Is Sup Forums an anti-semitic board? I seriously can't tell any more.
Is Sup Forums an anti-semitic board? I seriously can't tell any more
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Nay. We pulled a Stalin
No, only a few Islamic brotherhood ISIS idiots on here hate on Jews and Israel.
Israelis are bro-tier, they fight the good fight.
It's for "politically incorrect" thought, whether true or not.
Sup Forums is a board of general hate projected at anyone who is not fat, white, and stupid.
really made me think
Sup Forums is a board of rural and suburban retards
It seems like r/the_donald cucks really have taken over this place. Sad!
Sup Forums are muslims masked as whitey
Allahu akbar
behead those who insult Sup Forums
Go back to R*ddit.
I literally have 1 post on reddit and it was a test post
Go back to /his/ or /leftypol/ then, faggot.
anti-semitism is a firmly jewish trait
and Sup Forums is the most jewish thing since circumcision
Fuck off Sven
Sup Forums is a board of love and peace faggot.
>Is Sup Forums an anti-semitic board?
No, Sup Forums is a Christian Zionist board.
The Jews are our white allies in the fight against Islam.
We are instructed by God to defend and support the Jews.
God bless the Jews and the nation of Israel.
>Is Sup Forums an anti-semitic board
it is nationalistic
Semitism has no place in any white European nation, the pro-White movement will always be anti-Semitic.
Spotted two Ahmeds, one with an American proxy and one from Sweden.
Ahmeds are easy to spot. Their sentences are short and usually they have a Swedish flag somewhere in their post.
Stormfront has had strong presence here since before /news/ was deleted and eventually came back as the board we have now and used to have a decent amount of people on old Sup Forums as well so there is a significant amount of antisemitism but Sup Forums isn't one person. Before the great reddit migration these past couple of years and the birth of nu/pol/ there was also a strong libertarian element, there are the conspiracy theorists, the /x/ tier conspiracy theorists, the unironic commies who have been invading, trolls just trying to get a rise from the various groups and pretending to be the others, shills/JIDF/CTR/shareblue or whatever you want to call invasive elements trying to discreetly invluance dicourse in their favor, and people like myself who hold some views in common with Sup Forumsacks but not others, for example I myself really like national socialism as an economic model and the emphasis on civic duty but can't get on board with a lot of the other stuff, namely because I'm ethnically Jewish.
So in short, yes but not always seriously or sometimes only semi seriously. Nu/pol/ really seems to like sucking Israels dick for some reason though, I can't complain but seeing that here is fucking weird man.
>Sup Forums is one person
Some shitpost for us , some shitpost against us.
Some really hates, some really likes us.
But every Sup Forumsack will agree that you are a cuck.
>I myself really like national socialism as an economic model and the emphasis on civic duty but can't get on board with a lot of the other stuff, namely because I'm ethnically Jewish.
And this is why Jews can never be trusted. Nationalism and racial purity in a country doesn't benefit them in the slightest, unless it's in Israel.
>Nu/pol/ really seems to like sucking Israels dick for some reason though, I can't complain but seeing that here is fucking weird man.
Yes, it's sickening. I blame r/the_donald.
Jews did 9/11
Sup Forums only hates leftist jews
right-wing jews are white
We hate Zionists/neo-Cohens too.
I have no issue with jewish people. I hate canadians and mexicans more then any jew.
I'm not bigoted I hate all races equally. Dosen't matter if you're white black jew sandnigger asian hindu.
There isn't a Sorting Hat for Judaism.
Awaken my goy, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind, eternal will of the Illuminati, and that you have been created to serve me.
>ethnically Jewish
Don't worry the ovens getting nice and toasty right about now, how about you lean into it and feel the heat.
It never was.
/pol is a board of peace
Damn right
>swede jew
like pottery.
>the african kike shitposter from /sg/
back to the oven with you.
Are you retarded? Have you even read my posts in this thread?
My enemy's enemy is my ally.
Israelis and Sup Forums have muslim jihadists as mutual enemy.
Half of the board are Mossad agents in disguise, the other half is redpilled
Yes it is.
People who try to support jews are just nu/pol/ faggots from r/the_donald who can't comprehend that Trump is a zionist puppet who would crash his country if a jew commanded it.
So they embrace it and say "b-but only conservative and zionist jews are ok, the liberal lefty kikes are ruining everything" "s-suport b-based Israeli against evil muzzis"
Sup Forums was alway anti-semitic and fought against JIDF and posted merchant every second.
But for now i would likely fake support Israel just to fuck over Muslims while really supporting based anti-zionist fighter Assad.