the leftie cancer

their cars are shit

>their cars are fantastic.

Their cars are fashion brand cars not only like Apple is fashion tech slapping their logo on companies they both swallowed up.

German cars suck ass. They're getting carried by their badges.

Ask Japan how well that went for them.

What cars do we have to brag aboot?

Lol do it faggot.

So this basically confirms she will bend the knee.
How bad at negotiating can you be, fuck european leaders truely are to stupid for their job

>32% border taxes on German cars built in Mexico
Hitler-bitch is paying for the wall. Winning.

bullshit, a mercedes w210 is one of the most reliable cars in the world.

german cars are great if you keep up with their service intervals which the cars are designed for.

you know why some turn to absolute shit? because niggers lease them and don't maintain them.

>implying Trump can't unilaterally withdraw from the WTO under article XV
>implying even seriously threatening to do so wouldn't cause an immediate move to revise whatever Trump wanted to prevent a new American-lead alternative trade block and/or trade wars
Do you feel in charge, Germany?


lmao who cares

Bitch is as dry as her ovaries. She can't do shit to stump the Trump.

>Merkel suing America
Oh God. First, she ruined relations to Russia and now this? What the hell is she thinking?

Fuck off back to your third world shithole with your globalist WTO, soon we'll burn it to the fucking ground but not before we glass the middle east

You know, all that money would go to Israel anyway. Why fight it, are you an anit-semite?

>Do you feel in charge, Germany?
Well, Mutti obviously does. 3rd world standard inc.

CIA chill detected, fuck off back to the Clinton News Network

Do something kraut. You wont.

Checked and Heil Hitler

She has also ruined relations with GB. Only France left till we have diplomatic relations like prior WW1.

What do you drive?

Bbbbut EU... Hahahaha! Maybe we'll let Russia annex you.... Again

>That is illegal under WTO rules
It isn't. You're allowed to put tariffs on goods under the WTO. Even if it wasn't, the WTO is so far biased in America's favor that even when we "lost" disputes nothing happened.

>stresses ties with Germany
>Germany continues centralizing Euro power
>In turn looks to trade avenues with China
>stresses ties with Australia
>Australia in turn strengthens ties with China

Do you see how this works?

I don't want a strong Germany, or a strong China but Red Hat Man is going to make it happen.

Fuck off Jerry

>>implying even seriously threatening to do so wouldn't cause an immediate move to revise whatever Trump wanted to prevent a new American-lead alternative trade block and/or trade wars

Trade wars are trade wars. They are ugly and actually happen. See several instances with China. And China caved in firing over 1 million workers in the steel and coal industry as a result of economic sanctions.

>>implying Trump can't unilaterally withdraw from the WTO under article XV
Because the US Congress would ever allow this, the financial turmoil and the economic recession following such a move would make the Republicans lose the next election. The dollar would be in free fall.

"Clearly anything that would potentially raise prices for our customers in the US is a concern for us," Walmart CFO Brett Biggs said Tuesday on a call with reporters.

Last July, Trump threatened to pull the US out of the WTO during an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Trump warned that the withdrawal could take place if the organization tried to interfere with any of the protectionist proposals he puts forth after Todd said those policies could run afoul of the WTO.

"It doesn't matter," Trump responded. "Then we're going to renegotiate or we're going to pull out. These trade deals are a disaster, Chuck. World Trade Organization is a disaster."

As The Wall Street Journal wrote following Trump's remark, withdrawal from the WTO "could void the deals the US has on low tariffs with countries around the world, potentially exposing US exports to steep levies from a host of trading partners," in addition to costing the US when challenging other WTO members on rules violations.

they gonna send you a VERY angry letter


good job exposing the WTO for the shit it is

Somehow I don't think the U.S. will be very threatened by the aging, dying boys club that is the EU.

who gives a fuck about germany anymore ?
we literally did everything wrong what we could in the last years and our media and politic are getting stronger and stronger into the islamic direction.
I couldn't give less shits about this land full of betas cucks and subhumans

>Bbbbut EU... Hahahaha! Maybe we'll let Russia annex you.... Again
By 2030, we will be in talks with Putin's successor government about Russia's EU membership application.

The EU will expand, it is its mission and its destiny to cover all of Europe.

Von Finnland bis zum Schwarzen Meer, Hans. When you find your balls again, we'll be ready.

This is for not shaking hands at the press conference lol. Someone's assmad.

She already started on france years ago. Germany and france aren't best buds in the eu


>You're allowed to put tariffs on goods under the WTO.
Up to 10% on cars, not 32%.

>Even if it wasn't, the WTO is so far biased in America's favor that even when we "lost" disputes nothing happened.
That is not how the WTO works. The WTO is a set of rules which allows member states of the WTO to enact tariffs and other barriers. Or in other words, the WTO would allow everyone in the world to sanction the US for imposing a 32% tariff on goods coming from Mexico.

Red hat man is probably the most obvious shill name for PRESIDENT TRUMP I've ever read here lol..
No one..literally no one here ever used that...
the people who pay you should be embarassed

honda civic
drive it like the POS it is and shit has never broken down on me once

oil change every 6 months lmao

civics are tanks

>who gives a fuck about germany anymore ?
We are leading the EU, which is the only remaining superpower opposing America which does not have trillions in US dollars as reserves to be concerned about.

Germany literally is the only real adversary to Trump in the whole wide world.

No one is to blame for the fact that American cars are shit.


Merkel might succeed in centralizing the bureaucracy of Europe, but as her unhinged policies spread and fluctuate seemingly at random, instability will drastically limit economic and military capital.

Merkel is paving the way for European Balkanization by attempting to reduce individual nation state power in favor of a administrative mega-state, causing internal strife in all member nations.

TL;DR: She's going to help unite the nations under one European flag while simultaneously fracturing them within their borders.

this, most burgers don't understand the eu is literally the 4th reich and run by former nazis.

germany rules the entire european continent with an iron fist.


>That is not how the WTO works
I hate to break this to you, Hans. That is how the WTO works. WTO is NOT a set of rules. It's a dispute resolution forum to enforce GATT. These rules have never actually been enforced on the United States despite a lot of crying from developing states. You should seriously look into criticisms of the WTO. It's the primary one.

Jesus, this delusion.

>Germany literally is the only real adversary to Trump in the whole wide world
You realize your Prime Minister is a Gladio plant, right?

Germans lie about everything anyway. Their cars are not as good as they claim they are.

You charge us more for American cars built in Mexico. Then your politicians claim they don't sell because they're bad cars and not taxed to death.

>Germany challenging america to a trade war

Seeing as everything hinges on the American consumer market, this is a card that could never realistically be pulled.

We were willing to accept the death of our pharmaceutical benefits scheme (and a thousand percent increase in the cost of aspirin) and the imposition of a super-state commercial tribunal that could undermine our federal government's enumerated powers just to get a chance to sell wifi adapters more easily in California.

Sure, you can posture over the rules, but actually demanding compliance or going head long into a trade war is farcical, and the US knows it.

If they call you on the bluff, say 'okay, we'll withdraw and move to full protectionism and tariffs' mass unemployment is going to be more of a European and Asian issue - the Americans would be looking at nowhere near the same repercussions.

Technically Trump could nuke Germany.

Anyway, that 32% tax would simply pay back the bill Germany owes for the U.S. provided security.

Germany can't do shit.
They are de facto doing currency manipulation.

They intentionally fucked Greece, Spain and Italy over in order to keep the EURO undervalued.

This way Germany can export all their shit.
Germany can have a great economy as long as the rest of Europe sinks away in unemployment and economic distress.

The President has unilateral authority over international trade agreements. His power in this capacity is second only to his power as commander in chief of the armed forces.

The implication that the WTO is somehow integral to functional international trade is a fallacy outright anyway - In the 6 month period before complete withdraw, an effectively identical agreement could be drawn with the changes Trump desired. This would be a complete waste of time and to prevent damage to international markets (which would be shared by non-US entities at the outset) the WTO would bend the knee and acquiesce to his (effectively meager - lets be honest) demands.

He's literally been built up as a mad man since he started running. You think the international finance community is going to play chicken with him in the one capacity he has complete control over? He could literally say fuck it and nuke the treaty. Top kek. Merkel is just posturing before the election.

Are subject nations even allowed to sue their overlord? The US has military bases in Germany, this makes them technically the ruler of the BRD.

See how dumb the phrase "technically we could do X" is? Now get back in your shed and let Ahmed fuck your mother.


Look...We're a bit worried. But we're happier you picked Trump than Clinton, who would have continued Obama's behavior, which was provoking full bore crazy town in the South Pacific.

Now it's scary because we might be on our own, but at least we aren't being told to gear up for war.

Fake News from Fake Jews

who will enforce this? Who will make America pay if they lose the lawsuit?

who cares, USA can do anything it wants

Somebody gon' get occupied. :)

>their cars are fantastic.
Not those made in Mexico

Murkel shut up you dumb bitch.
Haven't you caused enough damage?

>That is illegal under WTO rules and we will not tolerate such shit

Yeah no

Sit the fuck back down.

germany has an empty hegemony. merkel is turning europe into yurostan. it's dying.

Burgerland has the biggest trade deficit.
No wonder even Drumpf often talks about that.

I get the feeling Merkel is trying her hardest to completely isolate Germany. And it seems to work.

>It's a dispute resolution forum to enforce GATT. These rules have never actually been enforced on the United States despite a lot of crying from developing states.

Sorry, but GATT has stopped existing 23 years ago. Are you 60 years old? From the WTO itself: "a rules-based, member-driven organization—all decisions are made by the member governments, and the rules are the outcome of negotiations among members".

Yes, there is a dispute settlement system under the WTO rules and the outcome of it is exactly what I discribed.

Jesus, people are delusional around here.

>Somebody gon' get occupied. :)
We already are. Doesn't seem to work.

Germany has a strong engineering and manufacturing sector because they don't outsource as much.

Now Trump is doing the same.

Merkel isn't wrong to protect her interests. Trump isn't wrong to protect his.

It's not an argument. Both sides are going to do what they need to do to protect their interests.

But that's because we want cheap shit, not because we don't have the capacity to make it ourselves. I'd rather pay more and employ Americans.

>they gonna send you a VERY angry letter

lol this

I can see it now

"E-excuse me, M-Mr. Trump? Sir? Me and the European nations, well, we were wonderin', I mean, if it's not too much trouble..."

>Drumpf proposed high border tax for german goods
>Merkel response

>>Germany challenging america to a trade war
And another kid doesn't understand how trade works. Close to HALF of US exports go to Mexico and the EU. HALF. And that is the dispute here, the trade between the US and Mexico which also affect EU manufacturers in Mexico.

What about russian cars my pinko pal?

Germany has the best educational system and economy system worldwide.

You know zero about the automotive industry. Quantitive sales are trivial to that industry. Automotive-owned banking and credit hold far larger and inherent economical importance. Kill yourself you smelly muslim.

>Anyway, that 32% tax would simply pay back the bill Germany owes for the U.S. provided security.
When will the US pay rent for all the bases in Germany which it used as staging grounds for countless illegal wars that Germany opposed such as the Iraq war or the Libya war? The bill is around 200 billion.

They will do fine even without yours AUDI.

I was looking at important a car from based america, but noticed that at the swedish border, a meaningless 35% tax for the total worth of the car would be imposed.

Why is this? Any economyfags? It's extortion!

Being a cuck I can accept 5-15% tax for some reason, but they are basicly just taking half the price of the car and putting it in their pocket for no reason?

Also economy fags, what would happen if these taxes were dropped, so we all could buy from basedmerica with 0% import tax?

My biggest problem:


This shit of making the whole world connected is just a bureaucratic nightmare fucking everyone over at every chance.

Until we have space colonies, all countries should be separated and isolated.

My way of living should not be affected by some cunt across the world who is unhappy that she isn't rapeable enough for the refugees she brings in.

>They intentionally fucked Greece, Spain and Italy over in order to keep the EURO undervalued.
Are all Ahmeds from Brussels that delusional?

>Germany has the best educational system and economy system worldwide.
Then why is every Bundesland except Bavaria and BW dead-broke? Why is the new generation so stupid?

It doesn't add up. I guess the masterplan is, as always, to destroy Germany, but what the hell is so important about us?

if Germany declares trade war on the US,
the US will simply use its influence and money to
destroy what's left of the EU (which wouldn't be hard)
Germany would then either surrender and crawl back to the US
Or go the way of Iran, Venezuela, North Korea etc...

>illegal under WTO


This car costs less than one of your piece of shit dodge challenger or srt. Good luck against germans when it comes to cars

how will Germany make America pay if they win the lawsuit?

WW3 or what?

>The President has unilateral authority over international trade agreements. His power in this capacity is second only to his power as commander in chief of the armed forces.

Wrong, look up how the WTO treaties have been ratified in Congress and what the president can actually do. If it were a normal simple bilateral trade agreement, yes, but not the WTO or UN or NAFTA membership. Trump can't do shit about them without Congress, except in case of imminent war using emergency powers... with those orders being subject to Congress' approval after they are issued.